What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

GalacticPetey said:
Spirited Away

dang, that was good.
Good film. I remember being freaked out by the parents turning into pigs when I was younger though.

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

It was ok.
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World - Awesome movie. Just wow.

Wreck-it Ralph - Awesome too, but Scott was funnier.
Lakituthequick said:
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World - Awesome movie. Just wow.
yeaaaaah 8)

i was actually going to pick up the dvd/blu-ray of this later. it's still one of my favorite movies (american beauty is a better movie overall, but this still has great re-watchability)
Uzumaki, it was decent enough to keep my attention at least. Now I'm gonna see spirals everywhere again though.
I rewatched Scott Pilgrim. God, I love that movie. Everything about it is fantastic. The casting is spot-on, the script is brilliant, the music is awesome, the cinematography is amazing, and the fight scenes are extremely well-done. And it even handles character development pretty well. Just, like, if you haven't seen it, you have to.
The Fault in Our Stars. I thought it was just about perfect compared to the book. I didn't cry because I knew what I was happening (I cried when I read the book), but I looked around and everyone was bawling.
Bring tissues.
Princess Rosalina said:
The Fault in Our Stars. I thought it was just about perfect compared to the book. I didn't cry because I knew what I was happening (I cried when I read the book), but I looked around and everyone was bawling.
Bring tissues.
I love crying at movies, I'm gonna see that with my girlfriend
my friends actually did bring tissues to the movie

i thought it was just okay. basically, if you come expecting to cry, you'll probably cry, which i guess means you enjoyed it
Read the book in English class. Thought it was okay. The other things we read (Catcher in the Rye, Macbeth, 1984, and Oedipus ) were more interesting.
Brokeback Mountain - Pretty good, and definitely not what I expected it to be.

The Princess Bride - This is the third or fourth time I've seen it: always a fun time.

it was ok, for some reason I really couldn't get into it that much and Tarzan himself was really distacting
How to Train Your Dragon 2 - Good movie. Definitely a worthy sequel to the first. Lookin' forward to part 3.