For the Guys (A Thread About Love)

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Mrs. Hedlund said:
GalacticPetey said:
I'm starting to not like this thread. So much love, but none for me.
Hey now, there is hardly any love for me. That's why I created it! So we can talk about our woes.
Okay. I'm unloved by the people at my school. At first glance, girls think Oh, that's the kid with the weird Godzilla obssesion. I am taunted by evryone for liking what I like. And that ladies and gentlemen, is why I've never had a relationship. well, Ive talked about my woes.
GalacticPetey said:
Mrs. Hedlund said:
GalacticPetey said:
I'm starting to not like this thread. So much love, but none for me.
Hey now, there is hardly any love for me. That's why I created it! So we can talk about our woes.
Okay. I'm unloved by the people at my school. At first glance, girls think Oh, that's the kid with the weird Godzilla obssesion. I am taunted by evryone for liking what I like. And that ladies and gentlemen, is why I've never had a relationship. well, Ive talked about my woes.

They're not worth your time if they make fun of you for what you like. Also, people used to think I was weird for having a Gary Oak obsession back when I was 10-11 years old.
And I don't think any guys at my school like me either, I hardly know any guys's sad.
Mrs. Hedlund said:
GalacticPetey said:
Mrs. Hedlund said:
GalacticPetey said:
I'm starting to not like this thread. So much love, but none for me.
Hey now, there is hardly any love for me. That's why I created it! So we can talk about our woes.
Okay. I'm unloved by the people at my school. At first glance, girls think Oh, that's the kid with the weird Godzilla obssesion. I am taunted by evryone for liking what I like. And that ladies and gentlemen, is why I've never had a relationship. well, Ive talked about my woes.

They're not worth your time if they make fun of you for what you like. Also, people used to think I was weird for having a Gary Oak obsession back when I was 10-11 years old.
And I don't think any guys at my school like me either, I hardly know any guys's sad.
Most girls don't know me. The others don't know I exist. I hate it when people judge me on one action I did awhile ago.
GalacticPetey said:
Mrs. Hedlund said:
13 is a weird age to be at...I hated that time b/w 6th grade and 8th grade.
It is weird. It's especially hard when you have to deal with bullying and people spreading rumors.
Middle school was a bust, high school is not much better. College there are still some annoying, stupid people. HECK, there are horrible people ANYWHERE you go nowadays, no matter what age you are. (Source: My mom)
Mrs. Hedlund said:
GalacticPetey said:
Mrs. Hedlund said:
13 is a weird age to be at...I hated that time b/w 6th grade and 8th grade.
It is weird. It's especially hard when you have to deal with bullying and people spreading rumors.
Middle school was a bust, high school is not much better. College there are still some annoying, stupid people. HECK, there are horrible people ANYWHERE you go nowadays, no matter what age you are. (Source: My mom)
aint't that the truth. It also makes me ticked when I see a couple being lovey dovey in public or in class.
Mrs. Hedlund said:
What do you guys do/think when you see a girl randomly send you a PM on Facebook or whatever? And she just wants to say hi and see how things are going with you? What do you think of that?
And it's a girl who likes you, and you have a girlfriend.
AND? I have a girlfriend? Well, that would be neat. But since I dont, I'd probably chat, be friendly, and joke around, like I normally do. I'm not really a big flirt, so I mostly act the same whether I have or dont have a girlfriend.

(correction, I'm a huge flirt, I just dont always realize it.)

GalacticPetey said:
Mrs. Hedlund said:
13 is a weird age to be at...I hated that time b/w 6th grade and 8th grade.
It is weird. It's especially hard when you have to deal with bullying and people spreading rumors.

Speaking of 7th and 8th grade, I mostly hated that time because I had such heavy school work, that I broke mentally and emotionally. It was good times. Also I made the JV high school hockey team, and was playing with the Varsity high school hockey team, only to have to move away that summer before I was able to even join the team. Not a fun time in my life.
Brock said:
Mrs. Hedlund said:
What do you guys do/think when you see a girl randomly send you a PM on Facebook or whatever? And she just wants to say hi and see how things are going with you? What do you think of that?
And it's a girl who likes you, and you have a girlfriend.
AND? I have a girlfriend? Well, that would be neat. But since I dont, I'd probably chat, be friendly, and joke around, like I normally do. I'm not really a big flirt, so I mostly act the same whether I have or dont have a girlfriend.

