For the Guys (A Thread About Love)

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Does Aldo and Anton Hypnotoad count? I've had a man crush on them forever now. <3
Brock said:
Does Aldo and Anton Hypnotoad count? I've had a man crush on them forever now. <3

If you consider them crushes, then yes, it counts.

Kind of funny, guys having crush on guys here..... :shifty: I'm not saying there is anything wrong with it, but 2 people who are guys said another guy...Hm...
Lily said:
Stalkers pretend they are kids then start creeping users then BAM! They know where you live and have there chainsaw ready.
That, is the danger of the internet.

Bull*bleep*. That happens a hell of a lot less than the PSAs say.

Mrs. Hedlund said:
Hahaha no I wouldn't get too attached to someone I have NO chance of ever meeting.

I have changed lots, in year 7 I was some small, chubby, oversensitive, lonley tomboy who no boys liked.

Now as I have grown up things have changed. I like what I like but don't force it down people's throats like I used to, I try to get along with people. I admit I'm not stick thin, but I am pretty slender and have a good figure and I'm more sophisticated-goth rather than tomboy. I now wish boys would stop annoying me!

The moral: Things change, as ypu grow up people change.
Lily said:
I have changed lots, in year 7 I was some small, chubby, oversensitive, lonley tomboy who no boys liked.

Now as I have grown up things have changed. I like what I like but don't force it down people's throats like I used to, I try to get along with people. I admit I'm not stick thin, but I am pretty slender and have a good figure and I'm more sophisticated-goth rather than tomboy. I now wish boys would stop annoying me!

The moral: Things change, as ypu grow up people change.

Yes sometimes for the worse. Many guys I had crushes on in middle school turned out to be asshole jerks. Ha. I would like to say that I am glad I didn't really pursue them.
It's been for the better for me, maybe too good.
Since year 7, I have totally differant friends, close friends in primary school are just mere aquantances now while I have made new close friends.
Lily said:
It's been for the better for me, maybe too good.
Since year 7, I have totally differant friends, close friends in primary school are just mere aquantances now while I have made new close friends.
:) That's good though! Glad to hear it, Lily!
Mrs. Hedlund said:
Double Posting. I know, it's illegal here.

But, I have a question: Do any of you have a crush on someone else in this forum? Just curious...
Do you?
Mrs. Hedlund said:
Let's just say I never give away if I like someone right in front of them.
Like my friend who makes jokes about me liking girls.
Even though he knows I don't like them.
I know a lot of things.
All you have to do is be observant.
Ok, I probably have little crushes on a few users... say if you think it's you, I'm not giving you a straightforward Y/N.
GLaDOS said:
Mrs. Hedlund said:
Let's just say I never give away if I like someone right in front of them.
Like my friend who makes jokes about me liking girls.
Even though he knows I don't like them.
I know a lot of things.
All you have to do is be observant.
Yeah and the ones who suspected I liked them, wanted nothing to do with me! :lol:

Lily said:
Ok, I probably have little crushes on a few users... say if you think it's you, I'm not giving you a straightforward Y/N.

:rolleyes: I would agree, Lily.
I already have suspicions on who likes me here, though I doubt anyone does. Basically, if you don't hate me, I think you like me.
That's kind of sad.
GLaDOS said:
I already have suspicions on who likes me here, though I doubt anyone does. Basically, if you don't hate me, I think you like me.
That's kind of sad.
There may be some girls (or even guys) on here who might like you. Just because someone does not hate you, doesn't mean they have a crush on you.
Lily said:
I now wish boys would stop annoying me!

I know what you mean, I hate it when all the boys are attracted to only me, and not anyone else. >>>:[
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