Fire Emblem: Awakening

I like knights because they promote into my favorite unit of the game.

Also, screw training Donnel. I don't care how awesome he probably is fully trained, it's not worth it to try and raise a unit that does like 3HP worth of damage to enemy units on average. I can't weaken the enemies in a way that lets him finish them off.
By chance, do you have an Arms Scroll? He's infinitely easier to train once he has access to javelins.

But hey, your call.
Never bothered trained Donnell. From what i've heard training him ins't worth the time.
I have trained him and he is pretty good for skills and can be useful if you get him out of villager early on
Yoshidude99 said:
Thrawn said:
No, don't worry. Everyone likes Miriel.
I've never used her.
You should, she is very good if you train her.

By the way, it's never too late to regain units you have left behind. You can enter risen battles from early game maps to help them catch up.
Gabumon said:
For example, I have no idea how good Ricken is. Maybe he is like super amazing, idk. But since I like Miriel more, I'm going to use her.

Miriel is really frail, but has a higher magic stat while Ricken is much bulkier, but has a slightly lower magic stat.
Gabumon said:
I like knights because they promote into my favorite unit of the game.

Also, screw training Donnel. I don't care how awesome he probably is fully trained, it's not worth it to try and raise a unit that does like 3HP worth of damage to enemy units on average. I can't weaken the enemies in a way that lets him finish them off.

I usually play casual, but what I do is:

1.Build Donnel's support with Kellam, the defense boost Donnel gets from him'll come in handy, helping him to take some attacks.
2.Fight Edward (from Radiant Dawn) via Spotpass, his team is comprised of a bunch of low-level thieves and myrmidons, so they're potentially the easiest the best team to train Donnel with.
3.If you've got someone else with good defense, provided it's high enough, they'll eventually be invulnerable to attacks from Edward's team, disarming said tank should draw all the enemies towards him, making for a nice distraction.
I was just about to wrap up some chapter in the desert with three enemy units remaining. One of them got a critical on Chrom, and then some mage cheap shotted him with 39% accuracy. I'm pissed.

Now I have to do all that shit again.
Gabumon said:
I was just about to wrap up some chapter in the desert with three enemy units remaining. One of them got a critical on Chrom, and then some mage cheap shotted him with 39% accuracy. I'm pissed.

Now I have to do all that shit again.
Is this chapter 9 because I can give you advice on how to deal with the killer bow unit.
No, it was chapter 8. It's fine. I just overlooked the fact that one of the enemy units had a Killing Edge.
Ok so I've got to Chapter 21 and the enemies are starting to get pretty tough. Nowi's Dragonstone has ran out and there isn't any in the convoy or shops. How do I get a new one?
Yoshidude99 said:
Ok so I've got to Chapter 21 and the enemies are starting to get pretty tough. Nowi's Dragonstone has ran out and there isn't any in the convoy or shops. How do I get a new one?

there is a shop that appears whenever that sells the stones, not sure otherwise.

maybe some from enemies or chests.
There should be some in the shops; I think you should try the store at Port Ferox. Or somewhere around that area. I forget.

also you should stop using nowi immediately, go do the chapter at "divine dragon grounds", recruit tiki, and use her instead
I need to go back to doing my male playthrough...
I have done everything on my third female playthrough except 2 DLC levels, I am keeping that file as my main one as I have some really good units on there
So even though I said I wouldn't I actually went and trained Donnel. He suddenly became so useful after I got rid of that shitty Villager class. It's a difference like night and day. He used to do crap damage to everything, now he doubles and one-shots a lot.

It's funny, it's like he's a whole different fella.

Also, just completed chapter 9. That Killer Bow unit fell before the might of invincible Kellam in one attack.
Yoshidude99 said:
Ok so I've got to Chapter 21 and the enemies are starting to get pretty tough. Nowi's Dragonstone has ran out and there isn't any in the convoy or shops. How do I get a new one?
The best way to get another dragonstone by doing side story 17 as beating it gives you a dragonstone + which is much more powerful than a regular dragonstone.
Ah, that's a tough one.

Basically, you need to arrange your units like so:
. Y Y

Where Tiki = T and Y = Ylissean unit (your army, in other words).

This way, no enemy unit can attack Tiki without killing one of your units first. The trick is finding seven units strong enough to hold out under the constant attacks, right?

You really only need five, the ones on the lower half of the "shield". The two up top don't get attacked quite as often in my experience.

Regardless, it's still a rather difficult chapter, and you'll need to give everyone on the frontline elixirs to make sure they can restore their health after each round. But other than that, it's not that hard. You'll just need a little luck to make it through.

And believe me, Tiki is worth the trouble. SHE'S AWESOME AND BETTER THAN NOWI IN EVERY WAY
yeah tiki is actually one of the better characters in the game, plus has decent hp unlike nowi.
I would place four non-range units (preferably Axe users but it doesn't matter) around Tiki. I would then send the rest of your units after the risen that come after Tiki. I would go after the ones that have range weapons first since they can still reach Tiki even with the defence. If you don't kill all of the Risen that are near you, they will just go after one the units next to Tiki and will likely die in the process. Be sure to have a lot of bow units on your team.
NSY said:
I would place four non-range units (preferably Axe users but it doesn't matter) around Tiki. I would then send the rest of your units after the risen that come after Tiki. I would go after the ones that have range weapons first since they can still reach Tiki even with the defence. If you don't kill all of the Risen that are near you, they will just go after one the units next to Tiki and will likely die in the process. Be sure to have a lot of bow units on your team.
That's one way to do it, but if you let even two ranged units past the barricade, Tiki dies.

And trust me, she's only this weak without her Dragonstone.

Also, I forgot to mention that you can take advantage of the fact that the enemy AI in this mission is programmed to charge for Tiki, no matter the cost, so even if one of your units is about to die they'll go for Tiki instead if possible. And their ranged units won't attack from a range, they'll charge right up to your melee units just so they can get closer to their target.

EDIT: also

This person is doing it right, although I personally pair up the units directly adjacent to Tiki with the ones on the primary defensive line.