General Discussion

They seem to be, just from a different point in the game.
I'm not putting it in Grand Finale Galaxy page.

Because if people are still bringing up that "oh mario's planet is grand finale" still, I... I am going to bust a nerve.
Uh, why?
Because it has nothing to do with the level.
Put it in the category:planet article then?
You're the dumbasshat for the typo.

Anyway, I renamed it and... I put it in Category:Planets.

I think this is dumb.
I mean I know the image has a use somehow but I don't know where specifically
For the record, I still think the refusal of the wiki to let "Mushroom World" refer to the otherwise unnamed planet that Mario inhabits in addition to the vague YS/SMB3 definition(s) is restrictively narrow-minded and pedantic, especially considering how loosely Nintendo itself treats anything to do with geography and names and continuity and crap like that. The zealous renaming and agonizing over the placement of a picture of what's obviously the planet-that-must-not-be-named just shows that we're thinking about this way too much. "Mushroom World" is an intuitive name, and partial-conjecture beats a glaring hole in the info.

If we broaden the meaning of "Mushroom World" back out to the more inclusive scope, we can put the image on that page. Problem solved.
In my opinion, I think the naming of "Mushroom World" is just another way of saying "Mushroom Kingdom", especially in how the context it is used in and the descriptions. Mario's planet is unnamed, and I think it's better off leaving it unnamed with no article on it because the planet itself has never been an object of any real significance unlike say, Pop Star or Corneria in other Nintendo series but rather the lands the planet contains is what Mario focuses on. It's probably the same reason the Zelda games that don't have an article on the planet they are residing in: the object itself is just not significant to the Mario series.
Call it a slippery slope, but to let "Mushroom World" be another euphemism for Mario's home planet is going to mislead our readers.

especially considering how loosely Nintendo itself treats anything to do with geography and names and continuity and crap like that.

Mushroom World has been consistently referred as the collection of worlds in Super Mario Bros. 3 AND Mushroom Kingdom, never as the planet itself. Even multiple languages have substituted "Mushroom World" as "Mushroom Kingdom". If we're going to be more inclusive, to include the term as Mario's planet as a whole, we're basically redefining the term. Mario's planet as well, as Baby Luigi said, is hardly a significant subject. In other words, Mario's planet itself, as a whole, is rarely, if ever, a big part of any Mario plots.
So I've assembled a list with all names in other languages in Mario Kart 8 in Europe, minus Russian because they don't use the Latin Alphabet and I don't have a keyboard or knowledge for it.

I am planning to update pages on the Wiki with this information sometime, but I'm putting it here so people with knowledge of other languages can potentially help with this, as it's a lot.

All the already translated stuff is marked in green (which is Dutch only), and is correct for as far as I'm concerned. Translations are put in as a note.

So help is appreciated, but I currently don't have time for it.

I should also note that I kinda skipped over Koopa (Troopa) so I practically have no idea where it does or doesn't have the "Troopa" suffix, it differs between languages. Dutch I'm sure of it has though.

EDIT: Me being a derp and realizing exists and having most names all the time -_-. So therewith the Koopa Troopa thing is solved and at least half of Russian is now in it.
Looks good! The only other language I'm closest to fluent is French, but I don't see anything bad about those names.
quick q; Would it be worth it to make a separate page for Cigam (the developer of Mario Takes America)? I suppose a fair chunk of its content would be redundant with the MTA page, but then again, it's not like the other developers page are a jewel of unprecedented insight.
There really doesn't seem to be any information about Cigam outside of being the developer of MTA, so I feel like having an article of them would be kinda pointless. It'd basically be repeating what's already on the MTA article.
Glowsquid said:
quick q; Would it be worth it to make a separate page for Cigam (the developer of Mario Takes America)? I suppose a fair chunk of its content would be redundant with the MTA page, but then again, it's not like the other developers page are a jewel of unprecedented insight.
That isn't really a valid reason to create a page. Just because the developer pages are scant doesn't mean it's okay for the new page to be redundant and scant.


Do we really need this page? Mario's "Super" form is essentially his "basic" form, since Mario and friends are drawn and depicted as if they're "Super" anyway. The gallery itself doesn't really illustrate the form; it's just a smack ton of individual character images from the platformer games.


Captain Toad's identity discussion rises from the dead.

I've been seeing red-linked images in talk pages and archives. Shouldn't there be more restraint on deleting images there just for ease of access?
Dr. Mario said:
Do we really need this page? Mario's "Super" form is essentially his "basic" form, since Mario and friends are drawn and depicted as if they're "Super" anyway. The gallery itself doesn't really illustrate the form; it's just a smack ton of individual character images from the platformer games.
I don't like the idea of this, mainly because of the one Mario Golf image we have, which is pretty controversial. In reality this just a gallery of Mario with some random Luigi's (And some Mii's?)
Scrap the gallery. Any images that actually show a comparison between tiny mario and Super Mario can just go on the page somewhere or in a little gallery on the page, and all other images are too generic and pointless, as was stated previously.

I really am starting to loathe the wishy-washy way the Japanese folks and/or their translators deal with generic species characters. Like really, of all the Nintendo inconsistencies we have to deal with, this is becoming the most aggravating. I still think having one page for all the generic-Toad-as-a-character shit makes sense, especially with the "possible appearances" section for wiggle room, because who the hell wants multiple generic Toad pages - one is a big enough pain already, and there will always be arguments about where some of the info should go and blah blah blah blah blaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh just put it all in one place and be done with it already. I'd be tempted to say throw Captain Toad in there too because screw it, but the thing is, people will be searching for "Captain Toad", so it benefits the wiki to have a page called "Captain Toad" wherein we talk about all the Captain Toad appearances - without wallowing in the generic Toad stuff, because again, who wants to go through that multiple times?

Regarding Cigam, developer stuff isn't really our focus, so if we have enough info on the MTA page without needing a company page, I think we;re fine without one. Same with other one-trick-pony companies, I'd wager.
I'm getting tired of this "is it THE x" debacle myself. I really don't see why there should be any fuss about it, if the generic appearance is really that importance just put it on x(character) and be done with it.
Dr. Mario said:
Looks good! The only other language I'm closest to fluent is French, but I don't see anything bad about those names.
Alright. I've just more or less finished the characters and courses. Most of them where already filled in, but there were some holes here and there. Was surprised the Baby characters had that less filled in.

The vehicle parts however are less complete from what I've seen, and their names are also often pretty ingenious (Chabriolet is a funny one (French Cat Cruiser)), so I may very well not be able to get out of that everywhere with Google Translate in case of non-Dutch things. In those cases, I will put down the name, but not a translation.

If you are near-fluent in French, you can help on that where I don't get them.