Mario pictures

Here's the couple of SMB3-related sketches from Yoichi Kotabe : Legendary Animator - His Animated Drawings!


I find it a bit odd that they chose this as one of the two sketches to show in his bio, but after all it's pretty interesting to see the true "Kotabe style" in action even in common images!


On the other hand, I can perfectly see why they chose this other sketch, I find it better than the final artwork!
It's not on his neck though, just his feet.


Oh man, nothing in the world feels better than romping as Mario through a carnival, teaming up with Luigi, Baby Mario, Baby Luigi, Toadette, Rayman, Rosalina, and Captain Toad, and killing hundreds of Nazi zombies, Yoshi, Diddy Kong, Bowser Jr., Link, Donkey Kong, Peach, and Wario (of course) with a DOOM Gauss Cannon plus chainsaw.
Advanced United We Stand Co-Op is probably the best mutation in Left 4 Dead 2 period. It's so freaking hectic with all of the Special Infecteds everywhere, the increased horde size, and 8 characters having their own health bar and items.

(too bad it breaks on many maps, grrr)
yeah it's not like he's the main villain or anything
He'd probably make you pay for the gas.
He'll also screw with the car's fuel economy from his weight alone.

What a fiend.
Hey at least he’s not attacking like he has the potential to.

Although maybe he likes to do pranks, which we don’t know how dangerous it can get.

This is a rather strange promotion, but then again, no promotion is too outlandish for Mario, including the recent Mario cereal for promoting Super Mario Odyssey.

Thank you for reading.
Is this going to be another food-themed Mario merchandise that I'll never find in stores too?

EDIT: I'm burnt...too tired to to notice it was an old promotion
Yeah, but guess what? Super Mario Bros 2 was AWESOME.

my thoughts exactly