post any random Mario thought on your mind

15 years ago today, New Super Mario Bros Wii was released in North America.

At the time, it was exciting to have 4 player coop in a 2D Mario game. And it was cool to see the Koopalings again.
15 years ago today, New Super Mario Bros Wii was released in North America.

At the time, it was exciting to have 4 player coop in a 2D Mario game. And it was cool to see the Koopalings again.
I still remember when the Koopalings' new design went out, and it was exciting to see the Koopalings made their debut in 3d, which did felt weird at the time. People were kind of divided in how Iggy looked, from the longer arms, shorter legs, longer body, and people made fun of his hair and said it looked like a banana or something. I thought Iggy looked really strange at first, but I think I did ultimately welcome the change since he was originally too close to Lemmy. I still don't know why Lemmy had a ponytail. Anyway, I liked the most that the Koopalings got different shell colors; there were too many shells colored green at the time.

Nowadays I don't know how people view the old Iggy Koopa. I guess the new design just grew on people.
They need to add the Item Box as an item on its own in Mario Kart. If you roll it, the roulette starts moving again, and there's always a chance you may get an item box again from that, which in turn sets the roulette rolling again. And then there's always a chance you may get an item box once more from that. And it sometimes never stops.

They should do this and add a playable Brick Block.
"Supermarionation" is a real word and it would cool if something like the next big major 3D Mario platformer (follow-up to Odyssey) is named something equally grand, "Super Mario Nation" and part of the plot involves Mushroom Kingdom being turned into a puppet state... literally. The word "Marionette" exists... guys, this could be the cusp of something great in terms of word play.
I still remember when the Koopalings' new design went out, and it was exciting to see the Koopalings made their debut in 3d, which did felt weird at the time. People were kind of divided in how Iggy looked, from the longer arms, shorter legs, longer body, and people made fun of his hair and said it looked like a banana or something. I thought Iggy looked really strange at first, but I think I did ultimately welcome the change since he was originally too close to Lemmy. I still don't know why Lemmy had a ponytail. Anyway, I liked the most that the Koopalings got different shell colors; there were too many shells colored green at the time.

Nowadays I don't know how people view the old Iggy Koopa. I guess the new design just grew on people.
Personally I like both designs, although I liked the old rainbow hair with Iggy better because it was more colorful. Also personally I think it's good they made Iggy look different from Lemmy in size and proportions as well as his hair. Back in the day you would have thought he and Lemmy were the same age, which he might have been then but I think nowaways with his new look it's supposed to imply he is older. Or maybe he always was older and with his older design you couldn't really tell. I don't know. But I like both the new and old designs for Iggy. He's still just as crazy as he ever was as far as his personality. Lemmy's kind of crazy too though.
It's been literally decades of me never listening to Hotel Mario's quotes until now, and I can understand now why they're so infectious.

I usually see Hotel Mario quotes taken way out of context or bastardized as YouTube Poops, but I think the original is just so funny.

"Gee it's kinda dark"
"Ya bring a light???"
"...... no!"

I don't have the issue with how the voice itself turned out but Mario's voice remains so horribly unfitting for the character and I keep recoiling and laughing in disbelief, like can you possibly pick a worse voice for this character? At least Luigi kinda fits? But you see something like this

And your mind imo should not be jumping to that gravely smoker voice. You should be thinking something more pipsqueaky and playful. But even then, I don't think the Super Show or the Adventures of SMB3/Super Mario World voice was ever THIS threatening-sounding as the Hotel Mario one.
I think this is why Mario Teaches Typing (CD version) and Mario's Game Gallery felt more official than Hotel Mario, even though they are licensed PC games. The use of Mario's voice actor made it feel like the same character, so it felt like an extension of Mario. You can imagine him cracking knock-knock jokes or pretending to be a floating disembodied head because he sounds more "Mario" than Hotel Mario mainly due to the voice.

Thank you for reading.
I'm not sure if there are hypothetical voice over types that use something closer to Mario's voice in Hotel Mario. I'm not sure if it'll really improve that much because not only Hotel Mario sounds terrible, he also looks dead-eyed and the proportions are so off. Buuuut I suppose an ugly Mario isn't a break it deal; Mario Kart DS Mario still felt like Mario to me.
@LeftyGreenMario LOL...I think if they had used Charles Martinet's voice for Mario's voice in Hotel Mario, it still wouldn't have made the game any better. I mean the Philips CD-I Nintendo games are considered non-canon by Nintendo for a reason-they're terrible. I like watching people play bad games because it's good comedy and like watching bad movies and TV shows because I enjoy making fun of all of them and laughing at them as I watch them. I should watch people do a full playthrough of Hotel Mario. I mean I watched someone do a full playthrough of Zelda The Wand Of Gamelon and the Link Faces of Evil Game and the Zelda's Adventure games. All three of them were funny to watch, especially since there were difficult parts that were completely unfair they had to literally struggle through to beat on all three of them. These are such badly made games LOL. Good comedy value. They're bad, but I like them because they're so silly and so entertaining to laugh at.
Going from the original Paper Mario trilogy to Sticker Star is kindaaaa-ish like going from Archie Sonic to IDW Sonic. Fascinating near ship of Theseus situations reined back by the force of BRAND.

