Who are you voting for (or would vote for if you could)?

Best candidate?

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 20 48.8%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 6 14.6%
  • Gary Johnson

    Votes: 9 22.0%
  • None of them

    Votes: 6 14.6%

  • Total voters
yeah pretty much if you hate obama, you're an idiot

i don't agree with everything's he's done but he's faaaaar better than bush, regan, etc.

the only people who hate him are pretty much the uber conservatives who think he's a muslim communist, when neither of those traits aren't exactly universally negative ones in the first place
PrinceLarryKoopa88 said:
Striker Mario said:
F-777 said:
Trump would reverse everything Obama put into place, so I actually kinda sorta like him now.
How is that a good thing?

Unless you're talking about Obama's responsibility for thousands of deportations.
Trump can't do s*** unless the Congress is kept under the Republicans control.
Even then, a significant fraction of Republicans hate Trump's guts.
Striker Mario said:
PrinceLarryKoopa88 said:
Striker Mario said:
F-777 said:
Trump would reverse everything Obama put into place, so I actually kinda sorta like him now.
How is that a good thing?

Unless you're talking about Obama's responsibility for thousands of deportations.
Trump can't do s*** unless the Congress is kept under the Republicans control.
Even then, a significant fraction of Republicans hate Trump's guts.
Which fraction?
I don't know, but I just know that the Republican Party is heavily fractured at this point.
Baby Luigi said:
[obama is] faaaaar better than [...] regan
hell no

Reagan ended the Cold War; he was the only president in recent history to have lowered taxes for all citizens, and he eliminated many tax shelters and deductions; he detonated a two-decade long economic boom; he greatly reduced inflation (it was around 14% when he took office, less than 6% when he left, and it was below 4% for most of his term); he drove unemployment to its lowest level since 1975; he was a major advocate of personal freedoms; he granted amnesty to over 3 million immigrants... After Margaret Thatcher, Reagan is my favorite head of government ever.
He was responsible for mass deregulation of the banks that eventually sowed the seeds for the Great Recession (not to mention was responsible for letting Alan Greenspan by being chairman for the Federal Reserve). Was an advocate for "supply-side" economics, which just made the rich richer. Reagan gets way more credit than he deserves for "ending the Cold War"; he played his role, but the Soviet Union was already crumbling at the time. He also ignored the AIDs epidemic. Also, he tripled the national debt. He lowered taxes, mostly for the rich (but let's not forget, he actually raised taxes several times).

Despite all of this, Reagan wouldn't get support by the current Republicans. They would think he would be "too liberal" given that he supported separation of church and state, increasing gun control, granting amnesty to undocumented immigrants, funding Japanese reparations, setting up a healthcare system in California, and ending torture. Oh, and he actually raised taxes. How awful.

But I think we're living in Reagan's legacy: allowing banks to go crazy due to the deregulation and letting the housing market implode.
Reagan didn't end the Cold War, the Russians ended the Cold War. Also, the reason that socialist government across the world were "failures" was because our government secretly intervened to take control for "capitalism". Our meddling is what caused the creation of the conservative Iranian government (Ayatollah) and the terrorist organization Taliban (which we trained to fight the Soviets).
Hobbes said:
Baby Luigi said:
[obama is] faaaaar better than [...] regan
hell no

Reagan ended the Cold War; he was the only president in recent history to have lowered taxes for all citizens, and he eliminated many tax shelters and deductions; he detonated a two-decade long economic boom; he greatly reduced inflation (it was around 14% when he took office, less than 6% when he left, and it was below 4% for most of his term); he drove unemployment to its lowest level since 1975; he was a major advocate of personal freedoms; he granted amnesty to over 3 million immigrants... After Margaret Thatcher, Reagan is my favorite head of government ever.

If I could like this more than once I would.
Okay, just something I want to know: WHO WERE THE TWO PEOPLE WHO VOTED FOR DONALD TRUMP?
Hobbes said:
Baby Luigi said:
[obama is] faaaaar better than [...] regan
hell no

Reagan ended the Cold War; he was the only president in recent history to have lowered taxes for all citizens, and he eliminated many tax shelters and deductions; he detonated a two-decade long economic boom; he greatly reduced inflation (it was around 14% when he took office, less than 6% when he left, and it was below 4% for most of his term); he drove unemployment to its lowest level since 1975; he was a major advocate of personal freedoms; he granted amnesty to over 3 million immigrants... After Margaret Thatcher, Reagan is my favorite head of government ever.
omg it's really rare to find somebody who actually liked margaret thatcher

you have my respect

even more respect than before

which was pretty high
Striker Mario said:
He was responsible for mass deregulation of the banks that eventually sowed the seeds for the Great Recession (not to mention was responsible for letting Alan Greenspan by being chairman for the Federal Reserve). Was an advocate for "supply-side" economics, which just made the rich richer. Reagan gets way more credit than he deserves for "ending the Cold War"; he played his role, but the Soviet Union was already crumbling at the time. He also ignored the AIDs epidemic. Also, he tripled the national debt. He lowered taxes, mostly for the rich (but let's not forget, he actually raised taxes several times).

