Now that I'm out of Micro Center, some fun things about it:
*My record of transactions is 216 of them. That's a lot! I usually average around 150, but I am one of the faster workers.
*Longest shift exceeded 12 hours and it was predictably on Black Friday. There wasn't a single day where I didn't work over time in actuality...
*Biggest transaction I made was a $9000+ one. It was a bunch of Apple products.
*Sold 12 service plans at maximum, but that's because one customer bought 8 cameras and wanted service plans on all of them. I'm not good at selling service plans because I tend to be overly blunt in telling the truth.
*Our cash registers use 32 bit operating systems and have a command prompt interface. No really. The Ultimate Computer Store runs on tech infrastructure from like the 90's-2000's. And yes, we had broken registers throughout the entire time there. There was like always at least three registers broken in a single day.
*Point-of-Sale (PoS) is unfortunately named and its abbreviation is subject to being the butt of jokes.
*Lots of people complimented my Baby Luigi necklace, which I wore to work!
*My legs no longer hurt from excessive standing up but I still get uncomfortable from doing it too long.
*My last day ended with me getting a 50 cent coin AND a 2 dollar bill in my till!
Hello. I'm resigning from my current job at Micro Center so....
Main reason is that the management has grown much much more toxic over time and wants to transform the what was once fun work environment into something much I say it..."customer-oriented" than caring about the well-being of associates. This isn't a decision I made, but a one that various coworkers made, those who spent much more time working here who have noticed the change of work in environment has gotten for the worse. Some of my coworkers, who are known for dealing with issues and being beaten down, finally broke down and started resigning, last Saturday was the final straw for one of my Team Leads, who is otherwise a very sweet and caring associate who ran the place before management starting getting a tighter grip on the place and getting incompetent people to supervise us. A large wave of people are resigning, I've known already two people who have quit from the job, I'm among three who resigned that one day, and I know two more resigned the next. I haven't really been abused myself but the Team Leads were pretty fed up with management laying the blame on them and trying to run the place that they don't have any idea what they're doing, rampant miscommunication, and fixing things that aren't broken.
Plus my boss is temperamental, unprofessional, likes to give us a hard time for mistakes, very incompetent (he fucked up my login so I had to work without a login for at least an extra week) and not a fun guy to work with, and no one likes him. People laughed when he was out because he slipped and got a concussion, that's how unlikable he is. Even the incompetent supervisor doesn't seem to like him.
I discovered, I really love helping customers out, I genuinely love helping them with their purchase and making the transaction as smooth as possible. It brings such joy when they thank you for helping them, even though it really wasn't a serious issue to begin with, I get this warm fuzzy feeling when they tell me, thanks I appreciate it. I love my coworkers a bunch, and they always make staying overtime a joy. My team leads have been amazing, and sadly none of them will stick around much longer anyway.
I also discovered I don't like dealing with large groups of people (I was close to getting panic attacks on weekends where it's at its busiest...though I dealt with Black Friday smoothly because I drank an energy drink that day and I didn't get tired), and I'm not a good salesperson; I'm not good at selling protection plans because I hate lying and I'm socially awkward. The time has also made me realize how much I value my free time and really helped me discover what I'd want to do with my life.
Overall, it's been an excellent learning experience but I felt like I made the right choice to migrate to a better working environment and hopefully, I can get things back into the groove here again.
*It is a Paper Mario environment in something that looks like Gusty Gulch, but not quite. Mario was there and he's vaguely supposed to have a partner, but I don't recall seeing Bow.*
Gusty Gulch Boo (Stanley most likely): Aaaah! Mario! Tubba Blubba is coming, and he's specifically coming to eat YOU! You need to hide somewhere before he comes and eats!
*Ray Trace is an NPC who follows Mario in his adventures similar to Kolorado. He was there, and he was bold.*
Ray Trace: Never fear! For when that monster comes around and asks, I shall call myself "Mario", and you will call yourself "Ray Trace", and I shall proceed to fight him!
*This is a reference to when various NPCs ask for Mario's name in the Paper Mario games, such as when Buzzar asks if you're Mario, Luigi, or Peach, but this time, it's Ray Trace the one doing the selection.*
Stanley: Tubba Blubba's invincible, though! You'll get eaten!
Ray Trace: I'm doing this mostly to cover Mario, while he goes around and finds out that monster's weakness.
*Mario eventually hides, and Ray Trace was bold. Tubba Blubba eventually comes around.*
Tubba Blubba: I AM HERE LOOKING FOR MARIO! Which one of you here is Mario!?
*Got mad at me because we surprisingly don't keep a secret warehouse of their free shit on the coupons and that I can't scrabble around the store looking for it. If we don't have it here, we don't have it here. Go get the bloody item yourself.
*Got mad at me because I gave them 8 dollars worth of change entirely in quarters because they paid a >10 dollar item with a 20 dollar bill even though I told them I was out of one dollar bills, and they DID have money they could have used instead to pay for it. They try to get me to go to another desk, but it's something I simply cannot do: I can't open another cashier's till and handle their money, and because it's a weekend, they're already very busy. By the way, here's something you should all know: accept the change cashiers give you, because they WILL get docked for variance if you decline the change and try to give it back to them.
*Got mad at me because of a 5 dollar electronic waste disposal fee for an item they were happy to buy for 3,000 dollars. They said the sales people lied to them, I told them they're not aware of this, and then they accused me and salespeople of lying and being deceptive and thinking that we at the customer service department and the sales department know each other well and communicate frequently, when....that does not happen, and I was too polite to tell this moron off who clearly has never worked in a retail store in their life. Also, it's fucking five dollars, if they can pay thousands of dollars for a fucking laptop, then an extra 5 dollar disposal fee is nothing....also welcome to living in California.
I'm so glad that out of the hundreds of customers I deal with, these guys are the stark exception but good god they can help make you feel worse. I'm very glad it's very easily counter-balanced by the friendlier, chattier types of customers who ask you about their day or try to strum up small talk, I enjoy those people.
I also wear my Baby Luigi necklace to work and quite a few people complimented it, get those daily, one dude even said, hey Baby Luigi, and I was happy.