My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
'3K said:
Pretty much every character is likable in some way.

'Cept Silver Spoon or whatever her name is. She's a bitch.

Pinkie Pie said:
And Diamond Tiara.

Yeah pretty much that. Those are the only two characters I don't like at all. The rest are all pretty good characters.
Pretty nice episode. It was relatively simple like last week's episode but had a touch of wackiness that made it fun to watch. Some of Applebloom's "cutie marks" were hilarious.

She got a cutie mark for speaking in French. Or what Applejack called "Talking in Fancy".
Also I may not be a Lord of the Rings fan but I can see a parody happen with the cutie mark she got first
I'm gonna have to wait for it to hit Youtube. Damn me only having basic cable.

In other news, a new episode synopsis has shown up.

EQDaily said:
Title: Secret of my Excess
Synopsis: Spike gets greedy on his birthday and has a huge growth spurt that could decimate Ponyville.
Air Date: December 10, 2011
Hm. Ponies and Kaiju. Neat.
'3K said:
I'm gonna have to wait for it to hit Youtube. Damn me only having basic cable.

In other news, a new episode synopsis has shown up.

EQDaily said:
Title: Secret of my Excess
Synopsis: Spike gets greedy on his birthday and has a huge growth spurt that could decimate Ponyville.
Air Date: December 10, 2011
Hm. Ponies and Kaiju. Neat.

So... Another Rainbow Dash episode. Geez that's 3 out of the next 4 episodes :P (j/k)

In all seriousness sounds like we get some Godzilla-like stuff for Spike possibly. Though now there will be more Spike episodes then there are pure Applejack episodes (Though Applejack has had some nice roles anyway)
Well, this was an interesting Saturday, since I was about to watch My Little Pony, but then I realized I had a pedicure today, so I had to hurry up, shower, get dressed and leave, and I didn't get to watch the show when it aired... But I left the TV on, regardless, and I had it recorded and now I just watched it.

It was alright. Yeah, unlike the previous season where there were episodes I thought were alright, but secretly, there were parts of it that bugged me, this one was a completely "flawless" episode, in that there was nothing in it that bothered me. That said, it's not one of my favorites, and is possibly the weakest episode so far in terms of being memorable. But I enjoyed it regardless.

Let's see... It seems that the Cutie Mark Crusaders have become less obsessed about earning their cutie marks, or at least Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are, and they're still trying to have fun as friends, which is good. The ultimate irony, though, is that they lesson they learn here was the same lesson they've had to learn in their past focus episodes, in that they shouldn't try to force their cutie marks to appear and they should just be patient. Well, Apple Bloom learned it more here, but it almost seems like she instantly dismisses it by the end, but I didn't mind that. In fact, I thought it was rather funny.

You know what else I thought was funny? The pony version of the Big Lebowski! As well as other pony-fied characters that I can't even begin to name!

I also like how they make references to how all Big Macintosh ever says is "Eeyup" or "Nnope"! Although I DO wish he'd talk more often.

Zecora showing up again was also a real treat, I just love her, and it's awesome to see her again!

Another thing I noticed in this episode... Twilight wasn't panicing, she seemed calm enough, and yet it was Spike who managed to find the book she was looking for. This is an interesting running gag, which I always thought was just because Twilight was stressed out, seeing how hyper-organized she is. And yet here, she STILL is unable to find the book she needs. Spike really knows his way around the library.

Oh yeah, and once again, Spike's thoughtlessness comes through once again, making light of Apple Bloom's suffering and such. Again, it didn't bother me, but it's something I noticed while watching this episode.

Something else I noticed, the flower trio returns, once again overreacting to a crisis! Those animators sure pay attention to stuff like that, and thank Celestia they do! ;)

Well, I think that's everything I wanted to get out there... Oh wait, one more thing! FLUTTERSHY DIDN'T APPEAR IN THIS EPISODE! :'(

Oh well, maybe next week.
Could you please stop spoilering big posts? It makes it a serious pain to read.

Also, Big Macintosh spoke full sentences in applebuck season.
That was a pretty good episode. There were two good moments, Spike falling in love with Twilight's mane and Pinkie Pie confessing her 'secrets'.
Paper Jorge said:
That was a pretty good episode. There were two good moments, Spike falling in love with Twilight's mane and Pinkie Pie confessing her 'secrets'.

Phbbt Twilight's mane is better how it is usually.
On the other hand, do you think it's okay for me to watch this now or should I watch everything in order?
Nabber said:
On the other hand, do you think it's okay for me to watch this now or should I watch everything in order?

Order only matters mostly for the first 2 episodes of both Season 1 and Season 2. Though some episodes like The Best Night Ever are best when you've seen a majority of the episodes already same goes for episodes like Lesson Zero. Otherwise for the most part you're free to go in any order you like (Heck I didn't even go in order when there were only like 15 I haven't seen back when I first got into the show. I just found the ones that had a more interesting Sypnosis. I don't know exactly what order it was but I know I saw the first 2 episodes first and caught up to how many episodes aired by the end of the same week.
Didn't have to quote it if it's on the same page xP

Anyway. Next episode should be neat. Also if Fluttershy doesn't show up in the next episode they'll have to have some good excuse with Fluttershy being the animal Pony after all. Maybe it's time for FLuttershy to teach Rainbow something. As a counterpart to the ol' yay scene from Sonic Rainboom.
*starts up episode*

*sees the jesus in the bowling alley"


*sees the dude walter and donny ponies*

Well, I watched the new episode, here is what I have to say about it:

So, Applebloom got too impatient, and decided to make her cutie mark appear? Ok, then. Also, I like how it had a nod to the first episode Zecora appears in. And Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon were very annoying, just as much as before. Still, I think this was a reasonably good episode, and I can't wait for the next one. Is it one of the Rainbow Dash episodes, or something else?
Epic Nitwit said:
Well, I watched the new episode, here is what I have to say about it:

So, Applebloom got too impatient, and decided to make her cutie mark appear? Ok, then. Also, I like how it had a nod to the first episode Zecora appears in. And Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon were very annoying, just as much as before. Still, I think this was a reasonably good episode, and I can't wait for the next one. Is it one of the Rainbow Dash episodes, or something else?

Yes the next 2 episodes are Rainbow Dash episodes. Even better news is that there isn't any known breaks as of yet.
Watched it this morning.

Apple Bloom is my fourth favorite character, so I expected to enjoy this episode. I was not disappointed. Zecora, Big Mac, and Granny Smith were good in this episode, and some of Apple Bloom's talents were funny (such as the ability to speak french) And another good part was:
Mijzelffan said:

So yeah, good episode.