Unpopular opinions about the Mario series

Master of the House said:
Other M did suck, but it doesn't erase what came before it.

it erased my capacity to feel any goodwill towards nintendo regarding women's rights
Oh come on Other M wasn't that bad. Sure, the story was a freaking soap opera but hey, it was a fun game. Not Prime-fun, but still. She IS a warrior after all and I think she deserves her mention.

Now Bombette, on the other hand...
I don't agree with Toadette (as much as I like her), and Bombette on this list.

Both are basically pink versions of original characters that justify sexist tropes that girls must be pink or something, or if a generic enemy has a bow or lipstick or whatever then it's female unless they don't have them then they're automatically male.

But Samus, Bayonetta, Lucina, Tetra, and Rosalina are all pretty nice choices, honestly.
I don't really see how being pink is sexist. Lots of men and women like and wear pink.
I don't see how including Peach would be bad either.
Anser said:
Oh come on Other M wasn't that bad. Sure, the story was a freaking soap opera but hey, it was a fun game. Not Prime-fun, but still. She IS a warrior after all and I think she deserves her mention.

Now Bombette, on the other hand...

it was shitty in every sense. sexist writing, a reused plot, boring gameplay, and like 7 hours worth of playtime. metroid other m is absolute garbage

and it's not about whether samus "deserves" to be mentioned. this is nothing other than a pr stunt meant to appeal to feminists, probably in response to fucking gamergate. the inclusion criteria have nothing to do with samus as a character
Mcmadness said:
I don't really see how being pink is sexist. Lots of men and women like and wear pink.

Being pink is sexist mainly because of its use when it comes to pandering attention to the female audience and that it is widely stereotyped in girls. I am not saying the color in pink in itself is sexist, but using pink to portray a feminine quality may as well be considered so simply because of the stereotyping associated with it. There are barely any men I know in media that like and wear pink compared to the vast number of females who wear or have some sort of pink in them.

Mcmadness said:
I don't see how including Peach would be bad either.

Peach is probably the trope against feminism in games. Just because she played one or two roles in other video games that would qualify as treating females better in gaming doesn't mean she would make a good symbol for feminism in video games; she is still an objectified (meaning plot device in this case) character in most media who often waits for a man to rescue her.
And so what if she is? I fail to see why needing to be rescued is a negative trait.

Also while pink = feminine is a stereotype I fail to see how it's a negative one. It's not demeaning for a female to like pink.
Mcmadness said:
And so what if she is? I fail to see why needing to be rescued is a negative trait.

Because that's how women are normally portrayed in media. When a person gets kidnapped in video games or movies, it's normally a female person. But your argument is that you think Peach should be in the list of good women in video games, I say she's the exact opposite: she's a female who looks pretty who needs to get rescued which is the norm for too many female characters in media.

You're really ignoring the big picture of things. It's a bit like saying why is sexualization of a single woman is a bad trait, when in fact, it's the multiple instances of it to the point where it becomes the norm to do so in media.

Mcmadness said:
Also while pink = feminine is a stereotype I fail to see how it's a negative one. It's not demeaning for a female to like pink.

As I said, it's a negative stereotype because it creates a misconception of female characters and it creates this unhealthy pandering to the female audience, that it's normal for girls to like pink, that in order to draw females in, they need to be colored pink, etc. I normally wouldn't have a problem with girls liking pink or sexualized females but as it is, it's currently the status quo and it really needs to get toned down.
That doesn't really answer my question. How is that negative? People need to be saved, it happens. Does that suddenly make them lesser people for needing to be saved or helped? I certainly don't think so.
Mcmadness said:
That doesn't really answer my question. How is that negative? People need to be saved, it happens. Does that suddenly make them lesser people for needing to be saved or helped? I certainly don't think so.

It's negative for women because it reinforces the stereotype that women are portrayed as weak, passive, and lacking in ability, especially in Peach's case.
To which my response is again, how is that negative? Those type of people exist. Male and female alike. Yes it is a stereotype. My question is how is it a NEGATIVE one?
Because it objectifies them. Keep in mind I'm talking about females since the damsel in distress trope is still common.

And I'm pretty sure portraying women as weak and lacking in ability is already negative in itself.

Most stereotypes are harmful anyway.
And my question is how? Unless it's some bs like ride to retribution where it is indeed objectifying them due to the ''rescue sex'' they give you, I just don't see how needing to be rescued is on it's own a negative thing. Hell as far as damsels go Peach being rescued is used fairly tastefully as you generally don't see her doing that kind of crap. When she's saved she'll say thank you and MAYBE give a rescue smooch.
Well the women is reduced to an objective or a reward that you complete, that's my problem with the concept; the woman in question is no more than a personified treasure chest. I wouldn't have a problem with maybe few instances except, as with the pink thing, it's currently the status quo in media, especially video games.

I don't have any problems with having a captive by the way, it's just like, as sexualization to women, it's overabused especially to women.
Well I agree it probably is overused but thats more from repetition of the scenario than how it portrays females.

Ultimately for me as a literary device I view the damsel in distress trope like I view any other trope, it has good ways for it to be executed and bad ways it can be executed. And the way it's done with princess peach I feel to be perfectly fine.

Hell Rosalina is on this list and you had to save her ass twice.
She wasn't but you don't need to be kidnapped to be saved.
Mcmadness said:
She wasn't but you don't need to be kidnapped to be saved.

But Rosalina was never in need of saving. Needing someone's help doesn't always mean saving
In galaxy she's on the observatory with no power, she needed Mario to get the stars needed to power it otherwise she'd be stuck just floating there which leads to all sorts of dangers.

Galaxy 2 the entire observatory was being held captive by Bowser as he was draining it's energy with her presumably on it.
Mcmadness said:
I don't really see how being pink is sexist. Lots of men and women like and wear pink.
Yes, it's more irritating when female characters have “personality” traits of being pretty or being too weak to fight back at everything.