Why I don't care for Super Paper Mario

I just liked the game, and thought the story was great. It being a Mario game did not make it feel out of place for me at all. That's why I wished there were more Mario games like it.

While some of the character designs I will admit were kind of silly looking. But that was just mostly the NPCs, all the important characters had nice designs, it appeared that they didn't want to spend too much time on NPC design and wanted to spend more time on designing the main characters, that's why Count Bleck looks far better-designed than all the common residents of Flipside.

While you may dislike the story, you can't deny they spent more time writing it than they did Sticker Star's, which already puts it above SS. I think all Sticker Star's effort went into the graphics and music to be honest, that stuff was almost perfect. But so was SPM's music. Dat ending theme tho.
I wouldn't put SPM above SS because of its story. I hate its story and I've gone on record many times that I prefer no plot to a crap plot.
That's just the thing. You disliking something doesn't make it crap. SPM's story has more fans than Sticker Star. And you have also gone on record many times saying Nintendo should cater to the majority. Therefore, since more people liked SPM's plot than Sticker Stars, they should continue putting effort into the plots, whether one person likes it or not.
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS said:
That's just the thing. You disliking something doesn't make it crap. SPM's story has more fans than Sticker Star. And you have also gone on record many times saying Nintendo should cater to the majority. Therefore, since more people liked SPM's plot than Sticker Stars, they should continue putting effort into the plots, whether one person likes it or not.

really? i thought the majority buys the mario games for its intriguing gameplay, NOT story
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS said:
That's just the thing. You disliking something doesn't make it crap. SPM's story has more fans than Sticker Star. And you have also gone on record many times saying Nintendo should cater to the majority. Therefore, since more people liked SPM's plot than Sticker Stars, they should continue putting effort into the plots, whether one person likes it or not.
This. I'm still hoping for that Thousand-Year Door sequel.

Story is not as important as gameplay in a Mario RPG, but it is still one of the foundations. Unfortunately, Sticker Star did not realize this.
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS said:
The main series, yes. But most people who are fans of the RPGs are also fans of their stories.

well have you seen that club nintendo poll? like only 1% liked Super Paper Mario solely for its story.

i'm not defending sticker star's ----ty execution but you're giving spm more credit to its story than it really deserves
Baby Luigi said:
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS said:
The main series, yes. But most people who are fans of the RPGs are also fans of their stories.

well have you seen that club nintendo poll? like only 1% liked Super Paper Mario solely for its story.

i'm not defending sticker star's ----ty execution but you're giving spm more credit to its story than it really deserves
Do we have records for every answer on that poll? Give me that, and I'll form an opinion.
Baby Luigi said:
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS said:
The main series, yes. But most people who are fans of the RPGs are also fans of their stories.

well have you seen that club nintendo poll? like only 1% liked Super Paper Mario solely for its story.

i'm not defending sticker star's ----ty execution but you're giving spm more credit to its story than it really deserves
>club nintendo

You do realize 99% of people doing those surveys are just BSing through them to get the coins right? I doubt "story" was the first option to check, so those 99% checked the first option and moved on to get their coins.
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS said:
That's just the thing. You disliking something doesn't make it crap. SPM's story has more fans than Sticker Star. And you have also gone on record many times saying Nintendo should cater to the majority. Therefore, since more people liked SPM's plot than Sticker Stars, they should continue putting effort into the plots, whether one person likes it or not.

The majority of the rpg players sure.

But for the entire franchise? Not even remotely.

Also saying ''thats just your opinion'' means absolutely fuck all to me. I have pointed out many times now why the plot is average at best and complete cliched shit at worst.
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS said:
You do realize 99% of people doing those surveys are just BSing through them to get the coins right? I doubt "story" was the first option to check, so those 99% checked the first option and moved on to get their coins.

idk, was the option even the last one?
Mcmadness said:
Also saying ''thats just your opinion'' means absolutely fuck all to me. I have pointed out many times now why the plot is average at best and complete cliched shit at worst.
Every strawman you've pulled is based on your own opinion. Not once have you said it's objectively shit and backed it up.
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS said:
Baby Luigi said:
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS said:
The main series, yes. But most people who are fans of the RPGs are also fans of their stories.

well have you seen that club nintendo poll? like only 1% liked Super Paper Mario solely for its story.

i'm not defending sticker star's ----ty execution but you're giving spm more credit to its story than it really deserves
>club nintendo

You do realize 99% of people doing those surveys are just BSing through them to get the coins right? I doubt "story" was the first option to check, so those 99% checked the first option and moved on to get their coins.
Good point. I'm surprised that I never thought of that!
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS said:
Mcmadness said:
Also saying ''thats just your opinion'' means absolutely *bleep* all to me. I have pointed out many times now why the plot is average at best and complete cliched *bleep* at worst.
Every strawman you've pulled is based on your own opinion. Not once have you said it's objectively *bleep* and backed it up.

well no ---- sherlock. have you realized that 99% of content in reviews are all opinionated?

