User Total Drama World Tour ~ Rocker wins!

Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ The Great Alps and Bounds


Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ The Great Alps and Bounds

Round 1:
Lily vs. Smg2daisy
Toad vs. Smasher
MCD vs. Rocker
Reversinator vs. Cirdec
LN1 vs. ARFU
NEX vs. Neptune
NSM vs. Gutseh

The first round the seven people standing on the podium, preparing to fight. They all begin to slap each other, while dancing on the dance steps. If they misstep, they recieve a slight shock.

Lily and Smg2daisy are getting really into it, having a fight.

Smg2daisy: You're going down!

Lily: Hey, I'm not losing! Not like you did last time.

Smg2daisy: WHAT DO YOU SAY?

Fire begins to burn in Smg2daisy's eyes as Lily becomes a little afraid. Suddenly, everyone stops as Smg2daisy grabs Lily by her hair, and slapping her back and forth across the face. Everyone begins to cheer as Smg2daisy jumps in the air, while in slow motion, kicking Lily right off the podium. Everyone claps at the scenery as Lily appears deep in snow.

BMB: Congrats Smg2daisy, you have won the round.

Smg2daisy: That's right! Never say I can't win!

The camera moves to Smasher and Toad, who are both very intense in their work. They continue to slap each other, until they just grab each other's shoulders and begin to push against each other. Finally, Smasher slips, but keeps his hold on Toad as they both fall off into the snow.

BMB: Looks like both of you are out!

Toad: At least one member of my team is for sure moving on.

MCD and Rocker get at it as well, as Rocker continues to just rotate around MCD. MCD manages to get a lot of slaps in, but Rocker is doing a real good job. However, MCD ducks at one of Rocker's slaps, and pushes him right off the platform.

BMB: And Rocker is out!

Rocker: ...ugh...

Reversinator and Cirdec are getting really add it, but doing a great job at slapping each other. They keep on slapping each other at the same time, both dazing for a moment.

Cirdec: Guess what?

Reversinator: What?

Cirdec: This!

Cirdec has made Reversinator walk back a bit, which pushes him on the edge. He tries to regain his balance, but Cirdec gently pushes him, making him fall right off the pedistal, face first into the snow.

BMB: It seems that Cirdec has won that round as well! Only 3 left!

LN1 and ARFU are getting at it, with it getting close. However, they aren't following the dancing, and continue to get shocked. Both of them are shocked to the point where they can't stand up right, and both fall over, except ARFU falls off his as LN1 just lands face first onto the platform, getting another shock.

BMB: ARFU is out!

NEX and Neptune are on their podium, and Neptune realizes that it is up to him and NSM to outlast this round or else they are going to lose for their team. Neptune tackles, trying to send NEX right over the edge, but Neptune has too much momentum, and nearly falls over. They both dangle over the edge with Neptune holding himself up and NEX grabbing his legs. BMB, smirking, pushes the shock button, which knocks both of them out.

BMB: Both are out! It's down to NSM and Gutseh now!

They both are just doing their best to stay on the platform. Team Action are all cheering on NSM, the last member of their team still in the running. NSM however is feeling the stress and starts to get weak. He tries to slap Gutseh, but fails. Gutseh, eyebrows raised, just slaps NSM, who spins around, falling off the platform.

BMB: And with that, the round is over! Smg2daisy, MCD, Cirdec, LN1, Gutseh, and PrincessOfPeaches make it to Round 2! Since no one has made it to Round 2 from Team Action, they have lost!

Reversinator: Can this just end now?

BMB: Nope, gotta find out who gets to enjoy the first class suite, which has a hot tub in it for the winners this time around!

Round 2:
PrincessOfPeaches vs. MCD
Smg2daisy vs. Gutseh
Cirdec vs. LN1

Round 2 begins as they all raise on the platforms. They all begin to slap each other, except Cirdec and LN1, who just dance and watch the other two groups.

PrincessOfPeaches, who has to take the first few seconds taking hits, lets MCD just smack him. Then, the bell rings, and POP hops onto MCD shoulders, slapping him on the head. They both wobble uncontrollably. Then POP flips off his back, pushing him forward, straight into the snow.

POP: Sorry, but I really could use that bath.

BMB: PrincessOfPeaches has won this round! It is now down to Smg2daisy and Gutseh. If Smg2daisy wins, Team Amethyst will be enjoying that hot bath!

Smg2daisy stand on the podium, battling it out. Team Amethyst cheer loudly for Smg2daisy while Team Fusion cheer loudly for Gutseh. Team Action are heading back to the plane, upset they lost.

Smg2daisy: I will never lose!

Gutseh: That's not you said when we got you out last season.

Smg2daisy just stops in her place, her face starting to flush as her eyes burn with rage. Gutseh begins to back away slowly as she begins to move slowly at him, her claws pointed directly at him.

Smg2daisy: YOU ASSHOLE!!!

Smg2daisy kneels him in between the legs, knocking him over. She pounces at him, landing on top of him. Team Amethyst cheer as Smg2daisy begins to beat the crap out of Gutseh, her slaps turning into punches.

Smg2daisy: This is for getting me out last season, and this is for trying to act better than everyone and this is for all the names you called me!!! RAWR!

Smg2daisy lands a straight blow to the face, knocking one of his teeth out. Toad struggles to pull Smg2daisy off while Smasher and MCD pull Gutseh out from under her.

Smg2daisy: Let me at him, let me out him!

Toad: Smg2daisy, stop, you won! You won for our team!

Gutseh: ..wak dahpen ti jme?

Smasher: Oh great...

BMB: Can I just say that was AWESOME? Anyways, Team Amethyst has won this challenge! Team Action, who are already waiting in the elimination room, will be sending one of theirs home once again. Let's all head back now!

