Fire Emblem: Awakening

I did radiant hero and the final chapter and now I am prepping my units for apothesis. The team I am going to use include the follwing units in the following pairs
MU(Bride) x Chrom!Inigo(Dread fighter)
Inigo!Morgan(Dread fighter) x Gauis!Cynthia(Falcon Knight)
Chrom(Great Lord) x Olivia(Swordmaster)
Olivia!Lucina(Great Lord) x Frederick!Gerome(Wyvern Lord)
Henry(Sorcerer) x Tharja (Dark Knight)
Lissa(Sage) x Stahl(Paladin)
Stahl!Owain(Swordmaster) x Lon'qu!Severa(Hero)
Gaius(Assasin) x Sumia(Dark Flier)
Lon'qu(Swordmaster) x Cordelia(Falcon Knight)
Libra!Brady(War Monk) x Kellam!Kjelle(General)
I have these units with some pretty nice skillsets and I am goong to limit break them all before doing so. I am consodering recording myself doing apothesis and putting it on youtube :D
As you may be able to tell, I am one who likes keeping units to their base classes :P

EDIT: All I have now is Roster Rescue amd Apothesis.
How do I even go about doing roster rescue, it hurts my head.
So I got this game just now.

I assume Frederick is the Jeigan of this game, so sorry Freddie, but no EXP for you. Ever.
Gabumon said:
So I got this game just now.

I assume Frederick is the Jeigan of this game, so sorry Freddie, but no EXP for you. Ever.

great as a character, but yeah he will fall behind shortly.
Good this thread has been bumped. I'm playing through the game at the moment. I'm at Chapter 18 in the main story but I'm in the middle of doing Side Story 8.
So I am glad that Chrom continues the Fire Emblem tradition of blue-haired lords being capable units that do not need to be babied in order to perform adequately. I hope it will be explained how he has Falchion though.

Also for some reason I really like Miriel. She's nuts.
So I just fought some battle and I thought it would be a good idea to lure over the wyvern-mounted boss. But then everything went kind of wrong and two of my units almost died. I tried using the team up function to save one of them believing it would work like the rescue feature from previous titles, but they merged the wrong way with the almost dead guy being in the front. I then tried to transfer him to yet another unit, resulting in that unit merging with the good unit, leaving the half dead unit standing alone in front of the boss. It was a clusterfuck of fail.

Yet somehow by pulling some sort of insane gamble involving a rescue staff and shielding the half dead guy with my cleric of all people, I somehow lived through all of that, killing the boss, and losing not a single unit.

It was amazing.
Gabumon said:
I tried using the team up function to save one of them believing it would work like the rescue feature from previous titles, but they merged the wrong way with the almost dead guy being in the front. I then tried to transfer him to yet another unit, resulting in that unit merging with the good unit, leaving the half dead unit standing alone in front of the boss. It was a cluster*bleep* of fail.
Yeah, it takes some time to get used to that coming from other FE games.
i can't tell you how many times i tried to rescue someone like in a previous fire emblem game only for the rescuer to end up stuck behind the weak unit. argh!

also that chapter is probably the most annoying chapter in act I of the game, because they're attacking from all directions with wyvern knights and it's really difficult to shield all your weak characters. which is pretty much all of them this early in the game.
i think it depends on what you do.

the first few times i went through that chapter, i stuck to a turtle position and let them come to me, which is my modus operandi in most fire emblem games. but then there's all the guys who pop out from the back of the map, right on top of your army. and then just when they do this, the boss decides he's tired of waiting and attacks as well. so basically, whenever i did this i was stuck fighting on all fronts, and since the AI in awakening is programmed to target one unit if they have any chance of killing that unit, i always ended up losing one of my frontliners as they got dogpiled under all the wyvern knights.

so then i rectified my strategy and just charged at the boss to end the level early. that worked a lot better.
You can do that late game, but it's not very smart early game because your units aren't battle-hardened. Even frontliners like Kellam and Chrom can die fairly quickly early game. And of course your ranged units and healers will be at the mercy of fliers/cavalry.

Of course, in Awakening i came up with the idea of marrying off my ranged characters (such as Miriel) with frontline units (such as Stahl) and then automatically pairing them up every match. So whenever someone would attack Stahl, Miriel would help him out by lobbing fireballs at them thanks to the nifty support system in Awakening. Then you could just send out the pairs and the ranged units would both be close enough to attack and safeguarded by the frontliners.

By the end of the game my units would pair up at the beginning of every battle and then proceed to kill everyone in their happy little marriages, making this quite possibly the most romantic army ever. >_>
oh yeah, i always pair people up

although when i pair up my healers it results in them getting basically zero usage because i always forget to use them
In my most recent playthrough, I decided to pair up magic units with magic units, physical attackers with physical attackers, etc. in order to play up their strengths. Which worked out a lot better imo, because you had Miriel dealing out absurd amounts of damage while Ricken (don't like him but w/e) boosted her Mag to ridiculous levels.

I think next time I play through I'll try to only use characters whose personalities I like. That should be interesting.
Thrawn said:
I think next time I play through I'll try to only use characters whose personalities I like. That should be interesting.

i thought that would have been done before anything else
No, first time I just train whoever is the strongest. Like Kellam. I despise his stupid personality thing and running gag, but he's okay at battling (at first, anyways). And of course since I don't like the majority of Awakening's cast, I was forced to train several that I didn't like out of pure necessity (such as Lissa, who's pretty annoying but really useful as a healer).

But this time, I'll be shackling myself and forcing myself to train Frederick, since his personality is enjoyable.
i just use characters i like, always.

probably why i dont play fe8 much.
Thrawn said:
No, first time I just train whoever is the strongest. Like Kellam. I despise his stupid personality thing and running gag, but he's okay at battling (at first, anyways). And of course since I don't like the majority of Awakening's cast, I was forced to train several that I didn't like out of pure necessity (such as Lissa, who's pretty annoying but really useful as a healer).

But this time, I'll be shackling myself and forcing myself to train Frederick, since his personality is enjoyable.
I only use characters who I like on my main team, I'm silly like that
Call me mad for not using a donnel fathered Nah on my main team but I don't like her so I only used her for radiant hero.
I guess my strategy is very defensive oriented. I look at the attack/movement range of all enemy units that surround me and then try to take them out in a way that ideally leaves no more than two or three enemies able to reach and attack me after my turn ends. If I have the situation under control and my ground covered, I use bulkier units like Kellam or Sumia (for mages) to lure enemies into my range. If the enemies aren't killed, I use my weaker units to finish them off for some neat EXP.

And I guess I use units that compliment my play style. I factor in their personality, but ultimately their compatibility with how I play is the deciding factor. I don't like Maribelle much right now, but because I am fond of Troubadours, I'm probably going to use her. Donnel's initial stats are terrible, but usually in FE that means if you train him he becomes the best unit in the game or something, so I guess most people do that. I'm not sure if I want to bother with all the micromanagement to make that happen though.

If I have two characters who share roughly the same function though, I go with the one I like more. For example, I have no idea how good Ricken is. Maybe he is like super amazing, idk. But since I like Miriel more, I'm going to use her.

And of course RIGHT as I say that I find a shop that sells Second Seals. Guess I might use Donnel after all, idk.