For the Guys (A Thread About Love)

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Mason said:

My friends and I would play Yu-Gi-Oh! during lunch time, and the "bully group" would come and throw our cards in the garbage can and call them "Yu-Gi-Gay." The teachers would side with them, and tell us that it's our fault for bringing our cards to school. These kids sought us out on their free time.

And I'm not even bringing up the physical bullying (since we fought back.) But being bullied and having the teacher defend the bullies is a living hell.

I hear of kids who claim they're being bullied when they go poke a hornet's nest. You don't run up to the cool clique and say "ANYONE PLAY POKÉMON?" No offense but you almost deserve to be bullied if you're pulling crap like that.

And any adult who claims "elementary school and junior high don't have cliques" is full of crap. There was always the cool group, the nerd group, et cetra, as far back as I can remember. At least at my schools there were.
Amen Brothah! I couldn't agree with you more on this! *applause* I brought a Pokemon toy to school one day in 5th grade and some stupid kid took it and threw it at the ground and it got scratched up. I was upset, and I told my teacher...well the teacher assistant *who was a prick* said "Well, maybe you shouldn't bring stuff like that to school". I know that was bullying, but your story reminded me of that.

Mason, I knew from the beginning of elementary school who the "cool kids" were, and it's funny because in high school, those girls and guys turned out to be such ASSHOLES and BITCHES, and all they would do is backstab eachother. Yeah, true friends alright. Good guys finish last....
OMG, that boy who I think liked me ignored me all weekend for some older girls.
Plus other boy's I knew would'nt sit with me because they wanted to sit with 'girls who are more fit.'
I can't say I've ever been bullied, but those stories sound terrible. Poor guys :(
GalacticPetey said:
Brock said:
I can't say I've ever been bullied, but those stories sound terrible. Poor guys :(
I know. Now lets get back on topic.
I'm not sure you understand what "on topic" means..
GalacticPetey said:
This thread is about love, not bullying
I'm surprised this thread isnt dead already, with you killing every conversation that builds up any steam.
I have been bullied for ages.
Through Primary school it was ok, it was the occasinal bitch name calling, all you had to do was tell then they appologise and stop.

In year 7 it got MUCH worse, people teased me in every way possible, my weight, looks, height, persinality, EVERYTHING! No matter how many times I told it would always start up again, it kept on happening, until about halfway through year 9. I started learning to ignore it, it was NOT easy, but hey, no I have lot's of friends and even those bullies suck up to me now.
I was kind of bullied by a few kids. It climaxed in sixth grade where a jerk called me names all year and left me out of stuff (aka handing out Halloween baskets to everyone but me.) But after that I learned to just ignore them. I've never had a major bullying problem, though...
I either am rarely bullied, or I don't recognize it as such. I don't have many friends, so it may be the latter.
Toad85 said:
I either am rarely bullied, or I don't recognize it as such. I don't have many friends, so it may be the latter.

Quality over quantity kind of thing?
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