My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
Not a bad episode at all

IMO it's still not as good as Lesson Zero but then again Rarity isn't my favorite pony and I can also understand the episode's moral works well for those who do have siblings.

I also kinda picture "One. Day." and Sisters = Apple Pie to be mini-memes and/or in-jokes.

Also anyone catch that Rarity's Dad is probably an Earth Pony? I don't think that hat is big enough to hide a horn. If so Rarity's the first that we know of a canon married relationship between 2 ponies of different types and it happens to be for one of the Main 6. Awesome
Warning, my comments on the episode are long... Be prepared for a Wall-o-text.

Aww man there's SO much to comment on with the latest episode! I wanted to comment on it immediately, but Mary Poppins was on right afterward on ABC Family, so I had to wait about 2 hours or so...

ANYWAY! First off: HOLY CRAP! Rarity and Sweetie Belle's parents! I did NOT expect to see them! And for that matter, it seems to be implied that, most of the time, Sweetie Belle lives with them rather than Rarity. It's nice to know that at least SOME of these kids/fillies/colts have parents and that they live with them like normal kids. Props to the guys making this show for finally addressing that. I guess we can also assume that all the times Sweetie Belle is seen with Rarity, she was just paying her a visit. Lovely!

Next thing, we definitely see more of Rarity's selfish side in this episode. Yes, even though she's the Element of Generosity, that STILL doesn't stop her from thinking about herself most of the time... It's ALSO sad that she fails to see the good things Sweetie Belle did for her. I especially got mad when Rarity tore Sweetie Belle a new one for cleaning up her "inspiration room". I mean, geez Rarity, how was SHE supposed to know that room was SUPPOSED to be a mess! I was totally on Sweetie Belle's side by this point...

In fact... Anyone remember that episode of Fairly Odd Parents? The one where Timmy Turner does a number of good deeds, only to find out that the people he did them for were either unsatisfied or angry at Timmy for doing them? And then he wishes he didn't exist only to find out everyone would be better off without him... And Then he decides to go through with it... only to find out it's all a trick on Jorgan's part to teach him the lesson that "you don't do good deeds to be praised, you do them for the sake of doing them". Well, yeah, that's nice and all, but Timmy WASN'T expecting everyone to praise him! All he wanted was a "thank you" or at least acknowledgement that he went out of his way to do something for the ones he loves! What kind of messed up lesson is that?!

The same goes for Sweetie Belle here, and luckily, Rarity DOES see the effort Sweetie Belle made to make her happy, and she manages to find ways to make Sweetie Belle's efforts into something she can use. Unfortunately, she's STILL thinking a bit selfishly, so Applejack (who STILL needs her own episode) explains what it means to be an older sister... and an older sibling for that matter. I admit, I do get into fights with my younger sister, and sometimes I don't see the good she's trying to do for me (if only because she's going about it in a way that really annoys me). It's shocking that at the end she competes in a race... WHILE COVERED IN MUD! Wow... Rarity not caring that she's covered in mud. THAT'S the kind of new-found dedication she has for her sister. :D

Three more minor things: for one, I believe this is the first episode in the series in which Twilight Sparkle doesn't show up at all! :eek:

Yeah, I guess they really meant what they said when the other mane 6 could write to Celestia, so we don't need Twilight writing to her anymore.

Second, I thought the moment when Rarity realize how much she misses Sweetie Belle... didn't work. I think this is the one time where Rarity's hammy acting isn't right. Her over-the-top performances are why I love her, but here, I couldn't sympathize with her when she was acting like that. :/

Second... I'm not that involved in the fandom, but I do know that Berry Punch (or Berryshine, whatever) SUPPOSEDLY has a daughter, right? Well, apparently, according to this episode, that little filly isn't her daughter. She's her sister. Unless I'm missing something. Which I might.

Anyway, cute episode. I even watched it with my mom! She liked it, and was familiar with the idea that siblings won't always get along, and won't always see the good things one sibling does for another. I think she might actually like the show, instead of just, you know, being willing to watch it with me...
Now that Twilight isn't the only one writing friendship letters, we'll probably see more episodes centered on a particular character or two.
Now that there was no Twilight I can't really follow on my (New Twilight avatar every new episode) so for now until the next episode I went back to the rotating avatar. But I added quite a bit of images while browsing Ponibooru. I have now 53 different images.

But it's fine there was no Twilight. She did quite alot in the past 4 episodes (Saving the World, Going insane, Teaching Luna, etc.) that she probably needed that time of the episode to just read a book and not worry about anything.). Applejack got an important role in this episode too and that's a plus.
Ok, thank you. I'll post my reaction as soon as I've watched it.

EDIT: I just wacthed it, and it was interesting.

I found it interesting that they only had 2 of the main ponies. Also, it seems kinda out of character for Rarity to cover herself in mud, but I guess she was desperate...
I think this was good episode, maybe not the best, but still good.

When does the next episode air? 2 weeks?
Nope! Next new episode airs next Saturday! This one focuses on the Cutie Mark Crusaders, particularly Apple Bloom as she finally gets her cutie mark! ...And another. And another. AND ANOTHER! :eek:
I have a question: how do you memorize all those quotes and post Youtube videos of them all the time?
Donut said:
I have a question: how do you memorize all those quotes and post Youtube videos of them all the time?
Because I'm such a huge dork for this show. Isn't there something you're obsessed with, to the point of memorizing everything about it?
BTW you know Rarity's Dad? Take a look at his cutie mark.


