Most Notable Mario Fanart? [Sourcing your images are encouraged]

Ellis also appears in that video
I am going to be straight with you guys.

Seeing Link looking left and right with that derpy face and then flailing his arms in all directions after being startled was the best ever experience I had in my god damn entire life.

Is Luigi choking Wario with Waluigi?
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Czario said:
Fawfulthegreat64 said:
Looks like your forum settings are censoring "dang" to "dang" in the URL.
Wait, why doesn't it use the normal *bleep* censor like all other censored words?

I think it was the leftover from the drama stuff from 2011. I remember words like "cock" were censored, so "cockroach" was censored to *bleep*roach.
I turned off forum censors because I was sick with all my dams turning into dangs, and it fucks with the capitalization.
If I'm gonna damn the world is gonna know it dammit.
Honestly it should just use the same censor as the others, cuz right now it lies to you by making you think they said dang when they really didn't.
"Dang" is like the G rating version of "damn" so that's why it's like that, though they just technically mean the same thing so eh
Damn isn't all that profane to be completely honest. It's not strong enough to be censored.
SiIvaGunner's channel has some funny well-made rips but I never thought one would actually get me unironically emotional. Well here it is, "Mario Story." A stunning medley of intro and ending themes from the first three Paper Mario games.
I have the impression that SiIvaGunner clearly dislikes the way the newer Paper Mario games are handled, based on what I learned what they did with Colour Splash "rips", which are essentially unflattering "tunes" (I never hear any video to verify since I doubt I would like what I hear). I suppose it's a rather common opinion if they are doing it, and they have fans who like the unmatched choice of music due to them usually having some reasoning behind the unmatched "rips", so my low opinion on them probably doesn't matter.

Thank you for reading.
Here's something I've found: Super Mario RPG villains in the style of Animation Magic! If you don't know, Animation Magic did the cutscenes for Hotel Mario, the CD-i Legend of Zelda games and I.M. Meen.







Thank you for reading.
Valentina even looks better for some reason.
Why is there an eye in johnny's mouth?
Mcmadness said:
Why is there an eye in johnny's mouth?

Is actually something no one noticed?

I mean putting an eye in there just because they can... Idk.
The clown costume was a mistake. :luigi: