Xiahou Dun
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  • Hot take: here's a fish to fry: why doesn't Mario Kart Tour add fuel to the fire and have a Fire Mario alt. I'm steamed. These developers are soooo fired!
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    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Eh that won't happen before these alts

    Blonde Anime Cosplayer Dr. Mario
    Sassy Celebrity Peach
    DJ Jockey Businessman Mario
    Daring Dancer Luigi
    Elementary School Teacher Yoshi
    Tacky Carnie Grandfather Chroma Key
    Aspiring Criminal Peach
    Indoor Gym Rat Luigi
    New Age Gardener Rosalina
    Avant Garde French Street Artist Mario
    Hard Working Electrician Waluigi
    Pile of vomit Wario

    Please take notes Nintendo
    Don't forget Slightly Greener Hat Baby Luigi, who's locked behind the Mario Kart Tour Special Hyper Gold Pass Deluxe Booster Pack.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Jeez, if that were a thing then his hat color would actually match his shoe color and that would be the sign of the upcoming End Times.
    What's wrong with toaster ovens?
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    They have a tendency to catch fire and kill people around them. I don't advise grilling outside either for the same reason.

    Watch out for pools, the ladders might disappear!
    Any media with people voting, driving cars, calling insurance agencies, buying a car, or filing taxes should notify kids of such adult content
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Yep, and in Super Mario World, Mario even dies from a phone bill in a manner more violent than most people doing phone bills.

    Koopa con Carne
    Koopa con Carne
    what the fuck is wrong with his eyes

    even in slapstick they're not supposed to stick out of his orbits at such a steep angle. he should see a doctor
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    He looked at the board game treasure map for too long while Mr. Krabs was out searching for X marks the spot, of course.
    See, Daisy just needed a surgery for getting both balls and ovaries to keep up with the rest of the roster.
    Koopa con Carne
    Koopa con Carne
    Maybe Kritter should do the same thing. Doesn't even have to be expensive; bet there are many creatures in the jungle willing to carry out the procedure on him.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Kritter is definitely lacking those, but time will tell if Kritter is able to get the necessary procedures especially considering the concerning healthcare access issues in the jungle.
    I'm happy we're in a time period where fans can output better renders than some official stuff. I was impressed with GCN-era renders of the day, but fans with little budget can now output something that looks better than those.
    I've been wanting to be wiki staff for literally years since I signed up and I'm so ecstatic I finally managed to be one! :happy:
    Toadette: Hey, why did you destroy my house? I thought I had you under my control. You'd better fix it up right now, cause I won't be happy if I have to tell your parents that you're misbehaving.
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    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    :babymario: Ha! Me's not fixing your stinky house. You're not my mom!
    Toadette: Hmm…you really shouldn't be treating me like this. Mom and Dad are out getting groceries right now. I'm your babysitter, so you must obey me until they get back. I know you're close to Mom, but you can obey me, right?
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    :luigi: Did somebody call?
    :babymario: NO!
    If you don't have both pairs of balls and ovaries, you will not survive Mario Strikers Battle League. Daisy is still scheduled for her surgery.

    Happy pride month.
    We live in society where we show wolves devouring girls, witches getting cooked alive, a boy freezing his head on Pluto, Bowser getting his skin fried off, salmon explicitly inseminating their eggs, but a pregnant man is obscene and children's eyes must be averted.
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    i had to argue someone on gamefaqs who legit thinks teaching a pregnant man on a flashcard to preschoolers is equivalent to nazi and communist indoctrination and that we'd be hypocritical if desantis/abbott had their own political machinations
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    remember a pregnant person with short hair and a tie is political but a pregnant person with long hair and a dress is not

    clearly it must be the tie. ban ties.
    I really want to get an opportunity to pounce on people who say "let that sink in" and ask "what does it want now?"
    I learned in elementary school that there are strictly seven colors in the rainbow and saying there are more colors in the world than seven is just woke progressive lies like CRT that shouldn't be taught in school.
    Shaming people for still living with their parents is an attitude I like to see curbed in the future.

    You might think you're striking assholes where it hurts but they're not gonna care. You'll end up hitting people who aren't the assholes.
    Will Solace
    Will Solace
    @Ray Trace That post of yours comes very close to crossing trigger lines for me personally as that is not always the case, if your parents are very narcissistic it can be as bad as the two things you mentioned, as even if it's not quite as bad financially it can be as more degrading in terms of that the only way you're able have an even average, maybe even low average financial life is to keep up contact with them. I've already mentioned how my parents have screwed up before and while they might not be quite as bad as your dad was at least in the past aside from maybe the "overly controlling" meter, the idea of having to constantly be around my parents in the future in order to have any sort of tolerable life is one of the most horrifying ideas I could think of.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    this profile post was not to celebrate bad parents but to defend people who still live with their parents

    thank you
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    You kinda missed the point of my very tongue-in-cheek post. Online, it's very common to degrade people with living with their parents as if to insinuate that they don't have successful lives or that they're leeches to society because they live with their parents instead of being independent from them, despite that it's actually a highly economically viable option considering how fucked up the housing market is, how millennials and further growing generations struggle with stagnant wages + rent and cost of living being out of the wazzoo, and also other cultures perceive this differently than your typical American Boomer (it's more common for adults in Latin American and East Asian families to cohabitate with parents). You hear very common stories of people living paycheck-to-paycheck, living in a worse space such as a smaller cramped apartment, or having to deal with an uncompromising landlord but those are never presented of the disadvantages of not living with your parents whereas it's still a common mindset online to generate a stigma out of it.
    Japanese instant noodles don't hold a candle to the Korean and Chinese ones
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    Waluigi Time
    Waluigi Time
    I've never seen any instant noodles holding candles, probably because they don't have hands.

    Let that sink in.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    They have so much oil maybe they could turn into wacky candles!
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