Mario pictures


I unlocked a secret level in Super Mario Odyssey by beating Darker Side in exactly 17 minutes as a combination of Clown Mario wearing a fedora hat, getting exactly 233 jumps in the Jumprope minigame in New Donk City and then immediately using Uncle amiibo and scanning the Toad amiibo 32 times.

yes, real Mario Odyssey jokes never get old for me

and yes, I modded that Mario myself in the game since the existing Marios provided are a little... lacking. this one still isn't perfect because the eye shading is off but once I resolve that I like to release it :)
His offensive outfit gave us more reason to kill him.

one day, we shall mod in Wario and make him a gangster too so we at least have an excuse

I got his eyes looking better than it used to be but I used a shader (ped_default_cutout) that gave him a jagged un-anti-aliased look and also screwed up his shadows. He casts little shadows on his own. *groan* I used that particular shader so the alpha (transparency) on his eyes can display correctly and not cover his irises. I tried ped alpha but it just made him semi-transparent, so he looks like a spooky ghost. I also want him to be slightly bigger but I'm having issues scaling the bones without breaking the rotations on his fingers... maybe some other time. I spent like a week of nonstop work on this and I still won't call it done.

And I also have no idea why his cycle animations on both the bike and the motorcycle are completely broken. Maybe it has something to do with the IK?

Anyhow, In My Biased Opinion, still a step above the previous ones, which looked like this (it's supposed to be a mask, but I think it just looks silly and doesn't give me the same illusion that I'm playing as a Mario character):


Holy poops, the normals are bad on that one. Look at the abrupt changes in lighting around Mario's eyes and his hat

And the other one


which has a pretty bad rig: see how his overall buttons deform. He is also huge, makes no facial expressions (unlike the one I'm working on), and his fingers don't move. He doesn't break while on a bike though, which is a major plus. I like bikes.

And this one


which is actually from GTA IV but besides that, just looks bad

And this one


Which is just plain horrible
I love how GTA V is one of the only games where you can edit bones without any ill-consequence concerning animation (save for when your character gets ragdolled). Usually, you cannot do that and you have to make your character fit the preset bones. So you can have Pikadorfs only if you make Pikachu edited and rigged to Ganondorf's skeleton in the first place.

Buh bye fat man

I love how the Rabbids part of the Japanese title look, managing to fit the titular species into the title. Anyway, is this a new pose for Mario and Rabbid, or is it an old artwork and I am merely late in showing this?

Serval said:

Looks like how Puyo Puyo Tetris translates some of their onomatopoeia-based dialogue: they used words to describe what the character is portraying.


Thank you for reading.
winstein said:
Anyway, is this a new pose for Mario and Rabbid, or is it an old artwork and I am merely late in showing this?
I don't think I recognize it, but hey, maybe I'm late too.
I think it's new also, but this is coming from a person who didn't recognise all the Mario official art from the Mario Portal, so I had to ask. In any case, they managed to make Mario and the Rabbid look natural next to each other, and if Rayman entered the picture, I trust that they are able to make Rayman look natural next to Mario.

Thank you for reading.
winstein said:
Looks like how Puyo Puyo Tetris translates some of their onomatopoeia-based dialogue: they used words to describe what the character is portraying.


Thank you for reading.

After comparing your signature to that screenshot, the art style definitely looks the same.
MnSG said:
winstein said:
Looks like how Puyo Puyo Tetris translates some of their onomatopoeia-based dialogue: they used words to describe what the character is portraying.


Thank you for reading.

After comparing your signature to that screenshot, the art style definitely looks the same.

I know. I think the pictures of Peach and Daisy from his signature were drawn to look exactly like the Puyo Puyo artstyle.

I found the Peach one on DeviantArt, but I have trouble finding the Daisy one there.