(correction, I'm a huge flirt, I just dont always realize it.)
I'm a huge flirt too...but I do it subtly, and you boys don't pick up on subtle hints very well (That's what I've learned). However, if we women came off in a NON-subtle way, then you boys are turned off by that...So it's a lose-lose situation!
Mrs. Hedlund said:
Master Koopakid said:
I wanted to post something that happened back in February, but that's all I'm gonna say about it.

I was friends with this girl in Social Studies, right? She was on my bus. My bus last year was freakin crazy. Everybody had a seat on my bus except me. So I had to rely on asking to people sit next them. So there was my friend, right, and the girl that usually sits next to her was empty. So since the seat was open I causally asked to sit next to her. Then later, she asked to see my phone (you guys know where this is going, right?). I gave it to her thinking "Oh she only wants to see my phone that's all" Then she gave it back to me and everyone was looking at me and I remember her saying "*insert my name here* doesn't know what's going on..." So then I saw her number on my phone and I had no idea she actually liked me until now,

Aww! That is so cute, she likes you ♥ Do you still talk to her?
I have a FB but I don't use it much... my crush doesn't have one anyway. I usually text her. Sadly she doesn't turn her phone on often.
GLaDOS said:
I have a FB but I don't use it much... my crush doesn't have one anyway. I usually text her. Sadly she doesn't turn her phone on often.
Too bad. I've never had a facebook, nor do I plan to get one. So that's not available.
GalacticPetey said:
It also makes me ticked when I see a couple being lovey dovey in public or in class.
Yeah, because getting annoyed at someone else's good fortune is totally worth getting irritated about.

Also I personally don't see what the big deal about "bullying" in school is because people are always going to dislike you, no matter where you are, so instead of complaining about it you should just ignore it or deal with it.

Course, that's just me, everyone's different, so...
Mrs. Hedlund said:
Also, people used to think I was weird for having a Gary Oak obsession back when I was 10-11 years old.

Er, hate to break it to you, but that is weird.

Dr. Javelin said:
Also I personally don't see what the big deal about "bullying" in school is because people are always going to dislike you, no matter where you are, so instead of complaining about it you should just ignore it or deal with it.

Either you're *bleep*ing stupid or you've never been a kid. The issue isn't people disliking you, it's people tormenting you, and giving you hell for everything. You cannot ignore that. Anyone who says it's that simple doesn't know what they're talking about.
Messed Up Freakshow of Cryptic Sarcasm said:
Mrs. Hedlund said:
Also, people used to think I was weird for having a Gary Oak obsession back when I was 10-11 years old.

Er, hate to break it to you, but that is weird.

Isn't it weird? Told ya. Ha. You think you're insulting me, don't you?
Messed Up Freakshow of Cryptic Sarcasm said:
Dr. Javelin said:
Also I personally don't see what the big deal about "bullying" in school is because people are always going to dislike you, no matter where you are, so instead of complaining about it you should just ignore it or deal with it.

Either you're *bleep*ing stupid or you've never been a kid. The issue isn't people disliking you, it's people tormenting you, and giving you hell for everything. You cannot ignore that. Anyone who says it's that simple doesn't know what they're talking about.

Sorry, but I have to double post here:
I agree with Scarecrow here, there is a difference between not liking someone and actually bullying them. There are many people I dislike, but I don't bully or torment them. Like Scarecrow said, you can't ignore or just put up with bullying. It can be really hurtful to people.
When you dislike someone, most of the time you are just going to think "UGH! I do NOT like this person, I can't stand them!" and most of the time just not do much with them because you don't like them. When you are bullying someone, you constantly make their life hell by teasing them, and verbally/physically hurting them.

See the difference?

Once again, this is not a thread about bullying. This is about LOVE.

