My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
When do new episodes appear again?
ernesth100 said:
When do new episodes appear again?

We don't know yet. All we know still is Season 5 will start next year.

Personally this hiatus is easier to handle because I have Smash Bros. to hold me over for anything else I'm waiting for. I wouldn't even mind if we're still closer to another year from starting it. Cause that just means they're taking their time to make sure Season 5 is awesome.
The Spiked Red One said:
Okay, I live on the internet and have a question to ask.

How is there a pony thread without fiery hate posts?

(not from me, by the way, I'm fine with the show)
Because I stopped posting in this thread
also does Discord still make appearances as Fluttershy's friend?
Enzo said:
The Spiked Red One said:
Okay, I live on the internet and have a question to ask.

How is there a pony thread without fiery hate posts?

(not from me, by the way, I'm fine with the show)
Because I stopped posting in this thread
also does Discord still make appearances as Fluttershy's friend?
Giving how season 4 ended I'd say most likely
supermariofan said:
Enzo said:
The Spiked Red One said:
Okay, I live on the internet and have a question to ask.

How is there a pony thread without fiery hate posts?

(not from me, by the way, I'm fine with the show)
Because I stopped posting in this thread
also does Discord still make appearances as Fluttershy's friend?
Giving how season 4 ended I'd say most likely
I don't know how season 4 ended
hell I don't know how season 3 ended
Enzo said:
supermariofan said:
Enzo said:
The Spiked Red One said:
Okay, I live on the internet and have a question to ask.

How is there a pony thread without fiery hate posts?

(not from me, by the way, I'm fine with the show)
Because I stopped posting in this thread
also does Discord still make appearances as Fluttershy's friend?
Giving how season 4 ended I'd say most likely
I don't know how season 4 ended
hell I don't know how season 3 ended
Are you a brony? Because if you are I shouldn't spoil it
supermariofan said:
Enzo said:
supermariofan said:
Enzo said:
The Spiked Red One said:
Okay, I live on the internet and have a question to ask.

How is there a pony thread without fiery hate posts?

(not from me, by the way, I'm fine with the show)
Because I stopped posting in this thread
also does Discord still make appearances as Fluttershy's friend?
Giving how season 4 ended I'd say most likely
I don't know how season 4 ended
hell I don't know how season 3 ended
Are you a brony? Because if you are I shouldn't spoil it
If I was a brony would I be 2 seasons behind?
that doesn't sound very brony like
Enzo said:
also does Discord still make appearances as Fluttershy's friend?

Discord made three more appearences in Season 4 after his "reformation" in Season 3.

The first of which was a part of the opener where Twilight and most of her friends accuse Discord of creating the vines that are growing over ponyville. The same vines had somehow kidnapped Celestia and Luna. We later find out that...

Discord did make the vines, but they were planted a long time ago at around the time Celestia and Luna turned him to Stone. The magic of the Tree of Harmony had managed to delay the seed's growth for just a little over 1000 years.

His second appearence basically comes down to him pretending he was sick. Just because he wanted to ruin Twilight and Cadence's day together. It pisses off Twilight so it kinda works but then Cadence says something about how this made things more interesting and how things get predictable and boring in the Crystal Empire which means Discord also partly failed to ruin their day. He even gets sneezed on by a monster that attacked Twilight and Cadence earlier and gets sick for real at the very end.

His last appearence was in the Finale

Where he is initially sent to take care of Tirek (The villain of this two-parter) but Tirek through some clever persuasion convinces Discord to join him. After Tirek gets most of the ponies in Equestria's magic (Unicorns can't use Magic, Pegasi can't fly, and Earth Ponies don't have their strength and/or the ability to tend the land) and most of the Mane 6 for the exception of Twilight. Tirek betrays Discord and steals his Magic. Which really effects Discord because he thought he found true companionship while being on the side of evil still. Later on, Discord gives Twilight the final key (There were 5 keys found throughout Season 4 for each pony) that unlocks the chest that first appears in the opener that gives the Mane 6 the power they need to beat Tirek
Apologies for the double post, but we have a Season 5 trailer.


Nothing really too much about Season 5 as such other then the ambiguity of what goes on with Twilight in the next season. And we also get a release window of next Spring.

