Good wishes aren't always good wishes

But :) :) s wrong and :waluigi: :waluigi: s wrong so you are screwed

I wish There was Yoshi power in normal Kirby games
Pinkie Pie said:
Granted, but they enslave all of mankind.

I wish I was Ninetails.

CharizardLover said:
Granted, but your tails are eternally dirty.

I wish for wings that support my body, nobody will hurt me, and no one will hurt m or eat me.

No, it's "Granted, but you get soaked in water".
Marstar2000 said:

Instead, she poisons you.

I wish I had a small, harmless, atom.

Um...I'm pretty sure if she poisons me, that's the same as killing. It's like if I do this to your wish:

Granted, but it enslaves you.

So again I wish for an attractive nonhuman girlfriend who doesn't kill me.
Granted, but your house is cluttered.

I wish for bacon. I don't lose anything as a result of eating the bacon. No one else gets bacon. I don't gain or lose weight before, during, or after the bacon-eating. There is no shortage of any food of quality before, during, or after the bacon. It is NOT turkey bacon. There is nothing other than a small amount of salt on the bacon. The bacon is cooked properly. I don't have to risk my life to get the bacon.
Luigi Bandicoot said:
Granted,she breaks up with you.

Wow, I should've really learned my lesson on that when I wished to be Saphira's soulmate. I have to be more specific.

Granted, but you become horrible addicted to the stuff.

I wish for an attractive nonhuman girlfriend who doesn't kill me and doesn't break up with me.
Granted, but she is an amazingly attractive German Shepard. You live a long and happy life with her, until she dies at the age of 12 (dogs dont live very long.)

I wish I had a soda vending machine with infinite soda.
Granted, but it only has Dr. Pepper.

I wish it would be Christmas already!