For the Guys (A Thread About Love)

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Marwikedor said:
Love is a fasod it is just a chemical in the brain that only lasts so long. A few years AT THE VERY MOST. Nobody who has been married for decades or even YEARS is still in "love" with each other. If they say they do, it is just a fasod, or just calling a companionship they may still have that euphoric feeling that has died so long ago. This idea of romantic love is ridiculous the purpose of marriage is to procreate kids you don't have to "love" your spouse, it is good that you get along with him or her. Bring back the good old days of arranged marriages. I wish I could say on my 20th wedding anniversary to my hot wife I never had to court "The first time I met you was on our wedding day!"

I sometimes wonder how desperate you'd have to be to wish that state-sponsored rape was brought back just so you could fuck someone

then again, your wonderful personality sure as hell isn't going to get you laid any other way.
Scarecrow von Steuben said:
Marwikedor said:
Love is a fasod it is just a chemical in the brain that only lasts so long. A few years AT THE VERY MOST. Nobody who has been married for decades or even YEARS is still in "love" with each other. If they say they do, it is just a fasod, or just calling a companionship they may still have that euphoric feeling that has died so long ago. This idea of romantic love is ridiculous the purpose of marriage is to procreate kids you don't have to "love" your spouse, it is good that you get along with him or her. Bring back the good old days of arranged marriages. I wish I could say on my 20th wedding anniversary to my hot wife I never had to court "The first time I met you was on our wedding day!"

I sometimes wonder how desperate you'd have to be to wish that state-sponsored rape was brought back just so you could fuck someone

then again, your wonderful personality sure as hell isn't going to get you laid any other way.

It would be even better if it was a fat lady. That'd show him.
Crackin355 said:
Scarecrow von Steuben said:
I sometimes wonder how desperate you'd have to be to wish that state-sponsored rape was brought back just so you could fuck someone

then again, your wonderful personality sure as hell isn't going to get you laid any other way.

It would be even better if it was a fat lady. That'd show him.
So fat people aren't hot, is that what you're saying? That's not very nice.
Being fat makes you ugly. But it is possible to get rid of it, though hard. In that sence, being fat isn't like being blind. But if you're ugly to begin with, you're screwed.
Marwikedor said:
Being fat makes you ugly. But it is possible to get rid of it, though hard. In that sence, being fat isn't like being blind. But if you're ugly to begin with, you're screwed.
No no no, I know some pretty girls and cute guys who are not skinny.
NintendoQueen said:
Marwikedor said:
Being fat makes you ugly. But it is possible to get rid of it, though hard. In that sence, being fat isn't like being blind. But if you're ugly to begin with, you're screwed.
No no no, I know some pretty girls and cute guys who are not skinny.
I wouldn't care if she was a little bit fat, had some meat on the bones. I'm talking FAT like the kind of people you see at the Home Town Buffet.
Marwikedor said:
NintendoQueen said:
Marwikedor said:
Being fat makes you ugly. But it is possible to get rid of it, though hard. In that sence, being fat isn't like being blind. But if you're ugly to begin with, you're screwed.
No no no, I know some pretty girls and cute guys who are not skinny.
I wouldn't care if she was a little bit fat, had some meat on the bones. I'm talking FAT like the kind of people you see at the Home Town Buffet.

I judge people on personality not looks. You can be the HOTTEST guy EVER and still be a dick head. However, you can also not be very attractive in other people's eyes, but if you had a GREAT personality and were nice & funny, I would be attracted to someone like that.
Most people would go with someone who is hot and has a little less in common with them than some ugly obese broad who they have everything in common with I hate to break it to you
Marwikedor said:
Most people would go with someone who is hot and has a little less in common with them than some ugly obese broad who they have everything in common with I hate to break it to you

OMG? Really? :???: :eek: [/sarcasm]
Marwikedor said:
I hate to burst your bubble and inform you that the world is not so nice a place.
Marwikidor, everything you say in this thread is beyond ridiculous. I would rather marry a fat woman that cares about me than some supermodel who treats me like trash. And if others prefer these "hot" people, well, usually they're jerks too. Now, unless you have something useful to say, just leave. Please.
NintendoQueen said:
Crackin355 said:
Scarecrow von Steuben said:
I sometimes wonder how desperate you'd have to be to wish that state-sponsored rape was brought back just so you could fuck someone

then again, your wonderful personality sure as hell isn't going to get you laid any other way.

It would be even better if it was a fat lady. That'd show him.
So fat people aren't hot, is that what you're saying? That's not very nice.

By Fat, I meant the Super overwight ones that obsess over junk Food and fatty food.
If you saw someone reeeeeeeeeeally fat, your first thought is always "gross".
And dont even deny it, it's everybodies first when seeing someone reeeeeeeaaaaallly fat.
If I were you, Crackin355, I would drop it. Marwikedor stating women should be forced into wedlock with him is bad enough. Random insults on overweight people aren't necessary to oppose such twisted demands.
I'm just saying, that is everybodies first thought. I even asked my friends on the subject. They denied it but later they told me they lied. What you think after that can be whatever, but that is just everybodies first thought.

I met a kid that was pretty fat, thought gross. Said hi and we played a game of Tag around the playground. Then alot of other kids joined in and we all played Tag. It was actually really fun. Although I've never seen those people again since we just went there for the day, It was still fun.
Crackin355 said:
I'm just saying, that is everybodies first thought. I even asked my friends on the subject. They denied it but later they told me they lied. What you think after that can be whatever, but that is just everybodies first thought.

I met a kid that was pretty fat, thought gross. Said hi and we played a game of Tag around the playground. Then alot of other kids joined in and we all played Tag. It was actually really fun. Although I've never seen those people again since we just went there for the day, It was still fun.
See, don't judge on appearances.
Marwikedor said:
I hate to burst your bubble and inform you that the world is not so nice a place.
I hate to burst your bubble, but you are a total fucking asshole.
GalacticPetey said:
Crackin355 said:
I'm just saying, that is everybodies first thought. I even asked my friends on the subject. They denied it but later they told me they lied. What you think after that can be whatever, but that is just everybodies first thought.

I met a kid that was pretty fat, thought gross. Said hi and we played a game of Tag around the playground. Then alot of other kids joined in and we all played Tag. It was actually really fun. Although I've never seen those people again since we just went there for the day, It was still fun.
See, don't judge on appearances.

I don't, Marwikiedor would though, thats why I said it.

What, did you just assume I judged on appearances? it looks like you judged me on a couple of written words. Thats pretty much the same thing.
Crackin355 said:
GalacticPetey said:
Crackin355 said:
I'm just saying, that is everybodies first thought. I even asked my friends on the subject. They denied it but later they told me they lied. What you think after that can be whatever, but that is just everybodies first thought.

I met a kid that was pretty fat, thought gross. Said hi and we played a game of Tag around the playground. Then alot of other kids joined in and we all played Tag. It was actually really fun. Although I've never seen those people again since we just went there for the day, It was still fun.
See, don't judge on appearances.

I don't, Marwikiedor would though, thats why I said it.

What, did you just assume I judged on appearances? it looks like you judged me on a couple of written words. Thats pretty much the same thing.
Damm logic
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