POP, LN1 and Cirdec get down off the podium as they all head back.

Who will be eliminated from Team Action? And will Gutseh recover before Smg2daisy has another go at him? Stay tuned to find out after the break!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ The Great Alps and Bounds

LN1 said:
So I won with only my first round commands(which, by the story, I assume got me mostly shocks). Hooray!

The shocks and stuff were just story details.

Also, I was surprised at how badly Team Action failed and how great Team Amethyst was. Team Amethyst didn't even lose anyone to the slap-off, other than Toad and Smg2daisy, but only because they fell off with their opponent.

Also, I've been dying to write that story with Smg2daisy and Gutseh. It was meant to happen, and I did it because Smg2daisy brought up last season.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ The Great Alps and Bounds

haha we have more players than both of the other teams now
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ The Great Alps and Bounds

(for the sake of stories, i, for the next 24 hours will be posting in jumbly nonsensical text)

de fukc hpaneped to my totoh

dsaiy you bctih

ylo'ul pay for taht

now in the maenmite, SMOOENE GET ME A DTOCOR
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ The Great Alps and Bounds

cryoAwakening said:
Tailmon said:
haha we have more players than both of the other teams now

In before you guys are the next ones out.

probably yeah
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ The Great Alps and Bounds

So we got 2nd again.

Cool. Well *bzzrt* sort of.
Water drops on NEX and he gets very electrified
NEX falls over
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ The Great Alps and Bounds

Nene Amano said:
What the heck BMB I'm not that aggressive

Well, I really liked the scene in TDWT where Lashawna beats the crap out of Heather and knocks her tooth out, so I needed someone that was annoyed of a player from all three seasons that has a good reason why they beat up that person and was on different teams.

You just happened to be that person that beat up Gutseh. Besides, it makes you more likable across many fans that maybe thought you were too nice. :P
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ The Great Alps and Bounds

For some reason BMB want I post to end his challenge.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ The Great Alps and Bounds

Team Amethyst are enjoying their soak in the hot tub that is on the plane. Everyone is in bathing suits, relaxing in the water. Smg2daisy, who has still been flaring in anger, is forced to go in the tub by Toad. Suddenly, she seems to melt almost instantly in relief.

Smg2daisy:, that is amazing?

Toad: Feel better?

Smg2daisy: ...Omg, where am I? Did we win the challenge?

LN1: You...don't remember?

Smg2daisy: No, I blacked out. I'm guessing we won. What happened? And why do my hands hurt?

Cirdec: Let's just say that you...knocked your competition out of the park.

Gutseh is staring in the mirror of the confessional, looking at his missing.

Gutseh: Lomg, thsi si so bud. Dont luk ut me!

Team Action sit in the elimination room, having all returned from their votes. Lily has an ice pack on her head, from the bruises by Smg2daisy. Everyone else seems to be rather okay.

BMB: Well, it's that time again. It was so hard to watch you guys lose again, and that bad.

Nabber: Please don't rub it in.

BMB: Whatever, it was just..awesome. Anyways, it's that time of the barf bags...Nabber, you're first!

Nabber checks his bag, frowning though that his team lost.


NSM catches his barf bag before it spills everywhere.

BMB: Rocker...

Rocker jumps up to grab his bag. Everyone around him claps.

BMB: Reversinator...

Reversinator misses his bag as it soars over his head, hitting NSM in the face. He simply laughs at NSM, who is grumbling under his breath. Lily and Neptune realize they are the last two left.

BMB: Lily...

Lily: OMG YES!

BMB: ...I was going to say that your team did all bad, but your embarrassment seemed to have pained your team at how quickly you went down. Neptune, you put up a better fight, but none the less, you still made a rash decision that could have kept your team alive for a little longer but backfired for you and the rest of your team. The final barf bag goes to...

Lily and Neptune lean forward in anticipation as BMB raises the barf bag.

BMB:, even I'm sad by this. Neptune!

Neptune catches his barf bag as Lily pouts in disappointment. Lily walks over to the plane door, looking back at her team with sad eyes. BMB tosses her a huge square backpack.

Lily: What's in this?

Lily opens it to find the panel that she stood on, folded up. Suddenly, it begins to unfold, smacking her in the face, sending her flying out of the plane.

BMB: With that, the five of you can join Team Fusion in the economy class. Better luck next time.

It seems that Lily just made a bigger mistake? How will Smg2daisy feel to be the only girl left, and will she continue to beat the crap out of players? And will Gutseh ever be able to correctly talk? And what will be in store for the players this next challenge? Stay tuned to find out next week on User Total Drama World Tour!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Amazon Fever in the Air

Kind of lame that I got booted out on a challenge which was pretty luck based but w/e. Best of luck to the rest of the team.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Amazon Fever in the Air

i'm feeling a hell of a lot better


and i know just how it'll happen

Gutseh pulls out a briefcase, opening it up, revealing....


granted, it's horribly folded, but MY MATTRESS HAS RETURNED

and i also found this

Gutseh pulls out another briefcase, opening it up, revealing...

it's a PLUNGER

i can't remember what this was for but

Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Amazon Fever in the Air

that plunger is also supposed to have a crossbow-type thing that lets you shoot people with it
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Amazon Fever in the Air

a bit surprised lily got booted so early, but i'm not on that team, so
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Amazon Fever in the Air

and now we're winning >:D
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Amazon Fever in the Air

fusion for the win
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Amazon Fever in the Air

Terriermon said:
that plunger is also supposed to have a crossbow-type thing that lets you shoot people with it

oh yeah

Gutseh pulls out a third briefcase, opening it up, revealing...