Lumastar said:
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS said:
Baby Luigi said:
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS said:
The main series, yes. But most people who are fans of the RPGs are also fans of their stories.

well have you seen that club nintendo poll? like only 1% liked Super Paper Mario solely for its story.

i'm not defending sticker star's ----ty execution but you're giving spm more credit to its story than it really deserves
>club nintendo

You do realize 99% of people doing those surveys are just BSing through them to get the coins right? I doubt "story" was the first option to check, so those 99% checked the first option and moved on to get their coins.
Good point. I'm surprised that I never thought of that!

so you believe the other guy who is also pulling assumptions out of his ass

We have no idea what the club Nintendo survey was like. That being said they generally never ask a question that specific about a game. It might have been a special survey they did during development.

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS said:
Mcmadness said:
Also saying ''thats just your opinion'' means absolutely *bleep* all to me. I have pointed out many times now why the plot is average at best and complete cliched *bleep* at worst.
Every strawman you've pulled is based on your own opinion. Not once have you said it's objectively *bleep* and backed it up.

Dude, you have openly admitted that you barely play any story driven games beyond the Mario ones. You are in no position to even remotely argue your point.
Mcmadness said:
We have no idea what the club Nintendo survey was like. That being said they generally never ask a question that specific about a game. It might have been a special survey they did during development.
Every game has a question in the survey like this: What did you enjoy about this game/what is the reason you liked this game/something along those lines and there are several choices on there to check: to find all the secrets, to unlock all content, to find out the story, etc etc. They probably measured how many people checked "for the story" on Super Paper Mario's survey.
Look I'll just look it up because y'all too lazy to do some research


Yeah. With regard to the story, we did a survey over the Super Paper Mario game in Club Nintendo, and not even 1% said the story was interesting. A lot of people said that the Flip move for switching between the 3D and 2D dimensions was fun.

Not even 1%.

It's either your assumption or if the story really is that awful. And we don't know. We're equally as right and wrong as each other.
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS said:
Mcmadness said:
We have no idea what the club Nintendo survey was like. That being said they generally never ask a question that specific about a game. It might have been a special survey they did during development.
Every game has a question in the survey like this: What did you enjoy about this game/what is the reason you liked this game/something along those lines and there are several choices on there to check: to find all the secrets, to unlock all content, to find out the story, etc etc. They probably measured how many people checked "for the story" on Super Paper Mario's survey.

Then the people who lazily filled out those surveys only have themselves to blame. They exist for a reason.
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS said:
The main series, yes. But most people who are fans of the RPGs are also fans of their stories.
Yeah, but the RPGs account for about 2.7% of sales, so in the long, that's a very small number of people who play Mario for the story.
Magikrazy said:
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS said:
The main series, yes. But most people who are fans of the RPGs are also fans of their stories.
Yeah, but the RPGs account for about 2.7% of sales, so in the long, that's a very small number of people who play Mario for the story.

I don't think they even play it for the damn story

They play Paper Mario and stuff because it's a damn fun RPG.
There's absolutely no way all the fans I've seen of SPM's story are that much of a minority. Especially considering everyone who did the survey HAD to have played SPM, or else just bought, registered, and never played it. So that means of everyone who played SPM, not 1% liked the story. Nearly impossible considering all the fans I have personally met and seen on the Internet.

At absolute worst, every person who liked SPM's story are 30 % of the ones who played the game.

Just to put that in perspective, I bought my ex the game a couple years back. Everyone in her household who played it loved the story and her sister even told me how Dimentio was her favorite character. That's essentially picking a random group of people (she wasn't nearly as interested in the Mario series as me) to play it. If only 1% of people who played the game liked the story, the chances of them liking it are 1% as well.
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS said:
There's absolutely no way all the fans I've seen of SPM's story are that much of a minority. Especially considering everyone who did the survey HAD to have played SPM, or else just bought, registered, and never played it. So that means of everyone who played SPM, not 1% liked the story. Nearly impossible considering all the fans I have personally met and seen on the Internet.

At absolute worst, every person who liked SPM's story are 30 % of the ones who played the game.

Just to put that in perspective, I bought my ex the game a couple years back. Everyone in her household who played it loved the story and her sister even told me how Dimentio was her favorite character. That's essentially picking a random group of people (she wasn't nearly as interested in the Mario series as me) to play it. If only 1% of people who played the game liked the story, the chances of them liking it are 1% as well.

Anecdote is not the plural of data
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS said:
There's absolutely no way all the fans I've seen of SPM's story are that much of a minority. Especially considering everyone who did the survey HAD to have played SPM, or else just bought, registered, and never played it. So that means of everyone who played SPM, not 1% liked the story. Nearly impossible considering all the fans I have personally met and seen on the Internet.

At absolute worst, every person who liked SPM's story are 30 % of the ones who played the game.

Just to put that in perspective, I bought my ex the game a couple years back. Everyone in her household who played it loved the story and her sister even told me how Dimentio was her favorite character. That's essentially picking a random group of people (she wasn't nearly as interested in the Mario series as me) to play it. If only 1% of people who played the game liked the story, the chances of them liking it are 1% as well.
But it's the result of a survey... even if you consider the demographic and accessibility of the survey, <1% is very telling.