Marvel Cinematic Universe

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I mean, wow. I came to The Winter Soldier expecting just another good Marvel movie, and it totally blew me away. The action was great, Captain America and Black Widow played off each other nicely the whole movie, and there were too many twists to count.

I did manage to predict that Nick Fury wasn't dead, because he's that genre savvy, but wow. The Nazi scientist from The First Avenger was still working for HYDRA? HYDRA controls every level of SHIELD? The Winter Soldier isn't the focus of the movie?

I couldn't predict where this movie was going. At first I thought Nick Fury was going to be trying to investigate the shenanigans inside SHIELD while Cap went to find the Winter Soldier. Then nope, Fury gets shot. So... Captain America is going to take over for him in investigating SHIELD. Nope, SHIELD is trying to kill Captain America. So then they end up trying to find the traitors, find out HYDRA is behind the whole thing, and... wow.

I definitely enjoyed the whole idea that HYDRA had been trying (and succeeding) to get people to willingly surrender their freedoms. Keep in mind that this whole movie was written about when Snowden released all the files on the NSA and stuff. That's a very, very relevant message on today's society.

And then, of course, the small ensamble of Fury, Hill (Fury's cool assistant from The Avengers), Black Widow, Captain, and the new guy Falcon release all of SHIELD's files to the internet. Which will basically destroy SHIELD. Wow.

Fantastic movie that kept throwing me surprises and kept me engaged throughout. A must-see.

And yes, I honestly thought it was better than The Avengers. That's how great this movie is.
ill probably forget it in a matter of hours, short term memory and all.

plus its the execution that is important, not the words.
So is Agents of SHIELD going to follow the events of the Winter Solider? I'm guessing some pretty big stuff goes down in it and they followed Thor: The Dark World(which I still haven't seen). In the UK we just got the episode in which
Skye was saved by the miracle drug Coulson was treated with.
Yoshidude99 said:
So is Agents of SHIELD going to follow the events of the Winter Solider? I'm guessing some pretty big stuff goes down in it and they followed Thor: The Dark World(which I still haven't seen). In the UK we just got the episode in which
Skye was saved by the miracle drug Coulson was treated with.
Wow. You guys are far behind.

Concerning Agents of SHIELD.

Warning. Winter Soldier and AoS episode 16 spoilers.
I think Zola is, or has something to do with the Clairvoyant. Coulson said that the clairvoyant had to be someone inside SHIELD. Well as it turns out, HYDRA is SHIELD. Zola has been working inside shield for a long time as that computer. The clairvoyant wants to see how Coulson came back, because he did not have enough clearance. It would make since that HYDRA would want to know how Coulson was revived so they could replicate its miracles.

Guardians of the Galaxy is what I'm waiting for 8)
Capt. can wait for dvd, especially since I got the just of what was happening from AOS