Good wishes aren't always good wishes

Granted, but you also get a Wario smile along with it

I wish Wario would stop smiling
Granted but all your controllers and discs break.

I wish for something edible to eat
Granted, you choke on it.
I wish I was actually researching the 1960s for my project.
Granted, you get into a time travel, you know everything about the 60's, but once they end (December the 31th, 23:59:59) you get back to the start (January the 1st, 0:00:00)

I wish I could watch Glee in Thursday, not Friday.
Granted, then the show ends the week after the show moves.
I wish that I can find a good picture of Lena.
Granted but it has a virus installed in it so it infects your computer by just viewing it

I wish computer viruses can be completely avoided
DHM13-97011 said:
Granted, you get into a time travel, you know everything about the 60's, but once they end (December the 31th, 23:59:59) you get back to the start (January the 1st, 0:00:00)
Actually, that means I could see the Beatles like infinte times.

Granted, something else thats worse comes along.
I wish I was finished my homework.
I saw a few topics on GameFAQs like this.

Granted, but the only game you get to play is Wii Sports.

I wish that the Swordplay event in Wii Sports Resort returns for another game.
Gamefaqs is for retards

Granted, wii swordplay will be in Xbox 360, not Wii

I wish that gamefaqs don't exist
ToxicBox said:
Gamefaqs is for retards

Says the person who was permabanned there :P

Granted, the entire internet no longer exists.

I wish that my foot didn't hurt.
Granted but it's sold in the middle of Siberia

I wish that people wouldn't flame me for something regarded as bad as an atrocity now -.-
BabyLuigiOnFire said:
Granted but it's sold in the middle of Siberia

I wish that people wouldn't flame me for something regarded as bad as an atrocity now -.-

Let me guess, the "Wario is Nintendo's Worst Creation Ever" Thread?

Anyway, granted, but Wario no longer exists upsetting many fans of the Mario franchise.

I wish My older brother Leonardo and I were both playable in the next SSB game. (If there even is a next one).
Granted but you're the worst characters in the game

I wish Wario will be playable in a main, recent Mario game again
Granted but it's a very lengthy process

I wish lampreys are better known
Granted, fairies don't know what lampreys is

"I wish Sharks Territory would start acting more mature.", Quote

I wish this quote is 4x more mature