Good wishes aren't always good wishes

Granted but then you realize that, that wish was a waste so you change it to so you change it to:
I wish Yoshi was the best known Mario character.

I wish that I was a Allicorn and that the lli would not disappear, so I am not an acorn, and do not get eaten.
Granted, but the word "one" now means 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999.

I wish the next person to post would wish this wish. :rolleyes:
Granted, but I turn it into this.


I wish that I had Mario Party 7.
Granted, but your prize is to clean a toilet with a toothbrush.

I wish for world peace that lasts an eternity, and the duration of eternity, is the definition of eternity itself. And that Luigi Bandicoot does not grant this wish. (No offense)
Granted, they change it so that Yoshi becomes the zombies.

I wish that Wii Party was more popular.
Granted, it freezes you.

I wish that I had 4 Gamecube Controllers.
Granted, but there's a new Zombie out and the effect is super double uneffective, and the Zombie grows stronger because of it. You lose.

I wish for world peace that lasts an eternity, and the duration of eternity, is the definition of eternity itself, which no definitions change because of the granting of this wish.