Mario pictures


Cranky Kong "taking it to the fridge"

no I don't know what's happening either
Did you get to beat up all of them to get to first place?
of course!

everyone was a casualty though

This is what happens when someone grabbed a misfired Lightning Bolt in 8-player Smash on a tiny stage.
Interesting names.
The Punch-Out stuff might be "interesting" too if you wanna see them.
I keep a folder of Mario pictures the same way people keep a special folder for their, uh, special things.

Mario Party 3 predicted Mario Party DS by turning our friends into figures the size of chess pieces.
I'm sure they're renders just resized over some props to make it look like they're board pieces.
Princess Mario said:
Mario Party 3 predicted Mario Party DS by turning our friends into figures the size of chess pieces.

Is this a magazine article or something? Where did you get it?
Princess Mario said:

Mario Party 3 predicted Mario Party DS by turning our friends into figures the size of chess pieces.

I always thought it would be cool if somebody made a fan art of Mario Party where in a box, there are not only boards, dice and item tokens, but every character are like board game pieces. Mario Party 3 is getting more fascinating every time.

Thank you for reading.