My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
So I've been watching Avatar: The Last Airbender, and I saw the episode "The Northern Air Temple", and then I watched Doug Walker's recap on it:

And listening to him talk about "tradition vs. progress", and thinking about how the Avatar episode tackles it, it had me rethink my position on the MLP:FiM episode, Over a Barrel, and why the buffalo were so pissy about their "sacred" land...

All-in-all, I have to say I'm still not really convinced that they had a compelling argument. I still think it sucks that the settler ponies just planted apple trees over their land and such, though the way the episode plays out, you get the impression that the two sides never actually talked... Like, the buffalo never actually told the settler ponies why they were so upset, or why they were attacking them. Keeping traditions has it's place, since you can learn from it, but the way it's played out in Over a Barrel, it seems like neither side actually bothered to talk things out and just jumped to fighting each other. And that really doesn't make any sense, you'd at LEAST think that the buffalo would say WHY they're upset, like, as they're attacking the settler ponies.

So yeah, now I think this episode is actually weaker now, albeit for slightly different reasons.
Smashgoom202 said:
And that really doesn't make any sense, you'd at LEAST think that the buffalo would say WHY they're upset, like, as they're attacking the settler ponies.

their favorite road is being ransacked by a bunch of ponies they don't know and who don't understand it's sacred value

i thought that was pretty effing obvious
キノピオ八十五 said:
Smashgoom202 said:
And that really doesn't make any sense, you'd at LEAST think that the buffalo would say WHY they're upset, like, as they're attacking the settler ponies.

their favorite road is being ransacked by a bunch of ponies they don't know and who don't understand it's sacred value

i thought that was pretty effing obvious
woah woah woah you're going to tell me that the Buffalo's are upset because a bunch of random ponies settled on their land randomly one day and gave no indication of caring about the buffalo's feelings nor was their any indication that they asked permission to settle on the land. Man get the fuck out of here those Buffalo's are stupid
キノピオ八十五 said:
Smashgoom202 said:
And that really doesn't make any sense, you'd at LEAST think that the buffalo would say WHY they're upset, like, as they're attacking the settler ponies.

their favorite road is being ransacked by a bunch of ponies they don't know and who don't understand it's sacred value

i thought that was pretty effing obvious
I guess what I'm saying is that it's all too vague, like both sides are completely clueless as to why the other side's upset. I can understand that being upset makes you less rational, but you'd think the buffalo would at least go "what are you strange folk doing, that's our sacred land!" or something. Like when Braeburn describes the situation to the mane 6 minus Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, he seems to think that the buffalo are doing this for no reason.

Again, I understand that the point of this episode is to reach an understanding and that's the lesson that's learned, but it all just feels wrong, like it's not executed properly.
Smashgoom202 said:
キノピオ八十五 said:
Smashgoom202 said:
And that really doesn't make any sense, you'd at LEAST think that the buffalo would say WHY they're upset, like, as they're attacking the settler ponies.

their favorite road is being ransacked by a bunch of ponies they don't know and who don't understand it's sacred value

i thought that was pretty effing obvious
I guess what I'm saying is that it's all too vague, like both sides are completely clueless as to why the other side's upset. I can understand that being upset makes you less rational, but you'd think the buffalo would at least go "what are you strange folk doing, that's our sacred land!" or something. Like when Braeburn describes the situation to the mane 6 minus Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, he seems to think that the buffalo are doing this for no reason.
Oh see here I was thinking that you should get permission to do things on people's land before doing said thing oh silly me
Giovanni said:
Smashgoom202 said:
キノピオ八十五 said:
Smashgoom202 said:
And that really doesn't make any sense, you'd at LEAST think that the buffalo would say WHY they're upset, like, as they're attacking the settler ponies.

their favorite road is being ransacked by a bunch of ponies they don't know and who don't understand it's sacred value

i thought that was pretty effing obvious
I guess what I'm saying is that it's all too vague, like both sides are completely clueless as to why the other side's upset. I can understand that being upset makes you less rational, but you'd think the buffalo would at least go "what are you strange folk doing, that's our sacred land!" or something. Like when Braeburn describes the situation to the mane 6 minus Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, he seems to think that the buffalo are doing this for no reason.
Oh see here I was thinking that you should get permission to do things on people's land before doing said thing oh silly me
I would appreciate it if you weren't a sarcastic smart-alec with me, thank you.

What I'm saying is, it's not so much what it was, it was the execution of it. Something about the episode didn't feel right, even if it would make sense anywhere else. Yeah, the buffalo and the settler ponies should be rightfully upset with each other, and maybe they don't necessarily have to know why each other's upset, but the way it's executed, I can't really see both sides, or rather, it feels less like Dave Polsky wanted to create actual drama and understanding so much as create scenarios where he can create wacky humor. Like, the buffalo seem more antagonistic and rude then the ponies, who just seem to be generally nice and reasonable by comparison. It feels like they WOULD have listened to reason if the buffalo didn't rage against them, WHICH THEY HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BE let me remind you, but still, I feel like somethine was off, something just wasn't right with the way this episode was handled, and that's why I don't like it.
DragonFreak said:
Although, I'm pretty sure Pinkie Pie had at least one game with her, so she is technically a video game character...
Michael Jackson had a game. Does that make him a video game character?
DragonFreak said:
Although, I'm pretty sure Pinkie Pie had at least one game with her, so she is technically a video game character...

