For the Guys (A Thread About Love)

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Marwikedor said:
Mason said:
Lily said:
Shame, I am going to my prom, I wanna wear a Zelda dress!
Okay, but watch out for the ones with psych ward "costumes." Those aren't students.
Raven you're just not going to prom because goth music sucks lol

And you're not going to prom because there are no girls as bat*bleep* crazy as you.
Mrs. Hedlund said:
GalacticPetey said:
Yeah, and I'm a famous move director (actually my idea as a career)
I'm married to Garrett---Um, otherwise my name wouldn't be Mrs. Hedlund?!

I expect I'll see you on the news in a few years.
Do celebrity crushes on celebrities who dont exist count?
GalacticPetey said:
Mrs. Hedlund said:
GalacticPetey said:
Yeah, and I'm a famous move director (actually my idea as a career)
I'm married to Garrett---Um, otherwise my name wouldn't be Mrs. Hedlund?!
Well good for you. I'm 13, to young to be married.
I'm 22 ;) Not too young to get married.

And if you guys are taking this seriously, then Idk.
Mrs. Hedlund said:
GalacticPetey said:
Mrs. Hedlund said:
GalacticPetey said:
Yeah, and I'm a famous move director (actually my idea as a career)
I'm married to Garrett---Um, otherwise my name wouldn't be Mrs. Hedlund?!
Well good for you. I'm 13, to young to be married.
I'm 22 ;) Not too young to get married.

And if you guys are taking this seriously, then Idk.
I wasn't taking it seriously
For a real estate assignment in my 9th grade human geography class, the teacher was married to Jennifer Aniston.
See Mason.
I dont know, seems about as logical as having a crush on a celebrity.
Mrs. Hedlund said:
Noah said:
GalacticPetey said:
Oh well, either way you don't have a chance
No offense, but I am sure that NQ is aware of this. :/

Yes I am aware. I'm not stupid, GP.
To add to what NQ said, I'd like to point out that you becoming a teenager does not make you the smartest person in the world. Unfortunately, when people start living their teenage years, they feel they know more than everyone. Quit being a know-it all, and I hate to break it to you.. you don't know everything. I'm sure you'll snap into reality as you get older.
Noah said:
Mrs. Hedlund said:
Noah said:
GalacticPetey said:
Oh well, either way you don't have a chance
No offense, but I am sure that NQ is aware of this. :/

Yes I am aware. I'm not stupid, GP.
To add to what NQ said, I'd like to point out that you becoming a teenager does not make you the smartest person in the world. Unfortunately, when people start living their teenage years, they feel they know more than everyone. Quit being a know-it all, and I hate to break it to you.. you don't know everything. I'm sure you'll snap into reality as you get older.

I do agree with this. During teenager years, many people want to start shit or just want to let people think they know everything. Now I know I don't know everything *I can admit that, because I'm no longer a teen* but it's ridiculous with all this sarcasm and trying to one-up everyone around here.
Oh, and I'm sure that acting as if you know everything will simply make people more irritated with you. If you want everyone to think you're this super-cool guy, I don't think being a know-it-all is the best idea. Sorry. :|
Yeah I think this is how a lot of people are unfortunately. You know what though, I take back that you grow out of being a know-it-all. Some people NO MATTER how old they are, still act like they fucking know everything....
Mrs. Hedlund said:
Yeah I think this is how a lot of people are unfortunately. You know what though, I take back that you grow out of being a know-it-all. Some people NO MATTER how old they are, still act like they fucking know everything....
Yeah, you're right. I do know that some grow out of it, but you're certainly right when you say that some don't grow out of it.
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