Good wishes aren't always good wishes

Granted, every games online is as good as the online for Brawl.

I wish Mike Jones will become a newcomer in Smash Switch.
Granted. You become a Jedi knight, but you have fallen to the Dark Side because you heard someone said "DO IT!".

I wish old memes from 2010-2012 still continue.
Granted, but you cannot adapt to the changes in the day.
I wish I could get a copy of the album Walls Can Fall by George Jones.
Granted, but it's ripped, so if you wanna read, you have to assemble the billion pieces there are.

I wish for all the Super Mario Kun volumes, and that they're not damaged or anything.
Granted, now you're so hype you explode.

I wish I could draw Paper Mario and make him come to life.
Granted, he's highly flammable.

I wish Nintendo and Good Feel would make a Yarn Mario game.
Granted, but there are so much genies no-one can fit in your room. So you need to get rid of them.

I wish I was the Bowz!
Granted, but you only get to stay in this month for like 3 seconds.

I wish for something.
Granted, now you forgot how to read, but know how to write well.

I wish my fishes didn't die so fast.
Granted, it's a toy laptop, and it does annoying sounds.

I wish the Donkey Kong Adventure DLC for Mario + Rabbids was here.
Granted. It's here (in front of you), but you noticed that lost the game's cartridge or the digital software is corrupted.

I wish I wasn't gullible on reading datamine details.
Granted, but you regret it after a day and go back to your previous self.
I wish I had a black and white TV.
Granted, but now you have to play all your home console on it, because you lost your old TV.

I wish for a Smart TV.
Granted, but it goes dumb in a week. I probably need to stop saying these bad puns...
I wish I would stop using bad puns in my posts.