For the Guys (A Thread About Love)

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Scarecrow von Steuben said:
Mrs. Hedlund said:
Maybe by next year, I'll have a boyfriend? We shall see....

Tone down the bat*bleep* crazy a bit first.
Look, you do not know me, so you cannot make those assumptions about me. I do not appreciate how you are treating me, I have never done anything to you. So please, just stop picking on me.
Messed Up Freakshow of Cryptic Sarcasm said:
Mrs. Hedlund said:
Maybe by next year, I'll have a boyfriend? We shall see....

Tone down the bat*bleep* crazy a bit first.
Did someone say Bat (shit) Crazy?


(Probably only Ralph would get this, but I'm posting it anyways.)
GalacticPetey said:
No one cares about Hockey references, Now please, get back on topic.
No one cares about your shit. Now please stop telling people to get back on topic, and actually get back on topic. Okay? Thanks. Bye.

Speaking of which.
Randomly was contacted by a girl on facebook, who was on my friends list, but neither of us remember where we met.

She contacted me because I posted my class schedule on facebook, and we had the same class. Odd, stalkerish, but interesting. Still trying to figure out where we know each other from.
Brock said:
GalacticPetey said:
No one cares about Hockey references, Now please, get back on topic.
No one cares about your shit. Now please stop telling people to get back on topic, and actually get back on topic. Okay? Thanks. Bye.

Speaking of which.
Randomly was contacted by a girl on facebook, who was on my friends list, but neither of us remember where we met.

She contacted me because I posted my class schedule on facebook, and we had the same class. Odd, stalkerish, but interesting. Still trying to figure out where we know each other from.

That really doesn't sound stalkerish...Well, maybe she just wants to talk to you or something!? ♥ That's so cute though, that she did that ( maybe it's because I'm a girl and we think that shit is cute).
Mrs. Hedlund said:
That really doesn't sound stalkerish...Well, maybe she just wants to talk to you or something!? ♥ That's so cute though, that she did that ( maybe it's because I'm a girl and we think that shit is cute).
Oh, no. I used stalkerish as a joke, her words, not mine. I just found it funny that neither of us could remember where we met. I know it was after college started, but we'll figure it out eventually.
What do you guys do/think when you see a girl randomly send you a PM on Facebook or whatever? And she just wants to say hi and see how things are going with you? What do you think of that?
And it's a girl who likes you, and you have a girlfriend.
Mrs. Hedlund said:
What do you guys do/think when you see a girl randomly send you a PM on Facebook or whatever? And she just wants to say hi and see how things are going with you? What do you think of that?
And it's a girl who likes you, and you have a girlfriend.
I'd chat with her and be nice but I wouldn't be all flirty or anything.
GLaDOS said:
Mrs. Hedlund said:
What do you guys do/think when you see a girl randomly send you a PM on Facebook or whatever? And she just wants to say hi and see how things are going with you? What do you think of that?
And it's a girl who likes you, and you have a girlfriend.
I'd chat with her and be nice but I wouldn't be all flirty or anything.
I say Hi.

Then if she asks a question, I answer and be polite and ask her how she is. But I don't go on Facebook at all really. Only to find out what my friends are up to. Other than that, nothing.
I wanted to post something that happened back in February, but that's all I'm gonna say about it.

I was friends with this girl in Social Studies, right? She was on my bus. My bus last year was freakin crazy. Everybody had a seat on my bus except me. So I had to rely on asking to people sit next them. So there was my friend, right, and the girl that usually sits next to her was empty. So since the seat was open I causally asked to sit next to her. Then later, she asked to see my phone (you guys know where this is going, right?). I gave it to her thinking "Oh she only wants to see my phone that's all" Then she gave it back to me and everyone was looking at me and I remember her saying "*insert my name here* doesn't know what's going on..." So then I saw her number on my phone and I had no idea she actually liked me until now,
Master Koopakid said:
I wanted to post something that happened back in February, but that's all I'm gonna say about it.

I was friends with this girl in Social Studies, right? She was on my bus. My bus last year was freakin crazy. Everybody had a seat on my bus except me. So I had to rely on asking to people sit next them. So there was my friend, right, and the girl that usually sits next to her was empty. So since the seat was open I causally asked to sit next to her. Then later, she asked to see my phone (you guys know where this is going, right?). I gave it to her thinking "Oh she only wants to see my phone that's all" Then she gave it back to me and everyone was looking at me and I remember her saying "*insert my name here* doesn't know what's going on..." So then I saw her number on my phone and I had no idea she actually liked me until now,

Aww! That is so cute, she likes you ♥ Do you still talk to her?
Mrs. Hedlund said:
Master Koopakid said:
I wanted to post something that happened back in February, but that's all I'm gonna say about it.

I was friends with this girl in Social Studies, right? She was on my bus. My bus last year was freakin crazy. Everybody had a seat on my bus except me. So I had to rely on asking to people sit next them. So there was my friend, right, and the girl that usually sits next to her was empty. So since the seat was open I causally asked to sit next to her. Then later, she asked to see my phone (you guys know where this is going, right?). I gave it to her thinking "Oh she only wants to see my phone that's all" Then she gave it back to me and everyone was looking at me and I remember her saying "*insert my name here* doesn't know what's going on..." So then I saw her number on my phone and I had no idea she actually liked me until now,

Aww! That is so cute, she likes you ♥ Do you still talk to her?
How'd I know that you would say it's cute?
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