After almost 10 years of finding out and wanting to own these particular Baby Luigi plushies, before the existence of a San-ei Baby Luigi plush, I finally placed an order on them on ebay, hopefully they'll be mine once and for all.
More Car Wash adventure images in development @Classic Sonic
If you see carefully, I've given the act a familiar title on the upper left hand part of the screen!
You see those Palm Trees in the background? They're dancing Epics, actually.
Lefty's character, Zuka makes his appearance. We also emphasized on what types of birds appear in the Car Wash: House Finches, Pigeons, Tree Sparrows, and House Sparrows.
Dark Light, Murkrow, and her car appears. The Ford Crown Victoria in front is in fact a creature. You can see the Car Wash sign in the background. Oh, and say hello to our cockatiel.
Bluminescence is there. The Magic School Bus is in fact, a dancing creature. This area would serve as the drive-through part where you first determine the grade of the wash. Oh, and I'm going to demonstrate to LJS about the weird thing in the west coast of cars getting vacuumed first before going through the wash: they get their insides dried in this area before going to the conveyor belt on the left. And speaking of that...
This is some parts of the interior. You see those dancing brush parts in the car wash? Those are actually just dancing creatures! There's also rotating brushes as well: they're buildings made out of a sea vehicle part!
s'yeah, got started on the car wash adventure beginning with the, err, more memorable bits of going through a car wash. the fans are super loud and noisy and they scared me as a child.
I might design a Spore Adventure themed around the Car Wash. I need some important locales and possible reference images, as I'm going to design the interior of the Car Wash itself.
Oh by the way, there is a complexity limit I have to adhere too, so don't make things too complicated.
Yesterday, I, LGM, and my friends went to a Bernie Sanders rally, and I was surprised to actually see him in person, giving a speech! It also helped me turn in my vote, in which I'll vote for Bernie in the primary election. Hope he wins!