Amusing Awards Artifact Adventure - Closing Ceremony (Game Finished!)

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The Waluigi Time animatronic was last seen on the Spinning Bowls.
Charmy: about checking out the Chuckster? I hope there's a Pianta there that could help us out.
Look at that action figure that's stuck in the vending machine
I go up to Vincent Overpriced and tell him I loved him in
Master of the Economy
And of course my favorite Theater of Commerce
Look at that action figure that's stuck in the vending machine
You take a closer look at the action figure. It's wedged behind some of the snacks, but it looks like a Funko Pop with a television for a head.

I go up to Vincent Overpriced and tell him I loved him in
Master of the Economy
And of course my favorite Theater of Commerce

Vincent Overpriced
"Oh, thank you very much, mortal."
Pretty standard rollercoaster stuff. There's a lot of Chuck imagery throughout the queue.
My last stop should be the Splash Carton. Let's go there and see if anything else hasn't been uncovered.
Anything new in Fear Factory?
My last stop should be the Splash Carton. Let's go there and see if anything else hasn't been uncovered.
You check Splash Carton, and don't find anything else of note in the starting area. The rest is too unsafe to explore without taking the milk carton boat.


Milk Man
"Hello! Did you know that about 73% of calcium in the diet comes from milk products?"

Anything new in Fear Factory?
You don't find anything new.
You check Splash Carton, and don't find anything else of note in the starting area. The rest is too unsafe to explore without taking the milk carton boat.


Milk Man
"Hello! Did you know that about 73% of calcium in the diet comes from milk products?"
Charmy: Not really... Is it ok if I take a ride in the Milk Carton Boat so I can look around for any hidden secrets?
Charmy: Not really... Is it ok if I take a ride in the Milk Carton Boat so I can look around for any hidden secrets?

Milk May
"Yes, you may!"

You take a ride on Splash Carton. It's a weird juxtaposition of learning about the milk manufacturing process with lots of steep drops down the milk river, culminating in one final drop where you end up drenched with milk. But you got a commemorative snapshot of yourself!

No secrets, though.

Milk May
"Yes, you may!"

You take a ride on Splash Carton. It's a weird juxtaposition of learning about the milk manufacturing process with lots of steep drops down the milk river, culminating in one final drop where you end up drenched with milk. But you got a commemorative snapshot of yourself!

No secrets, though.
Charmy: Ew, my wings are covered in milk! I can't fly like this. Maybe I should look for something to dry off my wings at the park entrance. At least I got this super cool photo from riding that thing!

I thought I already made this clear to the little custodian boy,
but I do not take on jobs with half-arsed parameters.

  • Ask Platypus Guy what I will receive for giving him his item. I don't trade on good faith and vibes.
  • Ask Milk Man what the delivery is and where it is going. I need to know what exact quantity of milk I must imbibe to gain the strength to complete the task.
  • Press random buttons on the trash machine control panel. Especially if any of them say "suck" or "blow".
  • Ask Platypus Guy what I will receive for giving him his item. I don't trade on good faith and vibes.
  • Ask Milk Man what the delivery is and where it is going. I need to know what exact quantity of milk I must imbibe to gain the strength to complete the task.
  • Press random buttons on the trash machine control panel. Especially if any of them say "suck" or "blow".

Platypi Guy
"I have this much less interesting Funko Pop of some old man detective with two mustaches. Bring me Perry and it's all yours."


Milk Man
"If you insist! I'm a little bit concerned that my fellow employees aren't truly appreciating the nutritional benefits of milk. I've prepared some highly educational pamphlets that I need delivered to several other park workers. There's nine of them, so it's a pretty big job... But your entire team can work on it together!

By the way, did you know that an 8 ounce glass of milk has as much calcium as 10 cups of raw spinach?"

