The Traveler, The Genius, The Scholar

Character: Wreck It Ralph
Series: Fix it Felix Jr.(Wreck-it-Ralph Movie)
Debut Game: Fix it Felix Jr. ( )
Reasons Why People Don't Think This Character Will Make It In:
Well I'd say because Disney doesn't really have an extensive history with Nintendo. He'd probably be a Donkey Kong clone.
Rebuttal/Oppisite Arguements to the reasons above:
Even if Nintendo history with Disney isn't extensive that doesn't mean they can't cooperate. Wreck-It-Ralph may seem like Donkey Kong but there aren't really any DK clones in Smash Bros anyway so Ralph would be a first!
Opening Statement Why You Believe this character should be playable:
This could open up a new gate for Nintendo and Disney giving publicity to both companies. It could expand the newcomers roster. Wreck it Ralphs movie made the character well known so people won't be angered when he appears as oppose to an relatively unknown character.
Anyone do Crash Bandicoot yet?