I've been captivated by remix culture, observing the evolutions of worlds, how quickly they can distance themselves from their sources. That's why I love Mario Boards' silly community lore, bajillions of people just smushing the things they love together, both ironically and sincerely, no one can stop us. It's all really ridiculous but really beautiful too, to think stories so expansive and convoluted can all be traced back to a simple arcade game... The fan work phenomenon.

What makes TTYD & SPM and the Sonic comics interesting to me is the fact they were almost like higher production value fan works; they both felt nearly as unrestrained. maybe that's somewhat hyperbolic for Paper Mario but still! Things went wild for both series, one WAYYYYYY more than the other, the tone started to darken, what came from the source material become vestiges, a silly small thing can become so much more if we let it grow.


And this wound up being a better articulated version of my cheesy New Years status post lol.
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I'm kinda interested what a "good" Mario educational game could be, there is many beloved edutainment but the closet Mario came to that is Mario Teaches Typing which tbh, doesn't actually need to be a Mario game, how can you make one entertaing while not making Mario presence there feel like it's just there to enhance sells?
warioware diy and super mario maker can technically fall under the educational label for being games that teach game design and sometimes further beyond with manipulating glitches and the engine itself to do some crazy stuff.

mario paint i would also consider an educational title though it is doesn't feature any of the game making elements of the previous two.
I'm kinda interested what a "good" Mario educational game could be, there is many beloved edutainment but the closet Mario came to that is Mario Teaches Typing which tbh, doesn't actually need to be a Mario game, how can you make one entertaing while not making Mario presence there feel like it's just there to enhance sells?

Edutainment games just need to be developed as seriously as any other game, that's pretty much the best explanation for it (doesn't really help that one company -The Learning Company- did have the monopoly for all the good edutainment games in the 90's and was pretty much responsible for its crash hence why you don't see any more dedicated edutainment titles). Games like Music Pen's Magic School Bus games, Reader Rabbit, Zoombinis, Super Solvers, Humongous Entertainment, ClueFinders, etc had quality and effort put into them and were made to reward curiosity and inquisitive minds rather than talked down to players. Games like Mario's Early Years didn't really have any of that (to be fair they are marketed towards preschool children but there are Sesame Street games that probably did a better job), and games like Mario is Missing is rife with errors when that's critically bad for edutainment (plus the MS-DOS versions were lazily slapdashed together with atrocious spritework-you could argue that games back then did look a bit janky but even so that's mostly the fault of bad artists than it it really is hardware limitations).

Of course edutainment does run across the risk of being "chocolate broccoli" (basically a type of edutainment games where they're just homework but disguised as games) but idk kids also found games like Math Blaster, Number Munchers, and Math Rescue fun back then too, Math Rescue was especially popular in the computer lab back when I was in elementary school.
The Learning Company- did have the monopoly for all the good edutainment games in the 90's and was pretty much responsible for its crash hence why you don't see any more dedicated edutainment titles).
Yeah I've noticed that other than Oregon Trail and maybe Road Adventures USA, at least a few edutainment titles by "The Learning Company" were pretty boring and minimal effort was put into them-one example of that is probably the Game Boy Color game "Arthur's Super Fun Day!". As far as Humongous Entertainment's sport titles yeah I'd say they were pretty fun. One of my favorite YouTubers recently replayed "Backyard Baseball" which he played as a kid back in the 90s and although I didn't grow up playing that I still really enjoyed the video and watching him play it again. And I think a lot of adult gamers feel nostalgia for these games and might also want to share them with THEIR kids because recently they've become available digitally on Steam.
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I agree with BLOF that the course preview icons in Mario Kart: Super Circuit show who the actual owners of the tracks are. So for example, Luigi Circuit is actually owned by Peach and Toad, they're both co-owners of that track...and I suppose that the snails crossing the road also share ownership of the track.

Peach also owns Bowser Castle 2. Just saying
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Hotel Mario is one of the most culturally influential games in the franchise

Gee it's kinda dark in here.

Did you bring a light?