Why I don't care for Super Paper Mario

Honestly I think the only chapters I got any real genuine enjoyment out of were chapters 3 and 8. The rest are either average, boring, or just really tedious.
Mcmadness said:
Honestly I think the only chapters I got any real genuine enjoyment out of were chapters 3 and 8. The rest are either average, boring, or just really tedious.
I liked all of them except 1. I can't really remember 1, maybe my next playthrough will change my mind
I think Chapter 7 was pretty cool. 3 and 8 are my favorites though, either 5 or 2 is probably my least favorite, I still like them but just not as much as the others. Chapters 1 and 4 are average. Chapter 6 had tedious gameplay but the story of it made up for that.
the chapter with the underwhere/overthere was the best one
What was 3? Was it space?

Sammer's Kingdom has the best music, but the repetition made it horribly boring. Same goes to the Pit of 100 trails. 3 times!
Think it was, might of been 4.

But isn't that where you fought Mr. L? I can't remember and it seems like you would know bc avatar
Ninelevendo said:
What was 3? Was it space?

Sammer's Kingdom has the best music, but the repetition made it horribly boring. Same goes to the Pit of 100 trails. 3 times!

3 was the bitlands where you get Bowser and deal with Francis, who is a very lame villain for a chapter btw.
Rosalina and Luma said:
Think it was, might of been 4.

But isn't that where you fought Mr. L? I can't remember and it seems like you would know bc avatar
I remember fighting him in space, but because I can't remember the other ones, I can't remember where this one was placed.

Mcmadness said:
Ninelevendo said:
What was 3? Was it space?

3 was the bitlands where you get Bowser and deal with Francis, who is a very lame villain for a chapter btw.
Francis was a pretty lame "villain". The Swoon.exe was a waste of time. I didn't like most of chapter 3. The first part was ok, but after that it was kinda boring. (Giant tree? Argh. A whole thing for a water level? Argh. A Robotic Kitten infested castle ruled by some geek gecko thing? Argh.)

Actually, I feel like there's only really one good part out of the four in every chapter.
I think chapter 3-1 is probably the most enjoyable part of the game for me due to it actually feeling like a proper Mario game.

All the references to the original SMB were nice too.
I really liked the level in Castle Bleck where all your friends were picked off by you one by one. Course, I get so attached to everything, I cried when they were all picked off.

Or was it not just a level, but it happened over the course of the whole entire chapter? Grah, I can't remember all these details in my favourite RPG (it's not my favourite game, that belongs to NSMB), yet I can notice freaking people waving at me in videos even though they weren't in the actual video?!?!?! Ahem, excuse me, sorry.

I will attempt to catch up before making any other points. *disappears*
Ninelevendo said:
It actually feels like a "Super Mario Platformer RPG", which was what the game aimed for.

A concept which I think there is potential in, but it needs some major refining.
Repeating myself is fun!
I'd love that idea. I love action RPGs more than I like turn-based RPGs anyway
The problem is I'm not 100% sure how to go about it.
Baby Luigi said:
I'd love that idea. I love action RPGs more than I like turn-based RPGs anyway
Same here. Action RPG's are so much fun...

I think FE:A is turn-based but I love it to death
Still doesn't make the plot not overdramatic tripe.
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS said:
Again, some people like the more large-scale and dramatic plot.

Again, they are playing the wrong series.
Mcmadness said:
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS said:
Again, some people like the more large-scale and dramatic plot.

Again, they are playing the wrong series.
You can't just blatantly say that a section of the fanbase is playing the wrong series. There's nothing wrong with liking cartoony platform type games with large scale dramatic storylines.
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS said:
Mcmadness said:
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS said:
Again, some people like the more large-scale and dramatic plot.

Again, they are playing the wrong series.
You can't just blatantly say that a section of the fanbase is playing the wrong series. There's nothing wrong with liking cartoony platform type games with large scale dramatic storylines.

Yes I can, because thats not even remotely what the series is about. If you are looking for dramatic story lines then this is the wrong series to be playing.