I'd personally like to express my heartfelt gratitude to each of you for taking the free time to draw/render my characters for this fantastic awards show. I adore seeing other people's interpretations of them and how it's viewed through the lens of another person always fascinates me.
I'd also like to thank the community for voting Ray Trace as the third most popular community character (he is third in command of the Protectors after all, and his trophy is the bronzest, shiniest, most third place of all trophies), he's been my passion design and it really means a lot to me to see him have a good reception in this community.
I legit love the stuff, especially for a chronic soda drinker such as myself. It's a way I can enjoy fizzy, sweet beverages without having to worry much about extreme sugar counts. Plus diabetic people can enjoy it without ill consequences.
Flying on the Fourth of July is an absolute magical experience, especially when you're landing, holy shit. I greatly implore everyone on here to fly on the 4th of July and arrive on an airport by 9pm at least once in their lifetime, the LA county was literally flickering with lights like a Christmas tree, the explosions little more than tiny little pinpricks, and it's across the entire county nonstop, for miles on end.
It's been decided: I'm taking a week off this community.
I love you guys, thanks for exposing and weeding out toxic members, and best luck of you. I will be fine, rest-assured, I'm not under any depressive episode, so please don't worry about me and continue having fun and enjoying life, but I need to spend time not interacting with people on the internet.
why are car washes so terrifying to me, like i legit had nightmares about the tunnel and the loud noises from the bigass fans and the moving parts as a child. even seeing those fans puts me a bit on my nerve lol
I'll order another set of 1337 Mini Marios though so they can join the fun.