Xiahou Dun
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  • Some of you heard moving talks from my sister, but my thoughts. Strong opinions from a really mad and resentful person ahead.

    My dad wants to get a high enough value for the house to sell it at best price. But given I'll be out by May, I don't give any more shits about the property value of this house. After that remark implying my sister and I are spoiled because we don't cook food he bought us (only the bean curd, but everything else from pork blood to cauliflower to bean sprouts to potatoes to beef we fucking cooked and he didn't eat one shred) as well as his decision to prioritize his wife (which I don't get because he never showed any love for her), after that remark implying I'm a freeloader and wants to move out with my boyfriend just so I can take advantage of him and play games, who cares how much this property goes for. Who cares where he relocates. I wanted to maybe clean up the garden, clean up our room before, but now my motivation is exactly zero. All dad reinforced to me that once I'm out and I keep touch with my sister, I really don't care where my dad ends up.

    Oh and he said my autistic irl friend can't get a job because he's "mentally sick" with that disgusting condescension which made me even more mad and spiteful. Called him out and he corrected himself but it was half-assed and how dare he even talks like this in the first place.

    My dad has a sad pathetic, friendless existence where the four other family members developed a deserved resentment on him and he can live the rest of his life hopefully knowing he's pathetic.
    Animal Crossing: New Horizons: Cherry and Poncho are enjoying their 6 tiles of outdoor space we've given them while we slowly craft iron bars.
    Animal Crossing New Horizon is all about the relaxing atmosphere of a deserted island knowing that 10 running outdoor generators surround your ugly neighbor's tents.
    The onslaughts of ports and remakes don't make me super excited, but you know what will? *Very* old games that get new content. Smash 64 getting new characters, stages, and items. Paper Mario 64 getting bonus worlds and partners. Diddy Kong Racing getting new tracks and characters. Super Mario 64 getting all new world. Mario Tennis 64 getting new characters and courts.

    Yeah ROM hacks, you say, but what if there was official effort to expand old games? Old games keep the nostalgia value especially the retro graphics, but feel fresh at the same time. That would be hype.
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    Reactions: zel
    I agree yeah. SM64 and PM64 and the other ones you mention could really do more with content whilst keeping the classic material. However I would like a graphical upgrade, as someone who wasn't alive during the N64 era I don't have nostaligia for these games yet, and lots of people liked how the unofficial PC remake for SM64 looked before it got taken down. Maybe there could be an option to switch graphics, but if forced to choose one, I think it'd do the community more good than harm to go for the modern graphics
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    @Mr. Mr. Prosecutor Grubba a graphics switch sounds nice! It can please both players. It's just a matter of effort taken, though, and I prioritize a game with added content first. Otherwise the graphics would just be remaster/port territory rather than my original idea of what I want.

    @Doomhiker that's exactly what I mean! It's been done before!
    I can't find any answers on the Internet on why Blender 2.7's vertex paint does this


    Everything is selected by the way, it *should* paint

    It's a weird version of blender, that might be the problem, but it's the one I use to mod the Sims 4
    Who's still buying the Mario & Sonic games? They've been such empty suits since the third one, over a decade ago. Can we just not buy them and have them come up with better crossovers?

    How can you have a series of crossovers between two gaming icons and yet constantly stoke so little interest? That's some accomplishment...
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    Reactions: Vivian
    I do enjoy what Mario & Sonic had to offer, because it's basically simple games with simple depth. Just seeing Mario and Sonic interact is very cool.

    It's a shame that the online design for Tokyo 2020 is very unintuitive due to its fractured design, since you can only create rooms in ranked on a sport-by-sport basis, it's affected by ranking so there's matchmaking, and combine that with a requirement to have a minimum # of players (100m, for example, requires at least four players). The friendly rooms are probably better because it only requires a room of people to start and you can choose an activity later.

    It's also a pity that the latest game seemingly doesn't have post-release updates, since I think this game would benefit from them (especially more characters).

    Thank you for reading.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Don't think they should really charge at full price. And most minigames, eh, don't think they're all that compelling. Dream World stuff is good though, but not enough to carry an expensive game.

    Online being crapo in a Mario game probably isn't the most surprising thing, but probably still worth complaining.

    Roster hasn't changed since winter, the second game in the series. I'll be surprised if it will ever.

    @HombreSal Mario Party has more minigames and the minigames are more fun, there's several boards, and also you can elect to beat up Wario while in Mario & Sonic you're at the mercy of rng in terms of opponents. Super lame.
    There should be a Mario/Sonic crossover that's a campaign with a story. Like SMBZ.
    Something about Mario Tennis is apparently really infuriating to me because I keep dreaming times where I constantly miss AI serves and returns and lose games. Does anyone else have recurring dreams like this? I don't even hate Mario Tennis, just maybe the AI can get especially irritating since they have stupid reaction times.
    I'm kinda morbidly interested in what my local supermarkets look like. I don't want to risk catching or spreading the germ I can't exactly remember the name of, though.
    What? The LimeVirus? I'm not too worried about it.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    But just be careful, do some social distancing. We're gamers, hopefully that's not too hard. To me, not much of an adjustment.
    Source: Twitter
    I just learned today that the British flag's red stripes coming from the corners are not running through the center. They're actually offset counterclockwise.