Unfortunately, none of the buttons on the recycling machine are labeled. Curses! You hit them randomly anyway, getting a very messy output from the terminal. As far as you can tell, this controls exactly what the trash that goes in turns into once it is recycled.
Ask Milk Man if he wants the pamphlets delivered only to park employees specifically, or if he wants to spread his dairy knowledge to non-employees who happen to be in the area like King Kong, the vending machine rat, and Muercello, as well.

Milk Man
"It's very important for the pamphlets to go to the employees! I'm starting a company-wide information enrichment program. Once they really appreciate the nutritional benefits of milk they can help me educate the other park guests.

Incidentally, did you know that dairy protein contains all 9 amino acids?"
So everyone is aware since this hasn't been mentioned publicly yet, if you want to swap items you've already collected with your teammates you're allowed to do that. This will take effect before any other actions you submit.

Jiggy Log, Day 2.

The brochure lied to me. There is no hotel, nor is there a restroom for that matter. Breakfast has also not been provided, and I have been forced to subsist on cloth scraps and mayonnaise. I would say this is abhorrent, but it's STILL somehow an improvement over the grub at Witchy World. Fuck me.

As expected the Stack o' Sad Sacks in the rabbit costume were hoarding a Not-Jiggy. That's a risky thing to keep from me when you are wearing something that flammable. But my teammates warned me that setting something as caked in sweat and sorrow as that thing ablaze would likely unleash noxious fumes of biblical proportions, so I had to go with the regrettably less violent approach. Good thing I practice my needle-work by sewing random things onto Banjo's shorts whenever he leaves them laying about.

I'm starting to miss the old lug somewhat, though not enough yet to openly admit it. I wonder if he's gone mental from the hunger pangs yet? Maybe there will be a proper mauling, now THAT would make this dump more exciting.

Have to cut this short now. There's a trip behind that vending machine I want to take before things get busy.
*Charmy notifies the Chaotix Detective Agency about his current situation.*

Charmy: Guess what, Guys? My team got two relics already! We're making great progress around here. There are some new places that are open, including a Recycling Center, Milk Rafting ride, Spinning Bowl ride, A Rollercoaster, and a shop that sells Funko Pops. So, what're the suggestions this time, gang?

Vector: Good work, Charmy. I knew your skills would come in handy when collecting those treasures. How about you help with some community service? Cleaning up the litter is always a good thing to do around a place like this. Got any ideas, Espio?

Espio: Is something giving you a hard time again, Charmy? You don't seem as frazzled as you were yesterday...Is another person at the park causing a lot of trouble for you guys?

Charmy: Well, there's this animatronic of the park's founder that's running loose. It's at the Spinning Bowls right now, but if I don't act fast, he could get away! How can I get him to stay put?

Espio: How about you try making the ride malfunction and tripping up the animatronic's inner workings? That way, someone has to fix up the ride, and you'll be able to catch the animatronic as well. Keep up the good stuff, Charmy. Don't let us down!

Charmy: I promise I won't, gang. My teammates are going to give me something I need to achieve my goals. I hope I can get that animatronic situstion under control. Talk to you later!

*Charmy ends his chat with the Chaotix Detective Agency.*

(No food and no treasure. I'm hungry.

Olimar would never get too angry if I messed up. He had a green dog thing too for a bit but I guess he lost it. Maybe the boss knows where he is.)

Waluigi Time
"Well, here we are again! Two more artifacts off the table, and new stuff to explore! All of the attractions are now open, so have fun!"

The following locations are now available to explore:
  • Big Top Hat
  • F-Seafloor Bumper Cars
  • Star Blasters
  • The Beast Beneath The Dome
  • Wasino
The following quests were completed in the previous phase:
  • Deal with the departed Health Inspector in the Fear Factory.
  • Return the Waluigi Time animatronic to the Band Stage.

The Explore portion of Phase 3 has begun! You have until .

InsaneBlathers and Cosmic Cowboy have dropped out of the game, and will be replaced by @November and @Power Flotzo, respectively.
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