Marvel Cinematic Universe

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I swear to fuck if I have to explain this one more goiddamn time. Are people really this ignorant. It should be common knowledge by now.

Yes, Marvel created the X-Men, Fantastic Four, and Spider-Man. However, they do not own the film rights to those characters. This was because long ago, Marvel was going under and they sold off a bunch of movie rights to other companies. In 2008, Marvel came out with Iron Man and started a connected universe of films. However, they have still not bought the rights back to those other characters. DFor reference, here are Marvel's movies. These are the one sthat have been released and the ones that are coming.

Iron Man
The Incredible Hulk
Iron Man 2
Captain America: The First Avenger
The Avengers
Iron Man 3
Thor: The Dark World
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Guardians of the Galaxy
The Avengers: Age of Ultron
Captain America 3

Everything else is not part of this shared universe.
Rocket '3Koon said:
These trailers are pretty good. I'm definitely getting a "Chronicles of Riddick" kind of feel.

I'm interested in what Marvel's attempt at sci-fi will turn out to be, considering what a huge sci-fi junkie I am.
long story short and i'm probably missing some things and more than likely over-simplifying it

Sony owns the film rights to Spider-Man.
Fox owns the film rights to X-Men and Fantastic Four.

Marvel Studios owns film rights to just about everything else and these films all tie into each other along with their short films, Agents of SHIELD and the upcoming Agent Carter, thus creating the MCU.

dammit gp stop being faster than me
supermariofan said:
Does it really fucking matter? It's still a movie based on a MARVEL comic book!

doesnt matter as movie rights operate entirely different outside some comics.
supermariofan said:
Does it really fucking matter? It's still a movie based on a MARVEL comic book!
This thread is not about marvel movies in general. It's for the certain films in this universe.

Uzu Sanageyama said:
where the heck is the dofp thread anyways
I dunno
Godzilla said:
This thread is not about marvel movies in general. It's for the certain films in this universe.

i don't get why you have to be so picky about it. why can't you just make it into a general thread for marvel movies??
yes but this isn't the movie boards, it's the super mario boards, it's more than likely that we're going to talk about a seperate series that involves mario more than the marvel cinematic universe
why the fuck would we talk about movies that aren't a part of MCU in an MCU thread
we're saying ditch the whole MCU and non MCU threads, merge them and make one big marvel movies thread

and do the same for DC
oh ok that makes sense

though personally i'd rather keep them separate
I think we should merge them. Many people come in here posting about Spider Man, X-Men etc(even I did at first) so merging them would mean GP wouldn't have to keep correcting people as much.
that would be easier, that way we wouldn't need to keep jumping from topic to topic trying to find the correct movie thread, and of course, it will avoid gp needing to, apparently, correct people as much. I don't really think I've seen him try to correct people, but it would help if he would just be a little bit more patient with people. He may have explained it a lot, but I obviously wasn't there to see it. I'm not Iron man. ;)

Godzilla said:
Are people really this ignorant.
also, a little bit unrelated, but if you're going to insult me, at the very least call me moronic. That way, at least I can quote Wheatley stating "I AM NOT A MORON!"
Okay, while we're at it, we should merge all the pokemon topics into one thread and all the Zelda topic into one thread.

In fact, make just one thread about all video games and make on thread about all movies. That would be more efficient, right guys?
i knew you would say this, which is why i have come up with a solution: we're a forum based around video games. we have a whole topic dedicated to video games, which is why it's easier to navigate, whereas the movies, television shows, radio shows, magazines and basically every other form of entertainment is stacked into entertainment and media. it's basically six boards in one, and it would be easier to find the marvel movies topic easier if it wasn't split into several different topics

besides, we're making it easier on you, i mean, you seemed pretty aggravated by having to correct us again, even going as far as to call us ignorant
Godzilla said:
I was checking to see if someone posted that... I was going to post news saying why this happened, but the website is notorious for only having accurate articles half of the time. It's very sad to see someone denied his vision, especially since Edgar Wright seemed really passionate about this.

Regardless, I hope the Ant-Man movie still turns out good despite this.

...Also, the movie-making rights to Namor might have gone back to Marvel: