Xiahou Ba
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    And a Mini Mario plushie too! This is so great! I've waited forever for this order, it was delayed thanks to the pandemic but now it's finally mine!
    Yoshi Valley: "The map modes that show the player icons making circuits around the screen relative to their positions seem to work fine; however, the maze is so complicated that determining the racers' current positions is impossible, so the players' mugshots will just be replaced with question marks."

    I keep seeing this pop up online. Is there any evidence to this claim for Yoshi Valley, or is this just made up? Is it possible that this design is intentional? How does item probabilities work then, if the game can't keep track of the tracking? The character in first is still kept track of, by the way.
    Frankly, that course is so hectic, it's fun and incredibly antagonizing at the same time. I hate it, but I love it. Sounds false, if you ask me.
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    I despise that track. I feel like it has utterly no reason to be a maze, other than it can despite being horribly executed and a boring track with no variety in its paths (just take the fastest path all the time), and the fact that it's allegedly broken but they went along with it anyway speaks volumes on how little of a shit the devs for Mario Kart 64 gave.
    People want new characters and shit in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and here I am wanting new stages and new items instead.

    When will we get DLC for the past stages that didn't return? That'll make me line up to buy that DLC day one.
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    Reactions: Vivian
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    I love the "meme" stages the most. Pac-Land is among my favorite of the "so obnoxious and bad it's good" stages out there. Their horrible nature adds to the chaoticness of my games, and even Mario Bros. tingles my masochistic side of playing on stages I used to despise.
    Balloon Fight
    I think the moving stages get a lot more flack then they deserve, Rumble Falls was surprisingly fun, and Pac-Land is one of my favourite stages.
    I was viewing the Wario thread and you are awesome and your taste is awesome and let no one tell you otherwise.
    The Green Knight
    The Green Knight
    Is there some type of special school you can go to to learn this stuff?
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    The only part I had school training in was general 3D modeling and how to extrude with Maya, but aside from that, no. I've started modding Baby Luigi in games since...2011 and I did multiple games so I had lots of years to build up my knowledge. So I guess the only special school you need is motivation, patience, and dedication.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    @Stick Man it might surprise you that my sister and my experience with 3D is in community college; I do 3D model work too
    I can't take the suspense anymore

    i need to know if Chroma officially becomes a protector
    I meant police training dude

    or is that what you're talking about

    crap now im confused
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    Oh he has gone through training but pretty much any new position you get you go through training, there's no fast-pass for this.
    Yeah I agree with Paper Ray Trace.
    Practice makes perfect
    Question: Why do you ruin everyones lives in sim city with Wario?
    B. How the heck did you put wario in there?
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    A. Because it's really funny. It's a pretty well known fact that nothing gets Sims players more excited than torturing Sims, and I'm no exception to that. In fact, the moment this guy moved in the neighborhood, he farted and belched all over the welcoming party, and it net him like, a bad or atrocious reputation extremely quickly. Keep in mind that what's great about the Sims is that having an atrocious reputation does net Wario perks as well, people text him "You're so unscrupulous and hated, we'll invite you to this place where all the worst and nastiest people meet who would love to meet you!"

    B. Mods. Specifically this one.
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    I've updated the Roleplay Rules and Guidelines thread in the forum to include a ban policy, now that I've done a third reply ban and I'm not even a week on the job yet...
    Welp, I just smacked a roach dead on the floor with my bare hands. Hate cockroaches so much.
    • Wow
    Reactions: Princess Zatanna
    Roaches terrify me when upside down. I think they're less ugly when they are alive and you dont see their creepy leg joints.

    Do they also, like, need to be turd brown out of all colors? Why god? Why?
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    Bugs in general tend to look gross upside down, it perfectly applies to spiders and crickets. And yeah, cockroaches get messy when you smash them...but I think they're more disgusting alive than dead, hence why I acted swiftly to nab them before they can get away if I decide to get Raid instead.

    And yeah, crickets are the same color too. It's a disgusting unappealing one. American roaches are so freaking big on top of that.
    "It's a dung beetle! I'll smash your guts out!"
    Oh great, the protest actually spread to our small little suburb. People are gonna protest at the mall. This is so unreal, I really hope this protest doesn't turn violent.
    • Sad
    Reactions: Blue
    The protests where I'm at are peaceful, then again it's all foresty liberal/centrist towns here, I feel like it only gets violent in dense populated areas and overtly racist areas.
    London Parris
    London Parris
    George Zimmerman got away with murder, so the cops can get away with murder.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    good news: the protest was safe and even the police joined and encouraged the protest
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    What a relief that Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Remastered has a local multiplayer feature, I was worried they may omit that in favor of online play.

    Also, new party members to travel with you if you play solo, that's really cool! I hope that solves the chalice carrying problem the game had for solo players.

    I love how upset this user review is for The Sims 4 being a popular game. :smug:
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    "time to tayke a ****"

    yep looks like the reviewer needs to take an angry poop after this
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    The Sims don't even really "shit", it's more that they piss water.

    Also to paraphrase Angry Joe: you're the one playing games about murdering, maiming, [...] HURTING PEOPLE. [...] and doing all this shit, so DON'T YOU JUDGE ME.
    They say this. Tell this to the people who want Minecraft to have litterall ****.

    Like, complain about that first.

    I don't like it.
    Paper Mario battles a dismembered, dead, cow chunk.

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