For the Guys (A Thread About Love)

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Crackin355 said:
My school pretty much is a Total Ass. everybody there is a dick. Including me and my friends.

If you are in middle school or high school now, just wait til you get to college. You meet MUCH more cooler/better people there.
All the people that are my friends now did not go to my high school (with the exception of my best friend--we've been friends since 1999).
Same, my mates now are totally differant to those through primary school, I guess we went our seprate ways...
Marwikedor said:
Love is a fasod it is just a chemical in the brain that only lasts so long. A few years AT THE VERY MOST. Nobody who has been married for decades or even YEARS is still in "love" with each other. If they say they do, it is just a fasod, or just calling a companionship they may still have that euphoric feeling that has died so long ago. This idea of romantic love is ridiculous the purpose of marriage is to procreate kids you don't have to "love" your spouse, it is good that you get along with him or her. Bring back the good old days of arranged marriages. I wish I could say on my 20th wedding anniversary to my hot wife I never had to court "The first time I met you was on our wedding day!"

*Love is Fassad.

Fixed. Everyone loves Fassad.
Crackin355 said:
My school pretty much is a Total Ass. everybody there is a *bleep*. Including me and my friends.
^This except I'm not a *bleep*. Some people can be total jerks when it comes to dating. Most girls date a guy for a month and then break up with them. It's stupid
Brock said:
Marwikedor said:
Love is a fasod it is just a chemical in the brain that only lasts so long. A few years AT THE VERY MOST. Nobody who has been married for decades or even YEARS is still in "love" with each other. If they say they do, it is just a fasod, or just calling a companionship they may still have that euphoric feeling that has died so long ago. This idea of romantic love is ridiculous the purpose of marriage is to procreate kids you don't have to "love" your spouse, it is good that you get along with him or her. Bring back the good old days of arranged marriages. I wish I could say on my 20th wedding anniversary to my hot wife I never had to court "The first time I met you was on our wedding day!"

*Love is Fassad.

Fixed. Everyone loves Fassad.

Yes everyone should.

Master Koopakid said:
^This except I'm not a *bleep*. Some people can be total jerks when it comes to dating. Most girls date a guy for a month and then break up with them. It's stupid
Y'know, there's a difference between love and infatuation, right?
Mrs. Hedlund said:
Crackin355 said:
My school pretty much is a Total Ass. everybody there is a dick. Including me and my friends.

If you are in middle school or high school now, just wait til you get to college. You meet MUCH more cooler/better people there.
All the people that are my friends now did not go to my high school (with the exception of my best friend--we've been friends since 1999).

How do you meet people? People stopped wanting to make friends after my freshman year. I go to one or two clubs, but my friend groups kind of dissolved after I broke up with one of them...
Brock said:
Mrs. Hedlund said:
Crackin355 said:
My school pretty much is a Total Ass. everybody there is a dick. Including me and my friends.

If you are in middle school or high school now, just wait til you get to college. You meet MUCH more cooler/better people there.
All the people that are my friends now did not go to my high school (with the exception of my best friend--we've been friends since 1999).

How do you meet people? People stopped wanting to make friends after my freshman year. I go to one or two clubs, but my friend groups kind of dissolved after I broke up with one of them...
How do I meet people? Well I talk to the people that are in my classes. Duh.
Mrs. Hedlund said:
Brock said:
Mrs. Hedlund said:
Crackin355 said:
My school pretty much is a Total Ass. everybody there is a dick. Including me and my friends.

If you are in middle school or high school now, just wait til you get to college. You meet MUCH more cooler/better people there.
All the people that are my friends now did not go to my high school (with the exception of my best friend--we've been friends since 1999).

How do you meet people? People stopped wanting to make friends after my freshman year. I go to one or two clubs, but my friend groups kind of dissolved after I broke up with one of them...
How do I meet people? Well I talk to the people that are in my classes. Duh.
Thank you captain obvious
Mrs. Hedlund said:
Brock said:
Mrs. Hedlund said:
Crackin355 said:
My school pretty much is a Total Ass. everybody there is a dick. Including me and my friends.

If you are in middle school or high school now, just wait til you get to college. You meet MUCH more cooler/better people there.
All the people that are my friends now did not go to my high school (with the exception of my best friend--we've been friends since 1999).

How do you meet people? People stopped wanting to make friends after my freshman year. I go to one or two clubs, but my friend groups kind of dissolved after I broke up with one of them...
How do I meet people? Well I talk to the people that are in my classes. Duh.

Oh, I find that awkward. I mean, I get numbers to work on homework, that's normal. But I dont really hang out with the people in my class.
@GP--I wasn't talking to you.

@Brock--what's wrong with being friends with people you go to school with?

UGH this is off topic again. And this isn't MJ, so you can't blame it on that...
Asking people to dance is really not anything to be worried about.
It's simple.
Marwikedor said:
Being fat makes you ugly. But it is possible to get rid of it, though hard. In that sence, being fat isn't like being blind. But if you're ugly to begin with, you're screwed.

Sir, I'd like to congratulate you on being the most shallow person I've met in a while.
Mrs. Hedlund said:
@GP--I wasn't talking to you.

@Brock--what's wrong with being friends with people you go to school with?

UGH this is off topic again. And this isn't MJ, so you can't blame it on that...

I just dont like combining work with friends. If you get in a fight with a friend who is a lab partner, then that makes labs very awkward, or if you get in a fight with a friend who you are working on a project with, then that makes getting the project done harder. Not saying I dont have friends in my classes, or that I dont make friends through class, I just prefer, uh, not to have to do jobs with them, because the potential for trouble, you know? A more relaxed friendship than a "I call you when I need help on homework" friendship. Idk if that description makes sense?
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