Good wishes aren't always good wishes

Granted, but everything you look at melts.

I wish I had my own magic wand so I can grant my own wishes and once I've used up all 10 of my wishes, I get a portable recharger to refill the wand's power and can continuously grant my own wishes.
Granted but Crocker steals it

I wish the Fairly Oddparents can continue running with more good shows
Granted, you can only use it for 10 minutes.

I wish that Mario Kart 3DS was out now.
Granted, it's stuffed with bugs and freezes every 20 minutes.

I wish the Brazilian iTunes Store would have iOS games.
Granted but he's not good at anything else

I wish for a can of Coke
Nega-Man said:
I wish that Smasher was the pimpest guy ever


Granted, it explodes in your face.

I wish.
That wish is just vague enough to work. Um, you spontaneously combust

I wish I can play my trumpet better
Granted but you get nothing out of that wish

I wish I had a Smart Bomb
Granted, she never responds to your messages again.

I wish I would get more messages.
Granted. I eat it for you

I wish to give four failing grades at the same time
Granted. I don't feel like corrupting this wish. Oh and I usually make sprites when I feel like it.

I wish for making friends while driving horribly (like what Wanda does in Transparents)
Granted, you only meet him for 5 sec then you will never see him again

I wish that I can finish Revenge of Marx Soul comic under 5 min
Granted. It sucks.

I wish I could speak Spanish.
Granted, but you get exiled form all Spainish-speaking countries.
I wish for my mom to give my tenner already.
Granted. He gets shot by a gumball

I wish I had super friends