That was back during G3 xP

Not the Friendship is Magic Pinkie

Still that's terrible logic for any character to be in Smash Bros. I'm not sure if you remember, but someone called supermariofan (Who has popped up every now and then, just not as often anymore) pushed for Mickey to be in SSB4 for a long while now just because of the game Epic Mickey. The problem was Mickey Mouse has and always will be out of contention because he's most known as a cartoon character more then a video game character. If the character did not DEBUT as a video game character, they cannot be in Smash Bros. And even then, there's more requirements then that. Because Master Chief has no chance either because he's Microsoft's property for example. (Master Chief for Smash are generally jokes, as the people who really believe he could make it just haven't researched)
Northern Verve said:
Still that's terrible logic for any character to be in Smash Bros. I'm not sure if you remember, but someone called supermariofan (Who has popped up every now and then, just not as often anymore) pushed for Mickey to be in SSB4 for a long while now just because of the game Epic Mickey.

if i ever make a smash mafia, he's going to be in there as a independant serial killer
Pearl said:
Northern Verve said:
Still that's terrible logic for any character to be in Smash Bros. I'm not sure if you remember, but someone called supermariofan (Who has popped up every now and then, just not as often anymore) pushed for Mickey to be in SSB4 for a long while now just because of the game Epic Mickey.

if i ever make a smash mafia, he's going to be in there as a independant serial killer

Who? Supermariofan or Mickey? xD
Northern Verve said:

Fluttershy confirmed for Smash Bros.
You know, I really wish, for her own sake, Meghan McCarthy would just keep her mouth shut. I feel like building hype like this will only result in either disappointment or people trying once again to call her out on her supposed "bullshit". I can understand wanting to share stuff with the fans, and letting them know what they're in for, but when the fans HATE her this much, and brand her a liar, now isn't the best time. She should just let season 4 play out, THEN try to win them over again.

And I do feel bad, because while I still don't really trust her, I don't reflexively hate her like so many other fans do, and want to give her the benefit of the doubt. I just wish she (and other staff members, including William Anderson, who said that EVERYONE will like season 4, and EVERYONE will be satisfied) wouldn't add "fuel to the [theoretical] fire" so-to-speak...
キノピオ八十五 said:
what did she do to incur the fandom's wrath again? i haven't really paid attention to the staff in a while
It's more of a progressive, over time thing then one big moment, I can't really explain it here myself...
Smashgoom202 said:
Northern Verve said:

Fluttershy confirmed for Smash Bros.
You know, I really wish, for her own sake, Meghan McCarthy would just keep her mouth shut. I feel like building hype like this will only result in either disappointment or people trying once again to call her out on her supposed "bullshit". I can understand wanting to share stuff with the fans, and letting them know what they're in for, but when the fans HATE her this much, and brand her a liar, now isn't the best time. She should just let season 4 play out, THEN try to win them over again.

And I do feel bad, because while I still don't really trust her, I don't reflexively hate her like so many other fans do, and want to give her the benefit of the doubt. I just wish she (and other staff members, including William Anderson, who said that EVERYONE will like season 4, and EVERYONE will be satisfied) wouldn't add "fuel to the [theoretical] fire" so-to-speak...

Building hype? Calling a moment from Fluttershy "Simply Smashing" just sounds like a fun teaser :P

Granted the William Anderson post of "Everyone will be satisfied" is a bit condescending perhaps. And impossible all things considered. But noting a favorite character moment like Meghan did is just signs she's having fun. When the staff is having fun, the show's in good hands.

キノピオ八十五 said:
what did she do to incur the fandom's wrath again? i haven't really paid attention to the staff in a while

I think it's mainly just that she became the story editor for Season 3. Season 3 is a bit of a base breaker. Some things within it more then others (Discord being reformed, and Twilight's Ascension especially)
really? you're blaming the editor?

that's like blaming james cameron for sinking the original titanic.

it's a group misstep, not an individual one. if anything, blame thiessen or one of the head writers. they do all the actual work.
キノピオ八十五 said:
really? you're blaming the editor?

that's like blaming james cameron for sinking the original titanic.

it's a group misstep, not an individual one. if anything, blame thiessen or one of the head writers. they do all the actual work.

It gets even more annoying if they say "This wouldn't have happened if Faust was still directing the show!"

My personal thoughts is that I did really like Season 3 (The fact my profile practically celebrates the most notable thing it did is evidence of that).

But anyway, the fan reaction has basically soured me on to alot of the fanbase. Because the constant drama that started with Hasbro's C&D of Fighting is Magic, the reveal of Alicorn Twilight and the mixed reactions to the Season 3 Finale, Everything about Equestria Girls was just tiring. It made the whole Derpy fiasco during Season 2 feel like a walk in the park.