    🇬🇧 🇬🇧 🇬🇧 🇬🇧 🇬🇧 🇬🇧
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    Reactions: zel
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    they also take breaks at 5 pm for tea and it's foggy only when it doesn't rain
    • Haha
    Reactions: Hooty
    i always knew the stripes were off center but i never knew they were actually like. consistently off center!
    re: Car Wash yesterday
    Sven Svennson.
    Sven Svennson.
    What on earth is going on in the image?
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    My oc, Zuka, is on the foreground. Two of White Lightning's OCs got into a fight, and Zuka had fired his weapon (next to him) at their swords to turn them into flowers. They also tried killing him with a grenade launcher, but Zuka transformed its ammo into bubbles. In the background, there's Long John Spaghetti's OC, Chroma Key, filming the scene, and he's next to BabyLuigiOnFire's OC, Ray Trace.
    Sven Svennson.





    Sometimes the graffiti I replace on the walls are just expressions of Every Thing My Sister and I Remember and Love Including from Childhood, but Photoshop Tennis has got me thinking, "What if I post graffiti textures and invite other users to collage their graffiti with their wacky images? that'll be hilarious once I put it in GTA!"

    I'll probably think about it again once I get back into GTA V modding though.
    All of these "who will win in a fight" hypotheticals usually try to measure characters on a physical strength aptitude. There's more to characters than their super powers. I'd like to see more fights based on diplomacy, ability to make the most friends, general kindness, etc rather than who can dominate the other. Among villains or villains versus good guys, maybe measure on persuasion.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Hmm in a debate, I'd say Wario just isn't all that smart. He'll just say "Money money money money money" and pick his nose in front of people. On the other hand, Bowser will just try forcing all his demands without any sort of concession, which doesn't work since it just causes people to not agree, so Bowser's not that all of great persuader either. It's kind of a difficult fight but I think people would rather be with Bowser than a man whose armpits is probably its own ecosystem.
    man whose armpits is probably its own ecosystem.

    i need this image out of my head and out now
    I mean I think there's a reason Super Smash Bros. isn't Super Diplomacy Bros.
    But you have an interesting idea
    Who would win in a fight Mario or Sonic?
    idk they'd just get bored and go to a hot dog stand and eat chili dogs together
    You mean bare footed
    Who would win an internet argument on Flat Earth Debate? Who would be on which side?
    Well Mario has recently been on globe trotting adventure where he's had several opportunity's to see the world from a birds-eye view from the Odyssey (not to mention the countless times he's been to space by now) and Sonic is fast enough to run around the earth. (and has also been to space quite a few times as well)

    So... they'd both likely be on the "Earth is round" side.
    That the U.S. misses out a lot on Franco-Belgian comics is a major shame. This seriously needs to be fixed, but how?
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Christ yeah the Big Fight movie spent a lot of time on Getafix's hallucinations after he gets smashed by a giant rock, as well as a lot of time torturing Infirmofpurpus, that one Roman that taste tested the magic potion Getafix slapped together while Getafix was still nuts. The book didn't spend that much time on those segments, and the film incorporates the Soothsayer book too? That's also weird. Oh and that film's the only one that's localized for the U.S. for some reason but that's an inconsistent one, where they remove lines and they add lines in some parts.

    I like the part where Getafix hallucinates Cacophonix's usually atrociously singing to seeing Cacophonix as a great rock star instead.

    I also enjoyed the Britain film too, though I think that was subbed. That one's closer to the book than the Big Fight is.
    I'm sad Uderzo no longer writes the comics but I can't blame him.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    He doesn't really write well compared to his excellent art. I took a look at Asterix and the Falling Sky and the premise of that one's already kinda stupid for Asterix standards, and Asterix is supposed to be silly. It punches you in the face with the reference to Mickey Mouse and too battling, I don't know, some insect thing that looks like manga and the pacing was really bad at points. The book doesn't develop anyone, the jokes are weak, the pacing is inconsistent, the characters take a backseat, and the messages are not subtle at all.
    The nubs on the back of Mario's hair are officially called "cowlicks".

    I assume that applies to Luigi's hair too. And probably Waluigi too.

    Wario has no cowlicks so don't ask me about him you morons.
    Do you wanna know more about me? Ask me some questions on my ask thread!
    Favorite N64-era Mario model?
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    I made a huge write-up on all the in-game N64 Mario models here, and while I like them all for their unique characteristics, I'm biased in favor of the Mario Party 2 model mainly for its wealth of facial expressions.


    I'm also pretty fond of the Mario Tennis N64 Mario, especially since the game he's in gives him a bit of personality (voice acting, crying when losing, the opening cutscene, the trophy cutscene).

    Finally, there are the models used for renders in games, and I like them because they convey a bit of sassiness that the present-day Mario doesn't quite have.
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    Reactions: Noct
    Didn't even realize that Mario had those facial expressions in MP2.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    A lot of them are in display in Look Away, that weird minigame with the bobbing heads.

    A personal general system stability improvement to enhance my experience.
    Wait this implies it's even possible to customize your profile pic? I figured the only data that sends is a number/variable and it corresponds to a pic on the local system. That makes me wish Nintendo allowed me more options from their IPs, outside what's currently on Switch. The fact that it's even theoretically possible for me to upload Fawful or Dimentio and they'll ban me for it feels like a big tease, IMO they should only ban for inappropriate content or maybe for characters they don't own.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Yes, you can change your profile pic. People that did do this, though, tend to upload porn and shit (don't worry the link is just a psa from reddit) so others can see it when they play Luigi's Balloon World. This is why we can't have nice things I guess. But for harmless profile pics, I guess it'll send the wrong impressions to those that didn't homebrew the console and maybe invite curiosity to it?
    Toadette knows she's cute
    That sense of betrayal you feel when you find nice Mario fanart in your twin sister's Twitter feed and she doesn't share it to you but you always share Baby Luigi fanart when you find it.
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