What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

Star Wars 7



Z U K O B O Y S (the german voice actor of zuko spoke the general guy and i loved it)

jj abrams fucking delivers every time

rip han solo though T___T he was killed by his own son whos a sith apprentice. this is gonna be #1 ultra-spoiler from now one so

you heard it first from me!

luke skywalker officially turned into elder obi wan now

the new droid is cool and shit but gdi r2 and 3po had too minor roles tbh

dang carrie fisher got fat lol

even han noticed (rip han T____T) but he didnt say anything

the protagonist girl is fucking op though lmao

kylo ren is a snape clone, sith tryhard and vader wannabe and he killed his own father whos han solo after what seems like hes coming to reason again at first.

fucking chewbacca cries that scene was too evil fuck kylo ren tbh hes a dick.


>r2 has saved important information in form of a hologram again
>decides to stay off for like 5 or so years (idek) so nobody gets this very important information


also on topic
>millenium falcon is trash jokes

classy tbh.

on par with the other original trilogy movies and 3 imo, worse than the empires strikes back and the two star trek reboots.

That being said, this is a must-watch movie tbh.

also people in the audience clapped when the credits started ive never seen that before lol
thx freak

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

wow, snoke must really be compensating for something

anyway, these are my reactions after seeing the movie and reading reviews and thinking about it a little bit. i'm seeing it again tonight

personally, this is my current favorite star wars, with the caveat that i probably don't love the originals as much as i should because they're so saturated into popular culture now. had i seen those in theaters, i'd probably have loved them just as much. still, i always thought it was silly to compare episodes IV and V, because they're very different movies. they both do what they try to do extremely well, and so does this one.

a lot of reviews i've read have been complaining that it's too similar to the original movie. i think that's kinda unfair, because we're judging this before the other movies come out. i thought it did a very good job of balancing throwbacks and new things, even if abrams went a little too far at some points, it generally was pretty great. in general, taken as its own movie, it's great. it's what the original was, in a way: sheer cinema that's meant to entertain

more specifics:

-needed more R2-D2 and C-3PO, badly
-bb-8 is amazing but he was kinda lacking in the second half of the movie
-rey is a fucking amazing character
-i thought kylo ren looked a little bit too much like anakin lol but overall i thought he was a good villain, interested to see where it goes
-the score was really great
-i kinda wish the starkiller base wasn't destroyed... i thought it would have been cool if the first order won in this, honestly
-also lol kylo ren certainly shut up anyone who said his lightsaber didn't make sense
snoke is a hologram

at least im pretty sure he is

the emperor also looked a lot bigger when he was skyping with darth vader in ep. 5
Eri Ayase said:
snoke is a hologram

at least im pretty sure he is

the emperor also looked a lot bigger when he was skyping with darth vader in ep. 5
yeah that was a joke lol
Star Wars 7

Fair play J.J Abrams, well done.
Since I'm not gonna go to the cinema again this year, here are my favorite and least favorite (new) movies of the year.

Favorite: Star Wars 7 (easily, runner up is The Martian though.)

Least Favorite: Probably Pixels although I didn't think it was that bad (certainly better than last year's tmnt movie). The next in list would already be Jurassic World or AoU though and it's definately worse than those so lol.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Loved it. Likeable new characters, cool nostalgia, interesting storyline. The main downside is that you can't really talk about it with people who haven't watched it because it's like half spoilers.

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - Still my fave Trek film: never gets old.

Thought it was pretty great. Was a little hard to follow at the beginning (okay, a lot) but it ends up all making sense, and leaves plenty of room for you to guess at whether the final "reality" is really real.

Ended up being a lot better than I was expecting. Didn't take itself very seriously and was a pretty fun movie, with plenty of silly, self-referential moments.
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay- Part 2

Was pretty good. Spectre, The Force Awakens, and other great movies where playing as well, but only at 10:00 at night, which I didn't want to wait for.
The Star Wars prequels. I have this boxed set that labelled them 1-3 so I thought they were the first movies. The Phantom Menace was kind of bad, the only thing I really liked about it was the duel between Obi Wan Kenobi and Darth Maul. Attack of the Clones was worse, it was so boring I almost fell asleep. I hated the forced romance between Anakin and the girl whose name I forget. Revenge of the Sith was actually good. Lots of things actually happened.