Suggestions for Improvement

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turntechGodhead said:
I'm not sure about that idea, but I could be one of the greeters if it does happen.
Me too as Im always on the 'hi Im new here thread' greeting new people.
I hate this resizer thing.


I want to know if there is a way to remove it.
I don't really think we need something like this, seeing as there are already a lot of people who greet people in the "Hi, I'm new here" thread.
I doubt someone just going up to a new user and saying "Hi" is going to improve their view of the forum very much...maybe the greeter who did it, but not the whole forum. If we need that kind of thing, then, if bots can be programmed to do that, it would be much more efficient. If someone leaves the forum almost immediately after joining, I doubt just one PM is going to have much of an influence. And, if new users can't find the "Hi, I'm new here" thread, I doubt they have much chance of reading that PM.

Koopa Kid said:
They'll see our forums are friendly because they actually see someone cares about them.
And then they can see it's their job to send that same PM to everyone.

So, in short, I disagree with this.
MrConcreteDonkey said:
I doubt someone just going up to a new user and saying "Hi" is going to improve their view of the forum very much...maybe the greeter who did it, but not the whole forum. If we need that kind of thing, then, if bots can be programmed to do that, it would be much more efficient. If someone leaves the forum almost immediately after joining, I doubt just one PM is going to have much of an influence. And, if new users can't find the "Hi, I'm new here" thread, I doubt they have much chance of reading that PM.

Koopa Kid said:
They'll see our forums are friendly because they actually see someone cares about them.
And then they can see it's their job to send that same PM to everyone.

So, in short, I disagree with this.
Yeah, now that I think about it, we shouldn't do it.
So, um

YouTube embedding y/n
I vote Yes.
Actually, most Forums have it, either natively build in, or through a small Custom BBCode.
I vote yes for YouTube embedding too. If we can put really huge images that lags connection, then we can put YouTube videos.
Yes to Youtube embedding. My idea: When you do a preview of your sig (if this happens) you should be able to stretch a picture to resize it on your own, with a dotted box around it as the limit. Y/N?
Only one thing:

We should be able to be buddies with ourselves. I met myself a long time ago, and we're great friends.

But in all seriousness, it would be cool if we could do that.
Do you really want to fuck up user experiences through Signatures?
grimAuxiliatrix said:
Sorry for double posting, but we should be able to make text in our sigs a bit bigger, at least to 20pt.
But if we have huge sigs it will take forever to read everyone's posts.
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