post any random Mario thought on your mind

I prefer their modern design since you generally only find them underground and the red eyes helps lend to their nocturnalness.
Mcmadness said:
I prefer their modern design since you generally only find them underground and the red eyes helps lend to their nocturnalness.

In regards to Buzzy Beetles, I would think that their immunity to fireballs would mean that they would be more common to find at volcanic areas as well.
I like the Paper Mario versions of Buzzy Beetle more too, but I think they ultimately originated from our Para Buzzy-Beetles and the cute Buzzy Beetles also made an appearance in that Slot Trot minigame.

Very similar-looking, eh?
Heh, no wonder Paper Mario got redesigned. (The Thousand-Year Door was initially released two months after Mario VS Donkey Kong
TBH I never even knew Minis had a voice or if they did, it surprised me how organic they sounded. I always thought they were mechanical and made toy noises, never sounded literally like a tiny Mario.
LeftyGreenMario said:
TBH I never even knew Minis had a voice or if they did, it surprised me how organic they sounded. I always thought they were mechanical and made toy noises, never sounded literally like a tiny Mario.
I think they've had the squeaky-toy voice since the first game on the GBA.
Yeah, I've played Mayro vs. Kondey Kong in the GBA and I heard their voice there. It's been the same throughout, but the voice caught me off-guard.
LeftyGreenMario said:
Yeah, I've played Mayro vs. Kondey Kong in the GBA and I heard their voice there. It's been the same throughout, but the voice caught me off-guard.
I've always found the voice cute. Hard to believe their voice (Along with Baby Mario's) was done by Charles Martinet, otherwise the voice clips might have been raised in pitch through audio editing software.

Fun Fact: All of the Minis were voiced by the respective voice actors for the characters they were based on, according to the wiki.
Don't get me wrong, I find them cute and funny, and I love their lines like "I love-a you" and something about chocolate. Very endearing. I just didn't realize they'd have a voice and that they'd sound exactly like a high-pitched Mario. So when I rescued one in the GBA game, I heard the "Whoopee! Hee hee hee hee" and I had to laugh, even though it caught me off-guard.
Mario vs Donkey Kong having that much voice acting surprised me when I first played it. I would say it's a pleasant surprise, because I love Mario's ramblings and mumblings. Another thing that surprised me was that the cutscenes are like quick snapshots of what's going on, instead of FMV-like cinematics. I understood why they didn't have them until the DS games, but it was a bit disappointing to find that out. Oh well, the funny scenes more than made up for it!

My favourite Mario speech from that game is when he said odd gibberish, something like "Oh, you mah-monkey, you bla-bla-bla-bla-rur-rato..." (I have no idea what he said here)

Thank you for reading.
I have the PAL version (Which I purchased from a retro game store) and there's a few differences from the NTSC version, considering the PAL release was 6 months after the NTSC release.
The most obscure one being; if Mario dies on a Plus stage, Mini Mario can be seen crying (Which is pretty illogical, if you ask me.)

This is the only evidence I have at the moment (I don't have a capture card) and this hasn't even been mentioned on The Cutting Room Floor!
To the tune of the Super Mario Bros. level complete jingle:
That is the end of the level.
Bask in your victory, revel.
That was so skillful and cleverl-
-y pulled off!
Not specifically Mario related but I can't stand the word "Amiibo!" shouted by kids whenever they start talking about amiibo related content. I was watching the Japanese overview of Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minions and I cringed when that played.
I came across the following Rosalina artwork, but I can't seem to figure out if it's affiliated with any upcoming games.


I would upload this onto the Super Mario Wiki, but I can't do that unless I know whether or not it's for the Mario Party Top 100 or some other upcoming game.
Fawfulthegreat64 said:
Not specifically Mario related but I can't stand the word "Amiibo!" shouted by kids whenever they start talking about amiibo related content. I was watching the Japanese overview of Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minions and I cringed when that played.
You dislike when people use the name of a product when discussing said product?
I still remember the old amiibo kiosk.

*knocks on the screen* "Hello? Hello! Hello, everyone! It's a me, Mario! Whoohoo!" *spins, claps, jumps away*


*knocks on the screen* "Hello? Hello! Hello, everyone! It's a me, Mario! Whoohoo!" *spins, claps, jumps away*


*knocks on the screen* "Hello? Hello! Hello, everyone! It's a me, Mario! Whoohoo!" *spins, claps, jumps away*

I miss that, because it always made you happy and it annoyed one of my friends.
Someone made a Shirtless Mario Skin for Smash 4 already



I remember back when I first got to the Shadow Queen in TTYD and she asks Mario to join her, I declined obviously but when talking to a friend later, they told me that if you accept, Mario becomes Mr. M and carries a sword. And I believed it at first :rolleyes:
When you're young, you'll believe in the most outrageous crap.

Hell, even adults believe in the most outrageous crap so yeah.

psst guys what should my display name be?
LeftyGreenMario said:
When you're young, you'll believe in the most outrageous crap.
Mew under the truck

I believed in the Hoenn Space Center rocket launches myself. I can't believe ORAS actually canonized it kinda.
I think I remember a myth about Mew appearing where Mewtwo used to be in LeafGreen. Was skeptical, but checked inside and made sure and was a little disappointed that it was wrong.