For the Guys (A Thread About Love)

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QuizmoManiac said:
Nabber said:
a series that, while has great gameplay, doesn't add any new value in its sequels.
And thats why I only play CoD 4.
My mom got that for me. I rarely play it because I already beat single player.
I love Captain Price I'm so glad he survived the Modern Warfare series. Gee, he's about the ONLY ONE!
No it is not relevant to the thread but it is relevant to how the thread progressed. Back on topic, if you wanna know how to get girls, then
Marwikedor said:
No it is not relevant to the thread but it is relevant to how the thread progressed. Back on topic, if you wanna know how to get girls, then

That conversation stopped when GalacticPetey asked us to get back on subject but whatever.
Marwikedor said:
I love Captain Price I'm so glad he survived the Modern Warfare series. Gee, he's about the ONLY ONE!
Look, we're trying to get on topic. This is also a spoiler, not that I care because I don't like CoD. Now please go talk about your duty in some other thread.
Just be nice to the girls, no need to flirt, be a gentleman, hold the door for girls, compliment them, talk to them, help them, just be genrelly be nice without being a total flirty pimp man-slag.
Well doing those things should help, I know as a girl myself, just say hi to them, say somthing nice, offer to help them out.
GalacticPetey said:
I will try, but most girls don't know I exist.

Just be sweet and cool with them. When I was in middle school, I was so awkward around the guys I liked. But now I know just be friendly but not overly-friendly, then they will be turned off.
Start with some girls that you are friends with, you'll be better off asking them rather than the stupid bitches that don't you very well.
I get scared when the dance comes. I don't want to go because I can't dance so I just hope that nobody asks me.
Nabber said:
I get scared when the dance comes. I don't want to go because I can't dance so I just hope that nobody asks me.
I never went to my school dances. I didn't even go to prom. I must say, I didn't miss out on much. Prom is stupid IMO.
we have a thing called a Social. Its a dancing thing were you rotate around and dance with random people from your school. its a stupid idea since your dancing with strangers, You wouldn't do it normally would you?\

"Hey Stranger let's Dance!" "Sure!" *Dancing* *Random Pedophile appears* *Pedophile uses 'ask to dance'* *It was succesful* *Pedophile uses Van* *It's super effective!* *Random Stranger fainted* *You Win!* *$300 Get! 30 XP Get! Restraining Order Get!*

Seriously, it's the worst idea possible.
Crackin355 said:
we have a thing called a Social. Its a dancing thing were you rotate around and dance with random people from your school. its a stupid idea since your dancing with strangers, You wouldn't do it normally would you?\

"Hey Stranger let's Dance!" "Sure!" *Dancing* *Random Pedophile appears* *Pedophile uses 'ask to dance'* *It was succesful* *Pedophile uses Van* *It's super effective!* *Random Stranger fainted* *You Win!* *$300 Get! 30 XP Get! Restraining Order Get!*

Seriously, it's the worst idea possible.
Hmm sounds like fun I think....maybe that's because I'm one of those pedos ;) hahaha JK

Well, dances are stupid IMO. I didn't miss out on anything. And also, no guys to go with. I didn't like any of the guys at my school when I was in high school. The ones in my grade were total asses.
Mrs. Hedlund said:
Nabber said:
I get scared when the dance comes. I don't want to go because I can't dance so I just hope that nobody asks me.
I never went to my school dances. I didn't even go to prom. I must say, I didn't miss out on much. Prom is stupid IMO.
Shame, I am going to my prom, I wanna wear a Zelda dress!
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