Spring's going to be pretty busy xD The 2nd Mario Kart DLC Pack, Mewtwo DLC for Smash Bros., and now Season 5 of Friendship is Magic
supermariofan said:
Hopefully the movie in 2017 will be the series finale. I'm a brony but I'm thinking that year will be the time this show will run its course

Would be a neat way to end the series though not entirely sure it will really be THE end (Especially if the film does really well). As FiM has been the most successful generation of MLP ever and Hasbro may want to milk it as much as possible. Even if FiM itself ends, they'd probably have a sequel show that takes place within the same universe so they don't completely turn away the crowd that enjoyed the original show (Like say they make a sequel show that features the CMC now in the Age the Mane 6 are in the show going on their own adventures and the Mane 6 from the original show are secondary characters that make occasional appearances every now and then (Though I imagine in the case with the CMC, at least Rarity and Applejack would still appear alot due to their little sisters being now the main characters))

Yeah there's worry about them having it overstay it's welcome like Spongebob had. Though it wasn't just the long amount of seasons that have lowered the quality of that show. It was the complete overhaul of the staff for the show as many left after the first theatrical Spongebob movie. So far, FiM has generally kept it's same staff. Some of the same writers aren't always there and of course Lauren Faust and Rob Renzetti were not part of the production for most of Season 3 and onward. But otherwise we mainly have everyone that was there that worked on Seasons 1 & 2 that are still doing a good job. Season 4 has been well received overall .
ernesth100 said:
So when FIM ends anyone else worried they might reboot it and do something stupid like make an Equestria Girls TV Show?

>implying fim ends
>implying fim will get a reboot instead of a new series
ernesth100 said:
So when FIM ends anyone else worried they might reboot it and do something stupid like make an Equestria Girls TV Show?

We're still quite a ways from FiM's end. Especially with it getting an official movie in 2017 (A movie that isn't just another Equestria Girls movie anyway)

And I would bet if the original show ended, they'd just have a sequel series that either focuses on an entirely new Mane 6. Or the CMC Grown-Up. FiM AKA Generation 4 is the most succesful generation of My Little Pony by far, Hasbro may want to 1. Milk it as long as they can and/or 2. Try to keep the interest in the franchise's future from any fans of Friendship is Magic.

They were smart enough to hire some professional people to get FiM created in the first place. I don't think they'd screw it all over by taking away everything that made the show a hit.
(somewhat kinda not really) fan theory
the cmcs cutie marks are ponies without cutie marks

because their talent is not getting cutie marks

but then that would mean they failed in not getting cutie marks

so then the marks disappear

which means they succeeded in not getting their cutie marks

so then they reappear

due to the paradoxical nature of their cutie marks

they keep appearing and disappearing

so fast the cutie marks are undetectable to the pony eye

they already have their cutie marks

you just cant see them
....i prefer the theory that the cmc don't have cutie marks because they haven't personally realized their special talents yet...
I think EQ 3 will feature the two Twilights. Since there will be two, Twilight would have to go back to Ponyville so she can get the Mane 6 to even it out. Don't know how the rest will go, but it might be a long movie.
Gabriele said:
I think EQ 3 will feature the two Twilights. Since there will be two, Twilight would have to go back to Ponyville so she can get the Mane 6 to even it out. Don't know how the rest will go, but it might be a long movie.

We're definitely getting Human Twilight as the Rainbow Rocks post-credit scene pretty much teased it. And yeah I expect Human and Pony Twilight to meet as well as a huge part of the movie. I don't know about the others of the Pony Mane 6 though. I feel like they'll leave them out except for a few small scenes like they have with the first two movies. Just Pony Twilight and Human Twilight will be interesting enough. Having the others go through and having to learn how to walk bipedally like Twilight did in the first movie might threaten to overload the plot a bit.

On another note, trailers for the other Mane 6 that also relate to Season 5 have been popping up since the Twilight one. But none of them really show anything new, at least until this Rainbow Dash one where we get 3 seconds of Season 5.

(Season 5 clip from 0:16-0:18)

Doesn't reveal alot, but still pretty neat we got something. And if someone's seen the storyboards that were shown at Comic-Con, brings up some interesting theories as to what's going to happen in the opener.
I might be the only one thinking this, but I'm thinking that Hasbro will do a ballsy move and kill off Discord. It usually happens to most villains who turn good anyway
supermariofan said:
I might be the only one thinking this, but I'm thinking that Hasbro will do a ballsy move and kill off Discord. It usually happens to most villains who turn good anyway
No one has ever died in MLP hasbro doesn't have the grapes to do that in a kids show for girls.
ernesth100 said:
No one has ever died in MLP.



Yeah... :V

Though I get what you're getting at. They won't kill off a major character, especially one they've spent so much time bringing back like Discord with what Supermariofan is suggesting.
Speaking of Discord..,. Is Discord best villain? Also WHEN is the premier of season 5 going to come out? Been waiting since 2014.