Recent content by Godzillasaurus

  1. Godzillasaurus

    What if: Grodus sent the Shadow Queen "back to the depths"

    And yes, I do realize that she killed him before he could do so. This is assuming that she never attempted to do so in the first place
  2. Godzillasaurus

    Things in the Mario series that made you upset/disappointed

    Yea I just realized that a couple of days ago; you find him so late in the game, so his role on the hero side of things was almost nothing
  3. Godzillasaurus

    Mario Mysteries: Who released King Boo?

    The Illuminati did!!! I kid! Probably Bowser
  4. Godzillasaurus

    What if: Grodus sent the Shadow Queen "back to the depths"

    What do you think would have happened if Grodus actually sent the Shadow Queen "back to the depths" like he said he would if she disobeyed him? Would he have kept fighting, given up, or done something else? I demand that there be no chewing off of heads in this thread if someone disagrees with...
  5. Godzillasaurus

    Things in the Mario series that made you upset/disappointed

    Luigi being the "chosen" wielder of the Chaos Heart in Super Paper Mario and ultimately ending up as the final boss. That just bothered me when I first played through the game, because I loved Bleck so much and wasn't too fond of the idea of having Luigi as the final boss
  6. Godzillasaurus

    TTYD: Too many villains!

    @Gregor: It is a figure of speech; being capable of understanding the plot does not automatically make it equal to or inferior in complexity than that of a game with an otherwise simple storyline (which in turn takes place in a series where the majority of the games have very simple storylines...
  7. Godzillasaurus

    TTYD: Too many villains!

    True, but I wouldn't consider the plot of Superstar Saga very complex either. PM and SS were still very simple compared to this one, Super Paper Mario, and the other Mario and Luigi games (which I haven't played BTW, but have read plot details)
  8. Godzillasaurus

    TTYD: Too many villains!

    I definitely "get it". But it is still rather complicated because, well, most of the Mario games that I have played feature only one main villain who has one goal. I know how the plot plays out, but that does not make the plot any less complex than what you would find in, say, Super Mario 64...
  9. Godzillasaurus

    TTYD: Too many villains!

    Who's TC? Please don't associate confusion with immaturity; those are two COMPLETELY different things. Immaturity is hating on a game when you have never played it; confusion is not knowing what the heck is going on because you have never experienced such a complicated storyline. For the...
  10. Godzillasaurus

    Mario remixes thread

    I just came across this piece of badassery yesterday, and goddamn is it awesome!: What other good Mario remixes have you guys found? Post them here!
  11. Godzillasaurus

    TTYD: Too many villains!

    Haha! Well no wonder why I have had so many issues watching the Dark Knight movies... Those movies are a mess
  12. Godzillasaurus

    TTYD: Too many villains!

    Sorry, I misread. It is not necessarily "too much" for me (in fact I thoroughly enjoy it. It is unique), but just that it is really my first game that I played with such a complex storyline. Again, it is not too much, just something that I have not yet seen before.
  13. Godzillasaurus

    Bowser needs his own game.

    OMG so true! :D I am surprised that this hasn't happened yet. Aside from Mario, we have Luigi, Peach, Wario, Yoshi, Toad, and Donkey Kong. It is time for Bowser!
  14. Godzillasaurus

    TTYD: Too many villains!

    That would be like saying that Electro in Amazing Spiderman 2 is just for comic relief because he is, albeit one of the most sympathetic villains IMO, still quite humorous and arrogant. Oh, and he downright hates Spiderman! Bowser was still a villain in this game, although minor. I like it too...
  15. Godzillasaurus

    Nintendo Theme Park

    Re: Super Mario Theme Park I was thinking about the Nintendo theme park idea. A real life Nintendoland (except not based on the game). For actual Mario rides, there could definitely be a Mario Go Kart attraction where it is basically just like traditional go-carts except the carts are based...