Mario pictures

Swiftie_Luma said:
ehhh why are people getting excited over old renders/artwork in solid backgrounds...

I kinda like it when old artwork is reused for something new. So long as it's not used to promote a new game, then it just seems lazy.

Ceci n'est pas Bébé Luigi
J-Yoshi64 said:
The same MP7 artwork is used on this game case (which I have)
I know that's 3DS, but it still gives me that bad feeling whenever I see that DS aesthetic from 2006!
this was posted on supper mario broth today and i find it pretty cool. reminds me of how in spore i often launched myself with the jump pad and flied all over the planet making square arcs like that.
legit what I see when someone uses superstar saga sprites in a flat 2d view
Wario's Lose Sprite from Mario Party 7

Wario's Win Sprite from Mario Party 7 (unused)
J-Yoshi64 said:
Waiting for LGM to come in in a roaring rampage of rescue. :shifty:
aw, he's only there just so the dirty thieves won't steal him

*initiates rescue operation*

and... a Wario win sprite. Geez, I didn't even know such a sprite existed in the game files. ;P
LeftyGreenMario said:
and... a Wario win sprite. Geez, I didn't even know such a sprite existed in the game files. ;P
They don't. That's obviously a fake sprite.
Remember Balloony from Phineas and Ferb?

This is him now.

Feel old yet?

I swear to god, these Luigi's Balloon World players are geniuses.