Didn't you say once that you regret the name BabyLuigiOnFire? Ik you've kinda started using your OCs instead, but I had an idea you could use for your username instead: Baby Luigi Time.
Considering my current profile picture, I think I'm supposed to play the role of your archenemy for the time being.
Speaking of, is Kamek featured in any capacity in the Ray Trace universe? Is there a brigade of Kameks mirroring the protagonist squad, a la Rowdyruff Boys?
Culex pipiens and Culex quinquefasciatus should be made extinct, I fucking hate them. Thanks for causing me to itch all over you fucking flying pieces of shit.
Both of these things also transmit the West Nile virus so you can thank it for killing birds.
*has a seizure while screaming about faires*