Marvel Cinematic Universe

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Hulks role is to smash...also the unavoidable Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy live action crossover.
Eh, I have to work this weekend. :[ Hopefully I can go next weekend.

Also I can't help but wonder what's going to be teased at the end of Winter Soldier. Maybe something Ultron related? Or maybe we get to hear Vin Diesel say those three magic words?
Rocket '3Koon said:
Or maybe we get to hear Vin Diesel say those three magic words?
That's worth the entire price of admission.

I think it will somehow be related to Ultron. Maybe have Tony Stark working on something in his lab, then the camera pans over to a screen that says "Project Ultron" or something to that extent.
just came back from an early screening omf
dr strange is mentioned and mutants are now canon
Cannot. Contain. Hype.

Damn. This is one of the best Marvel movies yet. As they always say, cut off one head, two more grow back. HYDRA has been working through SHIELD for years. No one can be trusted now. Even Agent Sitwell works for HYDRA. Agents of SHIELD is about to get very interesting.

So SHIELD doesn't exist anymore. Wow. Fury, Widow, Hill and others like Hawkeye have all gone underground. The Winter Soldier is still out there, and HYDRA seems to have Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch at their disposal, not to mention Loki's scepter. Shit is gonna go down in Age of Ultron. This movie has left a huge impact on the MCU and I guarantee most of the following movies will feel its effects.

Also, Dr. Strange name drop, woot woot!

Wolverine said:
just came back from an early screening omf
dr strange is mentioned and mutants are now canon
I don't think they're mutants in the movie. Fox owns the rights to mutants. So a Marvel is not allowed to mention mutants or Magneto in Age of Ultron when the twins debut. Kinda sucks but that's the reality.
I'll tell you what's stupid, people still whining about it. This should be common knowledge by now.

Besides, X-Men works best as its own thing. I'm more upset that Fox owns the Fantastic Four. They would fit better with the MCU.

Plus I want to see Thanos fight Galactus.
i remember reading an article that fox sold the rights back to marvel a few days back, but i can't seem to find it again, so i assume it was false. got my hopes up big, man..
i think first class was the only one i really liked, i either don't care about the rest or didn't like 'em.

haven't seen the wolverine though, was that any good?
Uzu Sanageyama said:
i think first class was the only one i really liked, i either don't care about the rest or didn't like 'em.

haven't seen the wolverine though, was that any good?
it was really good bro. but im really biased. though, as much as i think he's cool they should make other X-Men Origins films