Getting back on topic: Today it feels good to be single. I don't know why, but it does ♥
Bullying is annoying. Some prick would always call me nerd and a loser because I mentioned the game Minecraft ONCE. And I didnt get much sleep one night, so when I was tired, he said I looked like a stoner and never stopped calling me it. So one time, he was annoying my friend and me. I could deal with it fine, since whatever he said didnt affect me but my friend was starting to get annoyed, so i stopped him. He was playing with his chair making annoying noises with his feet so I smashed my foot into his. Then he proceeded to go "What the hell you stoner nerd druggo that likes minecraft". Then I proceeded to say: "I thought there'd be more brain in that huge forehead of yours.". he was angry but didnt do anything. I thought "Wow, he might be kind of mature". Nope, Chuck testa. He raged at me on facebook. I replied once, then he kept replying, so I kept replying and we sort of started arguing. he said he wasnt mad, but then I replied and he said "OH MY GOD SHUT THE F*** UP YOU STUPID NERD UR PISSING ME OFF" then I replied being a troll "U Mad Bro?". Needless to say, after that he stopped. After that, he never annoyed me again. I found out why recently. My sister's boyfriend actually went over to their house after seeing the conversation on facebook and told the jerks older brother that if he did anything to me he'd regret it. It's nice to know that he was sticking up for me. In fact, my whole family was, my sister was super surprised that me being a smartass actually came in handy.

I had a good last week of school then, knowing he wouldn't annoy me (before I found out, I was wondering when he'd start again) so I was pretty cheerful.

Also, don't get facebook, it's really boring.

And since you replied after I typed up all this, I'm gonna go with "Screw It, I didnt waste my time for nothing" and just post it.

And now, we can go back on-topic: Relationship's suck unless you're committed, my friend feels bad if he says no to a girl and says yes but he says it's dreadful after that.
Mrs. Hedlund said:
Messed Up Freakshow of Cryptic Sarcasm said:
Mrs. Hedlund said:
Also, people used to think I was weird for having a Gary Oak obsession back when I was 10-11 years old.

Er, hate to break it to you, but that is weird.

Isn't it weird? Told ya. Ha. You think you're insulting me, don't you?

Oh, what a burn! I feel as though I have been pwned! Oh no! She has said she agrees! This is a diss!

Mrs. Hedlund said:
I agree with Scarecrow here, there is a difference between not liking someone and actually bullying them. There are many people I dislike, but I don't bully or torment them. Like Scarecrow said, you can't ignore or just put up with bullying. It can be really hurtful to people.
When you dislike someone, most of the time you are just going to think "UGH! I do NOT like this person, I can't stand them!" and most of the time just not do much with them because you don't like them. When you are bullying someone, you constantly make their life hell by teasing them, and verbally/physically hurting them.


Mrs. Hedlund said:
Today it feels good to be single. I don't know why, but it does ♥

Sometimes I think that. Then I cry into my cereal.
Messed Up Freakshow of Cryptic Sarcasm said:
Mrs. Hedlund said:
Messed Up Freakshow of Cryptic Sarcasm said:
Mrs. Hedlund said:
Also, people used to think I was weird for having a Gary Oak obsession back when I was 10-11 years old.

Er, hate to break it to you, but that is weird.

Isn't it weird? Told ya. Ha. You think you're insulting me, don't you?

Oh, what a burn! I feel as though I have been pwned! Oh no! She has said she agrees! This is a diss!

Mrs. Hedlund said:
I agree with Scarecrow here, there is a difference between not liking someone and actually bullying them. There are many people I dislike, but I don't bully or torment them. Like Scarecrow said, you can't ignore or just put up with bullying. It can be really hurtful to people.
When you dislike someone, most of the time you are just going to think "UGH! I do NOT like this person, I can't stand them!" and most of the time just not do much with them because you don't like them. When you are bullying someone, you constantly make their life hell by teasing them, and verbally/physically hurting them.


Mrs. Hedlund said:
Today it feels good to be single. I don't know why, but it does ♥

Sometimes I think that. Then I cry into my cereal.

Hey Scarecrow, I'm messing with you. Despite you teasing me, I think you're pretty cool and funny. ;)
And yes, I'm sure today something will happen where I will end up crying in cereal too...

My friends and I would play Yu-Gi-Oh! during lunch time, and the "bully group" would come and throw our cards in the garbage can and call them "Yu-Gi-Gay." The teachers would side with them, and tell us that it's our fault for bringing our cards to school. These kids sought us out on their free time.

And I'm not even bringing up the physical bullying (since we fought back.) But being bullied and having the teacher defend the bullies is a living hell.

I hear of kids who claim they're being bullied when they go poke a hornet's nest. You don't run up to the cool clique and say "ANYONE PLAY POKÉMON?" No offense but you almost deserve to be bullied if you're pulling crap like that.

And any adult who claims "elementary school and junior high don't have cliques" is full of crap. There was always the cool group, the nerd group, et cetra, as far back as I can remember. At least at my schools there were.
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