Why I don't care for Super Paper Mario

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS said:
If you don't care for story then RPGs aren't for you

That's a total non-sequitur statement

Pokemon has no story, neither do many action RPGs (i play Darkspore, it's an action RPG that's not story-oriented).

Seriously, you ducking admitted that you haven't played any games out of Mario. If you haven't, you've got no right to pull those statements out of your ass when you barely even unearthed the entire genre of RPGs
Well Mario RPGs are known for actually having developed stories, it's what sets them apart from other Mario games. Take that away and you have a less fun Mario platformer (sticker star)

I thought people hated Sticker Star for its bastardized gameplay. The purge of those elements are.only icing on the crap cake
Well personally if Sticker Star had a better story and more original characters, new villains, and kept the series traditions like having Merlon and co, starting out at Mario's house, Luigi and Bowser having dialogue, Luigi being either relevant to the plot or on his own adventure like TTYD, having a Pit of 100 trials, etc I would have still loved it despite the flawed gameplay.

I can even imagine what a Pit of 100 Trials in sticker star would have been like. Every tenth floor would have a crapload of stickers to refill your inventory with, and maybe the final reward would be an extremely rare Thing that's exclusive to the Pit.
i watched my brother play sticker star and it looked like the stupidest, most gimmicky battle method i'd ever seen

i mean honestly
It's basically a stripped-down version of the first two Paper Mario battle systems, with every move using up a sticker. The action commands are pretty much the same, at least for the jump stickers. hammer stickers work like Mario & Luigi rather than the Paper Mario games. My only real issue is that it's so dumbed down and basically requires you to use up your inventory.

If they had at least given Mario a standard jump and hammer move, and made the other changes I mentioned it would have still been a good game imo.

Chain Chomp partner should've stayed too though, along with another set of partners.
Sticker Star had good things going for it, it was just screwed up. I've complained about it before so i'm not going to do it now.

As for Super Paper Mario what an excellent game because it had the prefect balance between story, characters and gameplay to make you hooked and int rested the entire way through. The pacing is probably one of the best throughout the entire franchise. I actually really like it. I honestly don't find the story to be cliched, sure the main villain of the game (count bleck) wants to destroy everything which is the most cliched villain plot there is but the reason he wants to do it and the development Count Bleck goes through is very interesting to the point the plot starts to become unpredictable later. It's one of those stories where you think it's going to be really basic and predictable but makes you more curious and story advances especially when you pay attention to every line said in the game.
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS said:
If they had at least given Mario a standard jump and hammer move, and made the other changes I mentioned it would have still been a good game imo.
But that was also the reason Partners in Time was hated.

Baby Luigi said:
Second, SPM's story is cringe-worthy fan-fiction at best
This so much. Sure, there are some good elements, but the rest of the story on the other hand...
It has all the elements of fan fiction, the biggest being a cast of new characters that completely over shadow the actual main characters of the series.

Seriously the game might as well have been called super pixl tippi instead of super paper mario.

Oh yeah, speaking of pixls.

Two words: They suck.
Ninelevendo said:
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS said:
If they had at least given Mario a standard jump and hammer move, and made the other changes I mentioned it would have still been a good game imo.
But that was also the reason Partners in Time was hated.

"oh noez the hammer has to be given to those damn babies how dare they give those stupid babies some special new abilities"

seriously, why was that game singled out for having only jump and hammer? the other games didn't have anything outside of those either.
I think PiT's biggest problem is that it feels rushed.
I never had that feeling. I enjoyed it all the way.

The linear progression can just die though
Well its mainly after you defeat the Bowsers, it feels like they just wanted to wrap things up from there so they quickly toss you the remaining star shards and you go through a rather dull and lifeless final dungeon till all remaining plot points are very quickly wrapped up and the day is saved.
the final boss was freaking cool though
Well Baby Luigi has a starring role in a plot...as a hero not a dumbass in distress

that automatically makes it a masterpiece for me
but his most prominent character trait is being a pussy, he even saves the entire world by crying
He's supposed to be a pussy. He is after all, a baby. A baby version of a normally cowardly character. He's totally in character (being curious and naive, so he goes into quirky acts, but also being a huge scaredy-cat at the same time), so I'm totally fine with it.
At least PiT actually revolves around the main cast instead of them taking the backseat to annoying one off characters.
The reason PiT was hated was because you had to buy the special moves instead of using BP. Having a standard hammer and jump didn't lift the hate, if anything it added too it.

Not that I agree with that. Once you get the utili-free badge, (younger) Princess Shroob goes down in two hits, before she even attacks, which is fun.

Shroobs were a bit weird.
Mcmadness said:
At least PiT actually revolves around the main cast instead of them taking the backseat to annoying one off characters.
Without Mario and co. the world would have been destroyed in SPM. How dare it introduce some new interesting characters to frame the plot.
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS said:
Mcmadness said:
At least PiT actually revolves around the main cast instead of them taking the backseat to annoying one off characters.
Without Mario and co. the world would have been destroyed in SPM. How dare it introduce some new interesting characters to frame the plot.

The key word you are missing here is ''character'' Mario and co aren't important as characters, just plot devices. There is nothing wrong with introducing new characters but they should NEVER over shadow the people who are supposed to be the focus of the story. Ultimately they are thrown aside and its Bleck and Tippi who save everyone.
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS said:
How dare it introduce some new interesting characters to frame the plot.

those characters aren't interesting

Ninelevendo said:
The reason PiT was hated was because you had to buy the special moves instead of using BP.

items were better than bros. attacks anyway

you buy syrups instead of buying bros. items anyway, so it's not really THAT big of a difference
To put it in perspective, the original Paper Mario. What is it about? Mario's quest to save Peach and the world from a star rod enhanced Bowser, the Peach segments revolve around Peach and her dealing with Bowser's imprisonment with Twink helping her, Bowser's role as a villain is motivated by his desire to rule the world, have Peach for his own, and his desire to destroy Mario his arch enemy. There are various new characters introduced but the overall focus of the story never shifts away from these elements.