What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

I just watched free birds, not great, but far better than I was expecting
I loved the religious hillbilly jokes near the beginning
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians

Hilariously bad, and it's not even Christmas!
Pan's Labyrinth. Very interesting movie.
Mario4Ever said:
How was it?
This was a mixed bag for me. There are parts that are funny and parts that are boring, Seth MacFarlane was decent but I was expecting a little more from him, Giovanni Ribissi and Sarah Silverman didn't do much for me, and there are jokes that weren't necessary, I'm all for dirty humor some of it was funny, but some was unnecessary, but I enjoyed Neil Patrick Harris and Liam Neeson is surprisingly intimidating (and this is coming from a guy who is not a fan of him, and I also enjoyed the chemistry of Seth MacFarlane and Charlize Theron. Overall if you're looking forward to this movie, you'll like it okay, I enjoyed it but not as much as I was expecting. 6 / 10
Hot To Train Your Dragon

hyping myself for 2

edit: and now i've seen 2
Grand Budapest Hotel

Wes Anderson does it again
Speaking of Godzilla, it's on TV now. I'm watching it.

Anyway, I watched American Beauty today. I think that may be my favorite movie now. It's amazing.
Edge of Tomorrow, and I have to say this feels surprisingly different from Tom Cruise other action roles, don't get me wrong, Tom Cruise is a great actor but I'm not a fan of his action roles (which is pretty much the road he's taken now), because everytime I see him I just see him from Mission Impossible. However in this movie, I don't see him from Mission Impossible!