If you notice he has 3 footballs for one. This makes me believe that his job has something to do with Football (Or in Equestria, Hoofball). Perhaps he used to be or still is (It might not be Hoofball season at the time of the episode) a Professional Hoofball Player. As you know, Sports Stars get quite a bit of cash and would explain how Rarity could have found a rich Lifestyle at a young age. She'd also have some differences from her father, since her father is a Sports player he doesn't mind getting dirty but she does. Probably occasionally leading to Rarity getting angry at her dad whenever he tried to do something fun with her that wasn't exactly clean. It wasn't until Rarity became friends with Applejack that she went ahead and did all that stuff she did relating to getting unclean in the show. It could also however explain how Rarity also doesn't have that bad of physical strength (After all she almost won that race) because her father could of had her run and play games anyway. She probably didn't enjoy it too much, but she still used it to exercise. Maybe partly so she wouldn't end up becoming fat.

I know it's overanalyzing a small detail. But it's fun to be a geek and do that sometimes. Does anyone else have any headcanons regarding anything that's technically only a small part of an episode but you have deep headcanons for them anyway?
Another forum I go to pointed out how similar he looks to Magnum P.I.

I also think the mom looks a bit like Mrs. Cake.
BTW on Equestria Daily, there was a leaked song that could be an upcoming song coming sometime in Season 2. It eventually was asked to be removed due to copyright reasons but I managed to get a listen before it was gone. It was a 3-minute Pinkie Pie solo. Wasn't that bad but I've always been indifferent with most of the songs (Though if I had to say one I liked, I'd say At the Gala). So it may all depend how much you like Pinkie and/or her songs. From the sounds of it was a song to attempt to cheer up somebody, but I wonder who Pinkie is going to cheer up assuming that the song will indeed be in an upcoming episode.
Good episode.
I, as always, don't have much to say.
But I liked that one because it wasn't loaded with fan service.
QuizmoManiac said:
Good episode.
I, as always, don't have much to say.
But I liked that one because it wasn't loaded with fan service.

None of the episodes have been loaded with fanservice besides Derpy actually being planned in the storyboards though.
Epic Nitwit said:
So, who is Derpy?

Derpy is essentially a background Pony that was turned into an ensemble darkhorse (no pun intended) for the Fan base. She was discovered on a 4chan thread with derped eyes for a few frames in episode 1. Here's the original:


And the fandom loved what was either an animation error or even an animator prank. We'll never know for sure. But the fandom adored it and made tons of fan art and even fanfics for the background pony (The fandom seems to have an obsession with giving backstories to background ponies that we only see for a few frames or so. Derpy especially). Derpy's popularity eventually got so popular that the staff learned about it and starting at episode 15 and on Derpy sometimes has been purposefully made derped as a slight nod to the fanbase. In Season 2's production, Derpy's appearances became storyboarded thus Derpy was technially made a character even if of course Derpy remains mostly in the background and as a Where's Waldo for the fanbase.

As a side note, 1000 posts in this thread. yaaaaaaaay </fluttershy>
So I watched the new episode this morning.

Even though I'm not really a fan of Rarity or Sweetie Belle (my least favorite of the Mane Cast and CMC, respectively), I have to say that I really enjoyed this episode. My second favorite of the new season so far (first being Lesson Zero, of course)

(yeah I don't really have anything else to say :P)
Yeah, I didn't like Rarity that much at first either. But sometimes she's just so wonderfully hammy that it's hard not to like her.
Rarity was what got me hooked. Well, that and the "Rainblow Dry!"
Northern Verve said:
BTW on Equestria Daily, there was a leaked song that could be an upcoming song coming sometime in Season 2. It eventually was asked to be removed due to copyright reasons but I managed to get a listen before it was gone. It was a 3-minute Pinkie Pie solo. Wasn't that bad but I've always been indifferent with most of the songs (Though if I had to say one I liked, I'd say At the Gala). So it may all depend how much you like Pinkie and/or her songs. From the sounds of it was a song to attempt to cheer up somebody, but I wonder who Pinkie is going to cheer up assuming that the song will indeed be in an upcoming episode.
Dang, 3 minutes? I heard it was of similar quality and caliber as Winter Wrap-Up. Which is odd, considering Pinkie Pie songs are usually only about a few seconds to merely a minute long.
It's kind of a given. But we have more confirmation that Season 3 is in production right now. Tara Strong (Voice of Twilight) confirmed it somewhere in a live chat. What we also know is that so far 13 of the episodes have been ordered and I'm guessing it depends how well Season 2 does before they order another 13. Though if they're only saying 13, it might mean there will be a long season break so that they can complete the other 13.

Also Renzetti left the team but both Lauren and Rob kept an eye on production to make sure Season 3 was like the past 2. And I think as long as we have most of the same animators, writers, and Jayson Thiessen I don't think it's cause for concern.

But regardless with Season 3 practically confirmed we have another year of Pony to look forward to. (Still a long way off, we're only about 1/5th into Season 2 but I'm sure it's good news for anyone here)