Despite all of this, Reagan wouldn't get support by the current Republicans. They would think he would be "too liberal" given that he supported separation of church and state, increasing gun control, granting amnesty to undocumented immigrants, funding Japanese reparations, setting up a healthcare system in California, and ending torture. Oh, and he actually raised taxes. How awful.

But I think we're living in Reagan's legacy: allowing banks to go crazy due to the deregulation and letting the housing market implode.
The financial crisis of the last decade was the result of many, many factors, not just deregulation. Boy, I've been studying it for four years and I don't understand it yet. But I do know this: Carter started the work for bank deregulation, not Reagan. Which, if I'm honest, I don't think it's a bad thing so I'm not holding that against Carter.

As for the "he made the rich richer" argument so many people use, you ignore what all the other people also do: he also made the poor richer. The number of families living below the poverty line reduced by 8.69%, oh, and did I mention salaries for women went up by 20% during his terms?

General Neptune said:
Hobbes said:
Baby Luigi said:
[obama is] faaaaar better than [...] regan
hell no

Reagan ended the Cold War; he was the only president in recent history to have lowered taxes for all citizens, and he eliminated many tax shelters and deductions; he detonated a two-decade long economic boom; he greatly reduced inflation (it was around 14% when he took office, less than 6% when he left, and it was below 4% for most of his term); he drove unemployment to its lowest level since 1975; he was a major advocate of personal freedoms; he granted amnesty to over 3 million immigrants... After Margaret Thatcher, Reagan is my favorite head of government ever.
omg it's really rare to find somebody who actually liked margaret thatcher

you have my respect

even more respect than before

which was pretty high
neptune <3

Kirstie Maldonado said:
F-777 said:
Andymii said:
F-777 said:

And hi.

Please explain why.

Please refer to my earlier posts.
Okay, explain why you find somebody who is extremely controversial and also racist "likeable".

Even if he retcons Obama's choices (which I have to say is NOT a good thing), that still doesn't really reek of likeableness. He is so controversial, infact, that multiple large musicians and singers have banned him from using their music at official Trump events. He built towers named after himself; you can't possibly get more arrogant than that. He mocked a disabled reporter because of the way they were. This isn't even touching his actual campaign.

Please tell me how this person is likeable.
I never said he was likable, just that he's better than the other two politics-wise. I'd rather vote Gary Johnson than Trump, but Johnson probably doesn't have a chance, since libertarians barely ever get more than 5% of the vote.

E: I just read my other post, and I worded it wrong. I meant to say I like him better than Sanders and Clinton, not that I like him overall.
There are many polls saying Johnson could get up to 11% of the vote, which would be unprecedented I think. The ticket is a good choice for Republicans who don't agree with Trump, who are many.
I need to change my vote now. Unfortunately, I can't.
Pros and cons are completely subjective when talking about politics so I'll just tell you what libertarians want.

Libertarians mainly advocate for personal freedoms, which goes from freedom of religion and freedom of speech, to freedom of choosing your gender and freedom of using the fruit of your labor as you wish. Basically, the ideal of libertarianism is that you are free to do whatever you want as long as that doesn't interfere with others' abilities to do the same or their rights. It also advocates for a much smaller government, which collects fewer taxes and provides fewer services. This way, people can use their money freely in whatever they want or how they please. This of course means getting closer to a perfect competition where service and goods providers will have to compete in prices, thus offering alternatives for every wallet. It also wants less involvement abroad, as that is a waste of taxpayers' money and a government should prioritize its domestic issues.
I'd definitely vote libertarian because nowadays, republicans are democrats and democrats are socialists, and libertarians are *becoming* republicans.

I think we should have taken George Washington's advice against political parties.
Hobbes said:
Libertarians mainly advocate for personal freedoms, which goes from [...] to freedom of choosing your gender...
people choose their gender?